Epilogue 3DS Demo.png


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This page is about the title screen of each game in the Rhythm Heaven Series. "I suppose" you may be looking for the Prologue, which acts like a title screen for the individual Rhythm Games?

The Title (タイトル?, Taitoru), also known as the Title Screen (タイトル?, Taitoru) in Rhythm Heaven Fever, is among the first screens displayed when launching a game in the Rhythm Heaven Series.

Rhythm Tengoku

Screenshot GBA Title.png

Upon booting up Rhythm Tengoku, the game displays a Health and Safety warning screen, after which is the proper title screen of the game. The logo appears as various circular clouds/bubbles with the individual characters spelling out the title within them. The text ノリ感UPに・・・ (Improve your sense of rhythm with...?) appears above the logo, and copyright information is listed beneath it. The individual clouds bounce to the beat of the music, surrounded by spinning stars on a blue background. The player is prompted to "PRESS A BUTTON", and pressing Ⓐ or START progresses to Rhythm-kan Check if there's no save data, or directly to the Menu otherwise.

If the player waits on the title screen, an opening scene plays, where Samurai Drummer welcomes the player to the game while playing the drums. The player can press Ⓐ, START or SELECT during this to return to the title screen. The player cannot return to the title screen from the Menu. Choosing to erase save data through the Options menu returns the player to the title screen, with all save data erased.

Screenshot GBA Title Demo.png

In Rhythm Tengoku Taikenban, the logo displays 体験版 (Taikenban?, Trial Version) underneath, and the game's price is displayed in the corner. The game's logo and price are also shown during the opening scene with Samurai Drummer. Pressing Ⓐ or START on the title screen progresses to the Game Select.

Screenshot Arcade Title.png

Upon first booting up the arcade version's machine, and passing through the NAOMI logo, system startup and legal warning screens, the game starts its title screen loop. First, the logos for Nintendo, J.P ROOM and "Presented by SEGA" (along with the main board's ID) are displayed, followed by the title screen, which plays out identically to the GBA version. In the corner, the amount of credits inserted (or "FREEPLAY" if that mode is enabled) is displayed. The player is prompted to insert the appropriate amount of credits if needed, after which they can "PRESS START BUTTON" to enter the game. Doing so progresses to a screen for selecting the amount of players, then Stage, and finally Rhythm Game.

When left alone, the game displays the High Score Ranking (ハイスコア ランキング?, Hai Sukoa Rankingu) screen, followed by a demo of a Rhythm Game (each cycle alternating between each 1P and 2P game sequentially), and then either the opening scene (in which Samurai Drummer welcomes the player to the game, which was also present in the GBA version), Neko Machine (which automatically starts playing its demo, but can be interacted with for a limited time) or Kokuhaku Machine (which can also be interacted with for a limited time). After this, it returns to the logos and title screen. The game also returns to the logos and title screen after the player finishes a Stage or chooses not to continue during a Game Over.

In the Sequence Test of the arcade version, there is an entry for the title screen which actually leads to the one from the GBA version, including its version of the Menu and Game Select, rather than the modified version made specifically for this port.

Rhythm Heaven

Screenshot DS Title.png

When booting up Rhythm Heaven, the Nintendo logo, along with credits for TSUNKU♂ and "Co-developed by TNX", are displayed, followed by the title screen proper. Similar to the previous game, the logo appears and pulsates to the beat of the music, along with stars spinning around it, and small circles appearing behind the logo. The background consists of various cyan circles in a pattern. Copyright information is displayed underneath the logo. On top of the Touch Screen, the player is given a "Lefty" button, with the instruction of "←Tap here if you're left-handed". If the player taps it and confirms the mode change, the title screen turns upside down, and a "Righty" button is provided instead, with the instruction of "Right-handed people, tap this→", which turns the title screen around again if tapped and the mode change is confirmed again. Either option gives a confirmation that the game is configured for the specified handedness, which is achieved by orienting the game screen such that the Touch Screen would be on the dominant hand's side.

In the middle of the Touch Screen is an icon with a smiling face (internally known as the Start Man[1]), who prompts the player to "Touch me!" Doing so replaces the face with various icons chosen at random on each boot up. These icons show either three Notes, the Dog, a face with round eyes and big lips resembling the yellow member of the RAPMEN (or DJ Yellow's Student without the eyebrows), Dog Ninja! sitting next to a lit candle, or a pair of flowers with smiling faces. While holding the icon, an arrow pointing up with the word "START" appears, and the Girl appears to instruct the player how to flick in order to start the game, as well as encourage them if they fail to do so. Moving the icon around the screen causes the character(s) within to face towards the center of the screen (or the flowers to expand their petals the further away they are from the center). If the player doesn't flick fast enough for the icon to reach the top of the screen, it falls down and the player is told to flick "Faster!!!"

If the player successfully flicks the icon off the top of the screen, they progress to the file select, where three save files are available. Note appears on the main screen, prompting the player to "Choose one!" If there is no save data, the file displays "NEW GAME", and choosing it gives the player a list of labels to pick from, as well as a back button. Picking a label asks the player to confirm if they want to start with the selected label, after which Note creates the save file[2], and the player progresses to the opening scene. Save files with data in them display the chosen label, the player's current Flow, and collected Medals. Choosing it gives the player the options to "START" the game with the selected save file, to "Change Label", or to erase the save file.

The player is given a list of 15 labels to choose from, with 13 more filling in the gaps when one or more are currently used by another save file. These labels are Me, Myself, You, Mine**, Dad, Mom, Grampa, Grandma, Cousin*, Grandson*, Big Bro, Nephew*, Li'l Bro, Niece*, Big Sis, Aunt*, Li'l Sis, Uncle*, Relative*, Friend, Pal, BF, GF, Bud*, Darling, Honey, Pres and Secret.

There are several unused labels as well, only two of which were translated: ムスコ (Son?), ムスメ (Daughter?)*, 兄(小) (Big Bro (Younger)?)*, a blank white rectangle, 姉(小) (Big Sis (Younger)?), 妹(大) (Li'l Sis (Older)?)*, (Husband?), (Wife?)*, Neighbor and Mystery.

Screenshot DS Title Demo Kiosk.png

The kiosk version of Rhythm Heaven Demo Version starts with the demo's logo on a white background, and a prompt to touch the screen. Doing so shows a seizure warning screen, progressing from which shows the logos and title screen similar to the full version. Here, "Demo Version" is added to the logo, and starting the game goes directly to Practice Flicking with no save files.

The DS Download version shows the logo on a white background, with the game asking the player if they are "Left or Right?"-handed. Confirming either choice leads directly to the opening scene with The Bandleader, rather than the game's actual title screen. Finishing the demo, or leaving the game unattended for long enough, returns to the initial title screen.

Rhythm Heaven Fever

Screenshot Wii Title.png

Upon booting up Rhythm Heaven Fever, and progressing past the strap safety screen, the title screen appears. First, some stars appear in time with the music, followed by the game's logo, which bounces to the beat of the music afterwards. The stars continue the spin indefinitely, while circles and stars appear from behind the logo. A girl appears holding a Wii Remote, repeatedly pressing Ⓐ and Ⓑ together on the beat while asking the player to do the same. Doing so progresses to the file select screen, where the player has four save files available. The background consists of two overlapping patterns of squares and circles.

If there is no save data, the file displays "NEW GAME", and choosing it gives the player a list of labels to pick from, as well as a back button, and the option to choose a Mii instead. Picking a label asks the player to confirm if they want to start with the selected label, after which the save file is created, and the player progresses to the Rhythm Test. Save files with data in them display the chosen label, the player's current Flow, and collected Medals. Choosing it gives the player the options to "Start" the game with the selected save file, delete it, or change the label. Exclusively in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, the player is also given the option between English and Japanese voices.

Screenshot Wii Title EU.png

The player is given a list of 15 labels to choose from, with each save file giving them different colors (top left file uses blue, top-right uses red, bottom-left uses green and bottom-right uses yellow). The same label cannot be used on more than one save file, and labels currently in use are shown darkened and can't be selected. In Rhythm Heaven Fever, these labels are Me, Friend, Pal, Mom, Dad, Myself, Grandma, Grampa, BF, GF, You, Big Bro, Big Sis, Li'l Bro and Li'l Sis. In the English version of Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, these are instead Me, Myself, Dad, Mom, Big Sis, Li'l Sis, Big Bro, Li'l Bro, Friend, Cousin, BF, GF, Grampa, Grandma and Grandson. The player can also use a Mii instead, though this option requires one to have already been created in the Mii Channel[3].

The player can return to the title screen at any time through the "Title Screen" button on the Game Menu.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix

Screenshot 3DS Title.png

Upon launching Rhythm Heaven Megamix, after the standard Nintendo 3DS logo and loading icon, the title screen appears. Several stars appear onscreen in time with the music, before the dark background with multicolored stripes is replaced with a white one with a multicolored pattern of circles, and the logo appears. The clouds forming the logo, as well as the text, bounce to the beat, with the stars included in the logo spinning on every other beat. The logo is surrounded by stars which continuously spin. The Touch Screen displays the copyright information and a notice for how to return to the HOME Menu. The player is prompted to "Press Ⓐ!"

Doing so progresses to the save data screen, with four columns representing each save file. Each file displays the chosen Mii and its name, as well as the Flow score. Empty files show a blank face placeholder and no name, with a Flow of 0. Choosing an empty file brings up the Mii selection screen, and choosing one automatically creates the file, and brings up the options to start the game, change the Mii, or delete the save file.

The player can "Return to Title" at any time through the Café's Settings menu.

Screenshot 3DS Title Demo.png

In Rhythm Heaven Megamix Demo, the text "Demo Version" is added in the top-left corner, as well as a button on the Touch Screen to purchase the full version from the Nintendo eShop. Advancing from the title screen gives the player the options to "Try Rhythm Games!" or "Challenge Land (Multiplayer)", as well as the option to change between Buttons and Simple Tap controls. Upon clearing the Rhythm Games, the player is shown a special "remix" to promote the full version of the game, after which the player can press Ⓐ to return to the title screen.


In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese タイトル Title
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Title
ConsoleWii Icon.pngTitle Screen
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Title
ConsoleWii Icon.pngTitle Screen
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Titre
ConsoleWii Icon.pngÉcran titre
ConsoleWii Icon.pngTitle screen
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish ConsoleDS Icon.pngTítulo
ConsoleWii Icon.pngInicio
Console3DS Icon.pngPantalla del título
ConsoleDS Icon.pngTitle
ConsoleWii Icon.pngStart
Console3DS Icon.pngTitle screen
Flag of Germany.svg German Titel
ConsoleWii Icon.pngStartseite
ConsoleWii Icon.pngHome page
Flag of Italy.svg Italian ConsoleDS Icon.pngTitolo
Schermo del titolo
ConsoleDS Icon.pngTitle
Title screen
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 타이틀 Title


  1. "start_man00" ~ internal filename for an animation used by the icon on the Title Screen, Rhythm Heaven
  2. "I'll create a save file for you. Pick a label for your new file!" ~ Note, Rhythm Heaven
  3. "Unable to find any Mii characters. Please go to the Mii Channel to create a new Mii." ~ System message on the file select, Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA/Arcade)
Rhythm Games Omake Corner
Kissa CouncelOmochaGameGame GBA B-4.pngGame GBA B-5.pngGame GBA B-6.png
KaratekaRhythm DatsumōMarcherAir BatterPachi Pachi SanninshūRemix 1
Shiroi ObakeGame GBA 2-2.pngKossori RatBaikin HakaseGame GBA 2-5.pngRemix 2
Game GBA 3-1.pngGame GBA 3-2.pngUsagi TobiGame GBA 3-4.pngGame GBA 3-5.pngRemix 3
QuizGame GBA 4-2.pngRhythm o ShūjiGame GBA 4-4.pngGame GBA 4-5.pngRemix 4
Hopping RoadNinjaGame GBA 5-3.pngGame GBA 5-4.pngTap DanceRemix 5
Bari Bari SanninshūGame GBA 6-2.pngCosmo DanceGame GBA 6-4.pngSuper TapRemix 6
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 7-4.pngGame GBA 7-5.pngRemix 7
Last Technician
Game GBA 8-1.pngGame GBA 8-2.pngGame GBA 8-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 8-5.pngRemix 8
Arcade Only (1P) Extra
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.pngGame GBA EX-5.pngGame GBA EX-6.png
Arcade Only (2P) STAGE 1
Game GBA 1-1.pngGame GBA 1-2.pngGame GBA 1-3.pngGame GBA 1-4.png
Game GBA 2-1.pngGame GBA 2-3.pngGame GBA 3-3.pngGame GBA 2-5.png
Game GBA 3-5.pngGame GBA 4-3.pngGame GBA 5-2.pngGame GBA 5-5.png
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 6-3.pngGame GBA 7-5.png
Game GBA 8-5.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 6-5.png
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.png
Rhythm Omocha
Game GBA T-1.gifGame GBA T-2.gifGame GBA T-3.gifGame GBA T-4.gif
Endless Games
Ura OtokoGame GBA E-2.pngGame GBA E-3.pngGame GBA E-4.png
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Games
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsGame DS 1-4.pngRemix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpGame DS 2-3.pngGame DS 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game DS 3-1.pngGame DS 3-2.pngGame DS 3-3.pngGame DS 3-4.pngRemix 3
Game DS 4-1.pngGame DS 4-2.pngGame DS 4-3.pngGame DS 4-4.pngRemix 4
Game DS 5-1.pngGame DS 5-2.pngGame DS 5-3.pngGame DS 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game DS 6-1.pngGame DS 6-2.pngGame DS 6-3.pngKarate ManRemix 6
Built to Scale 2Game DS 7-2.pngFrog Hop 2Game DS 7-4.pngRemix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Game DS 8-3.pngGame DS 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game DS 9-1.pngKarate Man 2Glee Club 2Game DS 9-4.pngRemix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Game DS 10-2.pngGame DS 10-3.pngGame DS 10-4.pngRemix 10
Medal Corner Endless Games
Game DS E-1.gifShoot-'Em-UpGame DS E-3.gifSamurai SliceGame DS E-5.gifGame DS E-6.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game DS T-1.gifGame DS T-2.gifGame DS T-3.gifGame DS T-4.gifGame DS T-5.gifGame DS T-6.gifGame DS T-7.gif
Guitar Lessons
★Basic Course★
Crop Stomp SongGlee Club SongBuilt to Scale SongFreeze Frame Song
Guitar Lessons
★Technical Course★
Munchy Monk SongSpace Soccer SongSplashdown SongFrog Hop 2
CafeGame DS B-Medal.pngGame DS B-Credit.pngGame DS B-Complete.png
TitlePractice FlickingMusic CornerReading CornerPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenRock 'n' Roll HallDevelopment HistoryDemoRhythm Tengoku Gold Comic
RTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgRTGCVCSoundtrack cover.jpgRhythmheaven MAINICON.png
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Medal Corner
Game Wii B-1.pngGame Wii B-2.pngGame Wii B-3.pngGame Wii B-4.pngNight Walk
Rhythm Games
Game Wii 1-1.pngGame Wii 1-2.pngGame Wii 1-3.pngGame Wii 1-4.pngRemix 1
Game Wii 2-1.pngGame Wii 2-2.pngGame Wii 2-3.pngGame Wii 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game Wii 3-1.pngBuilt to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1.pngGame Wii 4-2.pngMicro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1.pngFlipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3.pngGame Wii 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game Wii 6-1.pngGame Wii 6-2.pngGame Wii 6-3.pngGame Wii 6-4.pngRemix 6
Game Wii 7-1.pngGame Wii 7-2.pngGame Wii 7-3.pngKarate ManRemix 7
Game Wii 8-1.pngGame Wii 8-2.pngBuilt to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game Wii 9-1.pngGame Wii 9-2.pngGame Wii 9-3.pngGame Wii 9-4.pngRemix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3.pngKarate Man 2Remix 10
Two-Player Menu
Endless GamesFork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Endless Games
One Player
Game Wii E-4.gifGame Wii E-1.gifMunchy MonkGame Wii E-3.gifGame Wii E-4 JP.gifGame Wii E-5.gif
Endless Games
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1.gifGame Wii PE-2.gifGame Wii PE-3.gifGame Wii PE-4.gifGame Wii PE-5.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game Wii T-1.gifGame Wii T-2.gifGame Wii T-3.gifGame Wii T-4.gif
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3.gifGame Wii EX-4.gif
Miscellaneous Title ScreenRhythm TestMusic CornerReading MaterialPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenLive House OGUDevelopment HistorySeika Relay
MNRTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgDownload (6).jpgBtBRPSoundtrack cover.jpg
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Rhythm Games Earth World Honeybee Land
Karate ManGame 3DS ntrRobot S.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton S.pngGame 3DS ctrStep S.png
Machine Land
Game 3DS agbHair S.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus S.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle S.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket S.png
The First Gate
Game 3DS ntrCoinToss L.png
Citrus Land
Game 3DS agbClap S.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting S.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea S.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter S.png
Donut Land
Game 3DS agbRabbit L.pngGame 3DS ntrAirboard L.pngGame 3DS rvlBatting L.pngGame 3DS ctrChameleon L.png
The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land
Game 3DS agbGhost S.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong S.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma S.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat S.png
Songbird Land
Game 3DS agbShuji L.pngGame 3DS ntrBlueBirds L.pngGame 3DS rvlBird L.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai L.png
The Third Gate
Game 3DS ctrChicken L.png
Lush Woods Lush Tower
Game 3DS agbBatter L.pngGame 3DS ntrNinja L.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf L.pngGame 3DS ctrSumou L.pngGame 3DS remix LED.png
Honeybee Tower
Game 3DS rvlKarate 1.pngGame 3DS ntrRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton L.pngGame 3DS ctrStep L.pngGame 3DS remix 00.png
Machine Tower
Game 3DS agbHair L.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus L.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle L.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket L.pngGame 3DS remix 01.png
Citrus Tower
Game 3DS agbClap L.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting L.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea L.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter L.pngGame 3DS remix 02.png
Donut Tower
Game 3DS agbRat L.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol L.pngGame 3DS rvlManju L.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco L.pngGame 3DS remix 03.png
Barbershop Tower
Game 3DS agbGhost L.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong L.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma L.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat L.pngGame 3DS remix 04.png
Songbird Tower
Game 3DS agbTap L.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog L.pngGame 3DS rvlInterview L.pngGame 3DS ctrTango L.pngGame 3DS remix 05.png
Heaven World Star Land
Game 3DS agbTono L.pngGame 3DS ntrCameraMan L.pngGame 3DS rvlRocket L.pngGame 3DS ctrPillow L.png
Comet Land
Game 3DS agbMarcher L.pngGame 3DS ntrShugyo L.pngGame 3DS rvlSeesaw L.pngGame 3DS ctrBear L.png
Planet Land
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance L.pngGame 3DS ntrBackbeat L.pngGame 3DS rvlBook L.pngGame 3DS ctrTeppan L.png
The Fourth Gate
Game 3DS rvlSword L.png
Mamarin Palace Left-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbClap A.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol A.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle A.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco A.pngGame 3DS remix 06 2.png
Right-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbTap A.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog A.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf A.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai A.pngGame 3DS remix 07 2.png
Tibby's Mom
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance A.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong A.pngGame 3DS rvlManju A.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 4.pngGame 3DS remix TED 2.png
Shop Shop No. 1
Game 3DS agbHopping L.pngGame 3DS agbNightWalk L.pngGame 3DS agbQuiz L.png
Shop No. 2
Game 3DS ntrBoxShow L.pngGame 3DS ntrShortLive L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 2.png
Shop No. 3
Built to ScaleGame 3DS rvlDate L.pngGame 3DS rvlFishing L.png
Shop No. 4
Game 3DS rvlFork L.pngGame 3DS rvlRap L.pngGame 3DS rvlReceive L.png
Shop No. 5
Game 3DS rvlRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlRotation L.pngSamurai Slice
Shop No. 6
Game 3DS rvlSort L.pngGame 3DS rvlWatch L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 3.png
Sprite 3DS Mascot Boondog.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Dieter.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Shep.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Donna.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Hairold.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Eglantine.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Trey.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saffron.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saltwater.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Paprika.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Bertram.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Betty.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Tibby.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Philip.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Colin.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Tibby's Mom.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Barista.gifSprite 3DS Mascot The Goat.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Rupert.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Samurai Drummer.gif
Miscellaneous TitleIntroductionCaféFigure Fighter VSStableShopCoinsFlow BallRhythm ItemPlay MusicMuseumBadgesMascotsMemoriesTiming DisplayChallenge LandPerfect CampaignThe Rhythm LeagueDevelopment HistoryMonster TennisDemoRhythm Tengoku The Best Plus ComicRhythm Tengoku: The Uta Matsuri+