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The overall gameplay of this game is nearly identical to the original. The music is extended, however, and there are more dumplings to eat. The aesthetics differ from the original, now taking place in the circus.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The dumpling flies into the monk's mouth and he successfully swallows it. If not interrupted, he blushes and smiles afterward while his mustache starts growing up.
Early!/Late!?: The dumpling flies and hits the monk's nose, making it turn red as he frowns.
Miss...?: The dumpling falls out of the Monk's hand, accompanied by a "doink" noise. If the player tries hitting the monk's hand just as the dumping is being placed on it, it hits him square in the face, with the monk looking confused.
A Word from the Master()
A Word from the Master()
The first half needs work. You got tired toward the end. You seemed to lose focus...
The first half needs work. You got tired toward the end. You seemed to lose focus...
Hm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
Hmm... Good enough... I don't know... I guess that was all right.
The first half was perfect! The second half was flawless! You stayed true to the very end!
The first half was perfect! The second half was flawless! You stayed true to the very end!
Like in Munchy Monk, the player is oddly able to flick in this game in Rhythm Heaven, despite this action not doing anything. This trait is shared with Shoot-'Em-Up, Freeze Frame and Drummer Duel. All other games that don't use the flick don't allow the player to perform it.