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While the title of this page is official, it comes from a non-English source. If an official name from an English source is found, the page should be moved to its appropriate title.
The game takes place at the Bon Festival. The Donpans must clap during the song. The player controls the one on the farthest right. When the song starts, the lyrics show up on the screen and highlight the words as they are sung. The player must clap along with the others when the word "Pan" is sung.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The player claps on the beat and the others smile.
Early!/Late!?: The player claps out of sync, and a "tick" sound is heard. The others either smile or glare depending on how much of the verse was missed. Yagura-chan at the top looks worried.
Miss...?: The player claps either claps off beat or does nothing while the others glare at her. Yagura-chan at the top looks worried in both instances.
(The People's Comments)
前半が いまひとつだったなぁ。 後半、もりさがっちゃってたなぁ。
(The first half wasn't very good.) (The second half got a little dreary.)
う~ん... まぁまぁ、 かな。 とりあえず... よしと します。
(Hmm...) (Well, I wonder.) (For now...) (All right.)
It plays the same as the 1P version, but the first player takes control of the girl in the orange kimono and the second controls the girl in the red kimono.
Yone: First, Nintendo created the basis for the song. I wrote the lyrics and music myself, asked a designer girl to sing the song, and had Tsunku♂ listen to it. Then, Tsunku♂ complimented me on my song, saying, "The singer is good". I had faint hopes that they might use the song as it was, but then, after that, Ami Tokito sang it for us. Even though it was just a draft, I put a lot of energy into it (laughs). The designer girl also voices Space Dance's "Turn Right" and "Kokuhaku Machine".
Tsunku♂: I wanted to include the phrase "Ninki Agare ba, Kyūryō agaru" in some way. When I wrote the lyrics, I tried to rhyme it with "Hanabi agare ba~" and thought, "What else will go up?" I thought of things like, "Tempura agetara, Cholesterol agaru" (laughs). Also, for the part "Sore hikkurikaette Dondodonpa-n" I asked Nintendo to re-draw the characters spinning around. I thought the audience would be excited to see them spinning at a live performance.
Although every other 2P game in Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade) received a 2P version of their arrange version as well, this one did not. I.e., there is no "Bon Dance 2P".