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While the title of this page is official, it comes from a non-English source. If an official name from an English source is found, the page should be moved to its appropriate title.
In this game, The Wandering Samurai is protecting a town from yōkai wearing tengu masks by slicing them. The player uses Ⓐ to quickly unsheathe, slice, and re-sheathe their sword in order to cut down the enemies moving to the beat of the music. Fog eventually creeps in to obscure the player's vision and forces them to use their sense of rhythm to best them. The more times the samurai succeeds in felling his enemies, the more intense his stance and hairstyle become.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The samurai slices the enemy directly in half.
Early!/Late!?: The samurai's sword smacks the enemy, causing it to tumble off the screen. His stance returns to the first one.
Miss...?: The enemy continues its path and hits the samurai, making him cry out in pain while flinging his entire body backward. His stance returns to the first one.
(The Spectator's Tale)
きほんが できてませんな。 てきが見えないと ダメっぽい... 速いのが ニガテみたい...
(Focus on the basics.) (You were bad in the fog...) (Not good at the fast parts...)
う~ん... まぁまぁ、 かな。 とりあえず... よしと します。
(Hmm...) (Well, I wonder.) (For now...) (All right.)
てきが見えなくても イイカンジ! 速いテンポが うまくとれてる! スローが おみごと!
(You did great in the dark!) (You did well during the fast tempo!) (The slow parts were perfect!)
The name of this game uses a nearly obsolete Japanese kana, ゐ (wi?), which is rarely used in modern Japanese. The modern spelling would be いあい斬り (Iai Slash?). "Iai" refers to the "art of quickly drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards". In short, a quick-draw sword technique.