Epilogue 3DS Demo.png

Bouncy Road

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ConsoleGBA Icon.png Rhythm Tengoku
Hopping Road
The hopping round balls.
Those are good things.
Don't drop them!
ConsoleGBA Icon.png (Translation)
ConsoleArcade Icon.png Rhythm Tengoku
Hopping Road
The hopping round balls.
Those are good things.
Carry them without dropping them!
ConsoleArcade Icon.png (Translation)
Bouncy Road
See that ball bouncing down
the road? You wouldn't want
to let it fall...would you?
Console3DS Icon.png Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Bouncy Road
ConsoleGBA Icon.png
Prologue GBA Bouncy Road.png
ConsoleArcade Icon.png
Prologue Arcade Bouncy Road.png
Console3DS Icon.png
Prologue 3DS Bouncy Road.png
ConsoleGBA Icon.png 25
Console3DS Icon.png 91
Flow Balls Needed

Bouncy Road (ホッピングロード?, Hopping Road) is the 1st Rhythm Game of Stage 5 (25th overall) in Rhythm Tengoku and the 1st of Shop No. 1 (91st overall), costing 5 Flow Balls, in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

The arrange version, Hopping Road 2, appears in Last Technician of Rhythm Tengoku.


Screenshot GBA Hopping Road.png
Screenshot Arcade Hopping Road.png
Screenshot 3DS Bouncy Road.png

In this game, Urakata Aki to Ki need the player's help to bounce the balls along the long, curving stretch of circular platforms against a dark blue gradient. From the furthest platform, a ball spawns and begins to bounce along each of the platforms getting closer and closer to the screen. At the center and closest part of the screen is a yellow pole alongside a red pole, each holding platforms. As the ball approaches, it bounces along the other platforms in rhythm, until finally approaching the yellow and red poles, where the player must press Ⓐ then ✚ to bounce the ball across. The balls bounce at varying speeds, and in the latter half of the game, they appear in sets of two or three at a time.


  • Ⓐ/Tap: Bounce Yellow Pole
  • ✚/Tap: Bounce Red Pole

Timing Display

  • Perfect!/Ace!?: The ball bounces on the poles and continues its journey.
  • Early!/Late!?: In Rhythm Tengoku, the ball bounces on the poles a bit off the beat, potentially in midair. In Rhythm Heaven Megamix, it is impossible to time it as such[citation needed].
  • Miss...?: The ball bounces off the pole and falls into water.


ConsoleGBA Icon.png
かぜのウワサ (The Wind's Gossip)
GradingNG GBA.png
きほんが できてないよね。
連続ジャンプで ミスが目立ちすぎよね。
(Focus on the basics.)
(Your mistakes stand out on continuous hops.)
GradingOK GBA.png
まぁまぁ、 かな。
よしと します。
(Well, I wonder.)
(For now...)
(All right.)
GradingHI GBA.png
連続ジャンプが ファンタスティックだわ!
(The continuous hops are fantastic!)
(You had good timing!)
Console3DS Icon.png
Spheroid Impressions
GradingNG 3DS.png
You, uh, dropped many of us.
You panicked when we came down
in a group.
GradingOK 3DS.png
Eh. Passable.
GradingHI 3DS.png
Thanks for helping us along!
Even when there were lots of us,
you kept your cool.


ConsoleGBA Icon.png
GradingNG GBA.png
GradingOK GBA.png
GradingHI GBA.png
Epilogue GBA Bouncy Road NG.png Epilogue GBA Bouncy Road OK.png Epilogue GBA Bouncy Road HI.png
なかなか ムズカシー! けっこうな コンビネーションだったネ! かんたん かんたん♪
(Pretty difficult-!) (That was quite a combination!) (Easy easy♪)
ConsoleArcade Icon.png
GradingNG Arcade.png
GradingOK Arcade.png
GradingHI Arcade.png
Epilogue Arcade Bouncy Road NG.png Epilogue Arcade Bouncy Road OK.png Epilogue Arcade Bouncy Road HI.png
なかなか ムズカシー! けっこうな コンビネーションだったネ! かんたん かんたん♪
(Pretty difficult-!) (That was quite a combination!) (Easy easy♪)
Console3DS Icon.png
GradingNG 3DS.png
GradingOK 3DS.png
GradingHI 3DS.png
Epilogue 3DS Bouncy Road NG.png Epilogue 3DS Bouncy Road OK.png Epilogue 3DS Bouncy Road HI.png
Ow. Nice combo! Where's the challenge?

Rhythm Item

Apparatus Childhood's End
Sprite 3DS Rhythm Item Apparatus.png
Item holder.png
I bought this for my son because
I heard it was the big, popular toy
this year. It turns out that it's even
MORE popular with adults. They
build these huge structures and
hold tournaments and stuff!

Skill Star

The Skill Star appears at the midpoint of the game, where one medium and one fast ball appear.

Challenge Land

Bouncy Road appears in the following Challenge Train courses:




Development History

Main article: Bouncy Road/Development

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ホッピングロード Hopping Road
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Bouncy Road
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Bouncy Road
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Tempo mécano Mechanic tempo
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Bolas saltarinas Jumping balls
Flag of Germany.svg German Klackerkugeln Clackerballs
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Strada salterina Street jumping
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 통통 로드 Tonk-Tonk Road
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA/Arcade)
One Player
KaratekaRhythm DatsumōMarcherAir BatterPachi Pachi SanninshūRemix 1
Shiroi ObakeGame GBA 2-2.pngKossori RatBaikin HakaseGame GBA 2-5.pngRemix 2
Game GBA 3-1.pngGame GBA 3-2.pngUsagi TobiGame GBA 3-4.pngGame GBA 3-5.pngRemix 3
QuizGame GBA 4-2.pngRhythm o ShūjiGame GBA 4-4.pngGame GBA 4-5.pngRemix 4
Hopping RoadNinjaGame GBA 5-3.pngGame GBA 5-4.pngTap DanceRemix 5
Bari Bari SanninshūGame GBA 6-2.pngCosmo DanceGame GBA 6-4.pngSuper TapRemix 6

Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 7-4.pngGame GBA 7-5.pngRemix 7
Game GBA 8-1.pngGame GBA 8-2.pngGame GBA 8-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 8-5.pngRemix 8
Arcade Exclusive
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.pngGame GBA EX-5.pngGame GBA EX-6.png
Two Player
Game GBA 1-1.pngGame GBA 1-2.pngGame GBA 1-3.pngGame GBA 1-4.png
Game GBA 2-1.pngGame GBA 2-3.pngGame GBA 3-3.pngGame GBA 2-5.png
Game GBA 3-5.pngGame GBA 4-3.pngGame GBA 5-2.pngGame GBA 5-5.png
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 6-3.pngGame GBA 7-5.png
Game GBA 8-5.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 6-5.png
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.png
Rhythm Heaven
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsGame DS 1-4.pngRemix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpGame DS 2-3.pngGame DS 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game DS 3-1.pngGame DS 3-2.pngGame DS 3-3.pngGame DS 3-4.pngRemix 3
Game DS 4-1.pngGame DS 4-2.pngGame DS 4-3.pngGame DS 4-4.pngRemix 4
Game DS 5-1.pngGame DS 5-2.pngGame DS 5-3.pngGame DS 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game DS 6-1.pngGame DS 6-2.pngGame DS 6-3.pngKarate ManRemix 6
Game DS B-Credit.png
Built to Scale 2Game DS 7-2.pngFrog Hop 2Game DS 7-4.pngRemix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Game DS 8-3.pngGame DS 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game DS 9-1.pngKarate Man 2Glee Club 2Game DS 9-4.pngRemix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Game DS 10-2.pngGame DS 10-3.pngGame DS 10-4.pngRemix 10
Rhythm Heaven Fever
One Player
Game Wii 1-1.pngGame Wii 1-2.pngGame Wii 1-3.pngGame Wii 1-4.pngRemix 1
Game Wii 2-1.pngGame Wii 2-2.pngGame Wii 2-3.pngGame Wii 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game Wii 3-1.pngBuilt to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1.pngGame Wii 4-2.pngMicro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1.pngFlipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3.pngGame Wii 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game Wii 6-1.pngGame Wii 6-2.pngGame Wii 6-3.pngGame Wii 6-4.pngRemix 6
Game Wii 7-1.pngGame Wii 7-2.pngGame Wii 7-3.pngKarate ManRemix 7
Night Walk
Game Wii 8-1.pngGame Wii 8-2.pngBuilt to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game Wii 9-1.pngGame Wii 9-2.pngGame Wii 9-3.pngGame Wii 9-4.pngRemix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3.pngKarate Man 2Remix 10
Two Player
Fork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3.gifGame Wii EX-4.gif
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Earth World
Honeybee Land
Karate ManGame 3DS ntrRobot S.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton S.pngGame 3DS ctrStep S.png
Machine Land
Game 3DS agbHair S.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus S.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle S.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket S.png
The First Gate
Game 3DS ntrCoinToss L.png
Citrus Land
Game 3DS agbClap S.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting S.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea S.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter S.png
Donut Land
Game 3DS agbRabbit L.pngGame 3DS ntrAirboard L.pngGame 3DS rvlBatting L.pngGame 3DS ctrChameleon L.png
The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land

Game 3DS agbGhost S.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong S.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma S.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat S.png
Songbird Land
Game 3DS agbShuji L.pngGame 3DS ntrBlueBirds L.pngGame 3DS rvlBird L.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai L.png
The Third Gate
Game 3DS ctrChicken L.png

Lush Woods
Lush Tower
Game 3DS agbBatter L.pngGame 3DS ntrNinja L.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf L.pngGame 3DS ctrSumou L.pngGame 3DS remix LED.png
Honeybee Tower
Game 3DS rvlKarate 1.pngGame 3DS ntrRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton L.pngGame 3DS ctrStep L.pngGame 3DS remix 00.png
Machine Tower
Game 3DS agbHair L.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus L.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle L.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket L.pngGame 3DS remix 01.png
Citrus Tower
Game 3DS agbClap L.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting L.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea L.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter L.pngGame 3DS remix 02.png
Donut Tower
Game 3DS agbRat L.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol L.pngGame 3DS rvlManju L.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco L.pngGame 3DS remix 03.png
Barbershop Tower
Game 3DS agbGhost L.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong L.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma L.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat L.pngGame 3DS remix 04.png
Songbird Tower
Game 3DS agbTap L.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog L.pngGame 3DS rvlInterview L.pngGame 3DS ctrTango L.pngGame 3DS remix 05.png
Heaven World
Star Land
Game 3DS agbTono L.pngGame 3DS ntrCameraMan L.pngGame 3DS rvlRocket L.pngGame 3DS ctrPillow L.png
Comet Land
Game 3DS agbMarcher L.pngGame 3DS ntrShugyo L.pngGame 3DS rvlSeesaw L.pngGame 3DS ctrBear L.png
Planet Land
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance L.pngGame 3DS ntrBackbeat L.pngGame 3DS rvlBook L.pngGame 3DS ctrTeppan L.png
The Fourth Gate
Game 3DS rvlSword L.png
Mamarin Palace
Left-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbClap A.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol A.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle A.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco A.pngGame 3DS remix 06 2.png
Right-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbTap A.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog A.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf A.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai A.pngGame 3DS remix 07 2.png
Tibby's Mom

Game 3DS agbSpaceDance A.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong A.pngGame 3DS rvlManju A.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 4.pngGame 3DS remix TED 2.png

Shop No. 1
Game 3DS agbHopping L.pngGame 3DS agbNightWalk L.pngGame 3DS agbQuiz L.png
Shop No. 2
Game 3DS ntrBoxShow L.pngGame 3DS ntrShortLive L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 2.png
Shop No. 3
Built to ScaleGame 3DS rvlDate L.pngGame 3DS rvlFishing L.png
Shop No. 4
Game 3DS rvlFork L.pngGame 3DS rvlRap L.pngGame 3DS rvlReceive L.png
Shop No. 5
Game 3DS rvlRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlRotation L.pngSamurai Slice
Shop No. 6
Game 3DS rvlSort L.pngGame 3DS rvlWatch L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 3.png