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The gameplay is identical to Night Walk, except there are Biribiriuo floating in the air. The player needs to avoid jumping on the boxes where the fish are hovering. Otherwise, they get zapped, holding Play-Yan in place long enough for the platforms to disappear for him to fall down.
Perfect!/Ace!?: Play-Yan jumps from the box, spawning either a magic flower with a heart blossom, a lollipop, or an umbrella from it. If the sky is filled with stars, the last platform causes Play-Yan to rise up while holding a small star.
Early!/Late!?: Play-Yan jumps from the box, but the object comes out only halfway, with a red "NG" over it. If the sky is filled with stars, the last platform causes Play-Yan to rise up while holding a small star. If the player jumps on the first possible frame, this causes a magic flower with a heart blossom to come out halfway instead, leading Play-Yan to jump onto the next platform and inevitably fall off.
Miss...?: Play-Yan walks over the box, sending out a music note. This does not actually count as a miss on its own. If the player does not jump from a box on the edge of a platform, Play-Yan will grab the ledge, and fall down as the platforms disappear. If this happens, the game ends with a Try Again, regardless of how well the player played up to that point. If the player didn't open enough boxes to fill the sky with stars, the final platform doesn't release anything, leading Play-Yan to jump onto a lone platform with no path to continue, resulting in him falling down.
(Voices of the stars)
おっこちちゃったね... ノリが ガタガタです... わりと キメを はずしたよね。
(You fell...) (Your rhythm was off...) (You missed quite a few jumps.)
う~ん... まぁまぁ、 かな。 とりあえず... よしと します。
(Hmm...) (Well, I wonder.) (For now...) (All right.)
ゴール おめでとう!! キープ できてます! キメが バッチシだ!
(Congratulations on reaching the goal!) (You were able to keep the beat!) (Your jumps were right on the money!)