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The gameplay is the same as before, but the cues have been altered for some of the patterns. A new country-themed arrangement of Love Ooh Ooh Paradise plays in this game. The aesthetics of the game have been altered to match, with The Dazzles now wearing sheep herder dresses, flowers appearing instead of stars when the player successfully poses, and sheep periodically appearing the screen instead of Stars.
Perfect!/Ace!?: While crouching, the player crouches in sync with the others. When posing, the player's Dazzle has flowers emitting from her finger, and the audience applauds. The girls are all happy.
Early!/Late!?: While crouching, the player crouches slightly out of sync. When posing, the player's Dazzle poses slightly out of sync, causing no reaction from the audience. The other girls glare at her.
Miss...?: While crouching, the player's Dazzle either crouches when she's not supposed to, or misses the crouch entirely, ruining the routine. Either way, the other girls glare at her. If the player jumps when they're not supposed to, the other Dazzles stumble over and clutch their stomachs in embarrassment, canceling the current routine.
How'd you do?()
How'd you do?()
That show could have rocked harder. You need to practice the new moves.
That show could have rocked harder. You need to practise the new moves.
Hm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
Hmm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
That show rocked! You got the new moves down pat! You nailed the most important part!
That show rocked! You got the new moves down pat! You nailed the most important part!