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The player controls Woodcutter Bear, who is chopping firewood for the Lumbercats, this time in the dead of winter. Small wood takes only one hit to break, medium sized wood takes two hits to break and large wood takes four hits. The cats sometimes place other objects, confusing the bear. Near the end, multiple Lumbercats appear and dance in the background. At the very end, the bear has to chop open a fridge.
Perfect!/Ace!?: Woodcutter Bear splits the log in half. If he splits a different kind of object, he turns in confusion to the cat who placed it.
Early!/Late!?: Woodcutter Bear hits the log, but it bounces off to the side.
Miss...?: Woodcutter Bear never touches the log, causing it to fall off.
The Lumbercats Say
Try to quicken your pace. Fear not the giant logs! Hack fast--hack true! Show no mercy to the fridge.
Eh. Passable.
Makin' music and choppin' chores! You sliced through the giant logs like butter! You'll slice everything but the kitchen sink! Logs, soda cans, fridges--bring it!
The cats wear these all year long, which is probably why they use so much firewood in the winter. The bear hasn't decided if he should tell them about coats.