The game is mechanically the same as the original; The player needs to screw on the robot heads by dropping the claw on them and letting go at the right time. In this game, though, the robots come at a much faster pace. In particular, there are several times where the player needs to screw in multiple white robots in a row. At multiple points in the song, the screen goes completely dark, leaving only some light spots left. This requires the player to focus less on visuals to do well.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The claw grabs the robots head in time, and screws it in correctly. The robot raises its arms and a heart to lights up on its body. The gray ones shout "Oh yeah!" (ヤッタ!?, Yatta!) while the white ones say "Let's go!" (ヨッシャ!?, Yossha!).
Early!/Late!?: The claw grabs the robot at an angle, causing a popping sound. Releasing too early makes the robot's head stick a sideways position, with the robot frowning. Releasing too late causes the robot's body to crack, sending it down the conveyor belt with blank white eyes and a dazed stance.
Miss...?: Missing the robot's head entirely causes it to go by on the conveyor belt. Hitting it way too early or way too late causes it to fall over. Releasing while screwing a robot causes it to fall over sideways. Releasing one of the two buttons while screwing causes the claw to release the robot from one side, causing it to fall over sideways. Screwing the head too far in causes the body to lift up and start turning, eventually sending the broken robot down the conveyor belt as it falls over.
Quality Report()
The foreman says...()
You made a lot of defective gray robots. Many white robots failed quality inspection. You seemed to panic in the dark.
The grey robots were defective. The white robots failed quality control. You got into a panic in the dark.
Eh. Good enough.
Good try.
You finished the gray robots well. The white robots passed inspection. You did your job even in the dark.
The grey robots were finished well. The white robots passed inspection. You did your job even in the dark!
()How can I improve quality at the factory...?
...And here is where we store the robot's sense of duty.
Just like the first Screwbot Factory was similar to Fillbots from Rhythm Heaven, this game is similar to Fillbots 2. Both games have no visual changes from the original, and also have lighting effects to confuse the player.