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In this game, the player is the third of the low tide dance quartet, The Shrimp Scamperers, and must move in sync with the others to the beat. The shrimps exclaim "Together!" to start the pattern, followed by the announcer saying "One, two, three! Three, two, one!" to the beat. Occasionally, the shrimp pause, which shifts the next pattern to the next beat, before returning to the original beat afterwards. The announcer sometimes replaces "Three, two, one!" with "A, B, C!", indicating the shrimp have to jump backwards on "C!"
Perfect!/Ace!?: The player's shrimp hops along with the others.
Early!/Late!?: The player's shrimp hops along with the others, but slightly out of sync. Unlike most games, there's no visual or audio effect to indicate this.
Miss...?: The player's shrimp bumps into one of the other shrimps.
Dolphin Assessment()
Dolphin Diagnosis()
You, uh, kinda crowded the others. You had some trouble jumping back. You had trouble with the waits.
You were all over the place. Your jumps were a little off. You didn't listen to the instructions.
Eh. Good enough.
Good try.
Solid tail work out there! Really good leaping! You waited very patiently.
Your tail work was great! Your jumps were impressive. You know when to wait.
Humorously, whenever the Shrimp Scamperers pause, the dolphins in the background halt in midair.
The game's music and prologue jingle are similar to those of The☆Bon Odori.
The game is based around a pun that was lost in translation. The voice cues the backwards jump can refer to either "ABC", the first three letters of the English alphabet, or "Ebi Sea", with "Ebi" meaning "Shrimp" in Japanese.