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The player takes control of Lady Cupid, who must shoot her arrows upward in order to hit a bomb. Several blocks obstruct the path, so the player must time their shoots to the direct center of the grid. The player has a limited amount of arrows however, so it's important to hit as few as possible. the player starts with 50 arrows, and they are replenished with every stage cleared. The game does not show what stage the player has reached, however.
As the game progresses, the tempo increases, making it more difficult to hit with the proper timing. After clearing 10 stages, the tempo slows down to its initial speed, and the number of blocks increases, making timing more difficult and requiring more successful shots to clear. After clearing 20 stages, the tempo slows down to its initial speed again, and the blue blocks turn yellow, now requiring two shots to break rather than one.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The arrow is shot and hits the blocks in the middle. Hitting the bomb destroys all blocks, giving 1000 points, plus 10 each for every blue block (or 20 for every yellow block in later stages) remaining. The stage is cleared and the player receives more arrows for the next one (8 arrows for the first 10 stages, 16 arrows for the next 10 stages, and 32 arrows for the rest of the game).
Early!/Late!?: The arrow is shot and hits the blocks off to the side.
Miss...?: The player does nothing. Shooting arrows where there are no blocks effectively wastes one. Losing all arrows leads to a game over.