The Three Synchrettes are back, and this time they're performing in a tropical stage. The gameplay is nearly identical to the original. There are seals instead of dolphins, and the rhythm goes a bit faster and more complicated.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The player successfully dives underwater and successfully resurfaces matching the others' poses, prompting the crowd to cheer. When jumping out of the water, the synchrette and her seal perform a flip. The tossed synchrettes exclaim "Ally-oop!"
Early!/Late!?: The player mistimes diving, resurfacing or jumping, with a "doink" sound being heard. When resurfacing off the beat, the player flails out of the water in panic. When jumping out of the water at the wrong time, the synchrette pops out hanging onto the seal's tail, both having worried looks on their faces. The tossed synchrette flails around in the air helplessly.
Miss...?: The player does nothing, staying above or below the water at the wrong time. When resurfacing when the player is not supposed to, the synchrette flails out of the water in panic. When jumping out of the water when they're not supposed to, the synchrette pops out hanging onto the seal's tail, both having worried looks on their faces. The tossed synchrette flails around in the air helplessly.
The seals say...()
The seals say...()
Your sync stank! You got sloppy on the tough bits. You need to work on your speed.
Your sync stank! You got sloppy on the tough bits. You need to work on your speed.
Hm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
Hmm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
Now THAT is swimming! You showed some finesse. Good feeling of speed there!
Now THAT is swimming! You showed some finesse. Good feeling of speed there!
The player is able to tap to "dive" while the syncherette is in the air after a jump, and so is able to resurface and jump out of the water while the syncherette is visibly out of the water.