The player controls a chameleon, sitting on top of his owner's finger. He must eat bugs as they fly into his line of sight. Yellow bugs move at a constant pace, while red ones wait a few beats before quickly moving.
Multiple bugs may fly into the line of sight at a time, meaning the chameleon has to catch multiple at once. The game also changes the chameleon's placement on the screen. At one point, the Yankees holding the Chameleon are visible.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The chameleon catches the bug and swallows it, making it happy. The Yankees smile with joy.
Early!/Late!?: The bug will stops glowing and laughs, making the chameleon upset.
Miss...?: The chameleon misses the bug completely and it passes by. When the Yankees are visible, the red bug hits one of the men's nose in the process, while the other appears upset.
Pet Theories
The poor thing is famished... Those quick bugs are a bother. So many bugs, so little time.
Eh. Passable.
The chameleon appears well fed. Quick bugs don't bug it! Omnomnommm! You did it!
I bought this jar of Chameleon Wax because the chameleon keeps getting stuck on the walls. With this stuff applied to his feet, he just slides right down!