In this game, the player is in the place of Karate Joe's Father. This game mixes everything from all previous Karate Man games, featuring the following objects:
Perfect!/Ace!?: Father punches the object off-screen. For a barrel, he punches it and kicks away the bomb in it, smiling afterwards. During a combo, he successfully punches away the pots and uppercuts the barrel, breaking it apart. He reacts with a blush.
Early!/Late!?: Father mistimes the punch, causing him to wince as the object lands on the ground just in front of him. If the barrel is broken, the bomb is grazed, landing only a short distance away. Mistiming the first pot or the barrel in a combo has the same effect, and he reacts with a sad face.
Miss...?: Father gasps as the object flies past him. If the barrel is broken, the bomb falls to the ground. During a combo, if he misses the pot, he looks sad. If he misses the barrel by not uppercutting, he stands up, looking sad. If the player lets go of the button too soon or tries to do a combo at the wrong time, he spins out after doing the low kick. If the player attempts to do a combo on a kick barrel, Father knocks it away without breaking it.
Junior's Feedback
Your punching technique was...different. I didn't think anybody kicked like that... Your combos aren't so keen...
Eh. Passable.
Wow, those punches! Nobody kicks like you! You're the king of combos!
My father's most amazing trait is probably his vision. He can tell the color of a training light bulb in an instant and counter it. Will I ever be so quick?
This game is notable for being grouped with other arrange games, despite not being an arrange version of any game. It can be seen as an arrange version of all previous Karate Man games rather than any one in particular.
Father jumps while doing the uppercut for a combo. Functionally, aside from the combo being thrown one beat earlier compared to the Light Bulb than in Karate Man Combos!, it is still the same, however.
Karate Joe rates his Father's performance, while usually it's "the Master" who rates Karate Joe's performance.