Karate Man/Development

< Karate Man
Revision as of 22:51, 25 October 2024 by Tox (talk | contribs)
Epilogue 3DS Board Meeting Short NG.png
Epilogue 3DS Freeze Frame OK.png
Epilogue 3DS Rat Race NG.png

Rhythm Tengoku

Karateka consists of the following versions in Rhythm Tengoku:

No. Image Used in
Screenshot GBA Karateka.png
Remix 1
Remix 6
Remix 7
Remix 8
Dance Lesson 1
Screenshot GBA Karateka Unused 1.png
Screenshot GBA Karateka Remix 8.png
Remix 8
Screenshot GBA Karateka 2.png
Karateka 2

Unused Content

Version 01 goes unused in the game, and has weird properties. The first and most obvious is that a crudely drawn face appears in the background in response to the player's performance. While two faces can be seen when successfully punching objects or missing, a third face is loaded from the start but never shown. No face appears if the player misses completely. The other odd property is punching objects while the gauge is low plays the same punching sounds as when it's high[1].

Ace! Early!/Late! Unused
Screenshot GBA Karateka Unused 1.png
Screenshot GBA Karateka Unused 2.png
Screenshot GBA Karateka Unused 3.png

Rhythm Heaven

Karate Man consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven:

Internal Name Image Used in
Screenshot DS Karate Man Remix 8.png
Karate Man
Remix 8
Remix 10
Screenshot DS Karate Man Remix 9.png
Karate Man 2
Remix 9
Screenshot DS Karate Man Remix 6.png
Remix 6

Unused Content

Every single sprite from Karateka in Rhythm Tengoku was ported over, with several sprites going unused in Rhythm Heaven. Some were however changed, namely Karate Joe's face was made a separate sprite from his body, and a shading error in one frame of the straight punch animation (which was previously only visible in Remix 8 in Rhythm Tengoku) was fixed.

Kicks DS Happy.png
Kicks DS Sad.png

Rhythm Heaven Fever

Karate Man consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Fever:

Internal Name Image Used in
Screenshot Wii Karate Man.png
Karate Man
Screenshot Wii Karate Man 2.png
Karate Man 2
Screenshot Wii Karate Man Two Player.png
Karate Man (Two Player)
Screenshot Wii Karate Man Remix 7.png
Remix 7
Screenshot Wii Karate Man Remix 9 ver3.png
Remix 9
Screenshot Wii Karate Man Remix 10.png
Remix 10

Unused Content

There is an unused sprite for a "Hit 2!" signal. While this did appear in Karateka in Rhythm Tengoku, it does not return in Rhythm Heaven Fever. A "1" sprite is also leftover.

Hit 1.png
Hit 2.png

Regional Differences

Usually, the prologue used between Rhythm Heaven Fever and the English version of Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, aside from remixes, is identical. However, the English version of Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise has the one for Karate Man 2 changed to re-encode the "2" in the logo from I8 to IA8 (allowing the image to support transparency, although in practice this is seemingly redundant), and making the "2" stay in place when Karate Joe punches through the logo, matching the other languages available in this version.


The Japanese voice clip for "Hit 4!" (4っ!?, Yo tsu!), specifically the "Yo" part, is repurposed from an unused voice clip from Rhythm Heaven.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix

Karate Man consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Megamix:

Internal Name Image Used in
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man.png
Karate Man
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man Returns!.png
Karate Man Returns!
Right-Hand Remix
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man Kicks!.png
Karate Man Kicks!
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man Combos!.png
Karate Man Combos!
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man Senior.png
Karate Man Senior
Final Remix
Screenshot 3DS Karate Man Returns! Honeybee Remix.png
Honeybee Remix

Early Ideas

The song for the short version of Karate Man was rewritten several times. The second proposal for it was repurposed for Karate Man Senior instead[2].

Unused Content

All objects can be used in all versions, though not all versions have sprites to go along with them. Karate Man, Karate Man Returns! and Honeybee Remix do not have sprites for the blinking Light Bulb, rendering them invisible. There are sprites of Karate Joe performing the kicks and combos in all versions, regardless if the moves are used in those games. Notably, the kick stance uses an older sprite in versions outside of Karate Man Kicks! and Karate Man Senior, resembling the one in Rhythm Heaven. Although this stance is still used for a single frame if the player punches open a barrel but never kicks.

Various features from Rhythm Heaven Fever are leftover, such as the recoloring used at the end of Remix 9, the "Hit 4!" cue and offbeat rock from Karate Man 2, and the unused "Hit 2!" image.

The Space Umpire exists as a punchable object in Karate Man, with a unique sound effect for punching it. Interestingly, while it does have a sprite in Karate Man Senior, the object itself uses the blue glow intended for Light Bulbs instead.

Others Combos! Senior
Unused Alien KM.png
Unused Alien KMC.png
Unused Alien KMS.png

Regional Differences

The "来る!" (Kuru!?, Incoming!) signal at the end of Karate Man Returns! and the middle of Honeybee Remix were both replaced with "Grr!", reused from other parts of the game, in Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Rhythm Paradise Megamix and Rhythm Sesang: The Best+. This is due to this cue being reused for the combos in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where it was localized as "Combo!". The 来る! (Kuru!?, Incoming!) signal lasts three beats in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+, while the "Grr!" replacement lasts only one. Oddly, there is a subroutine to display "Grr!" for three beats, but it goes unused.

In Rhythm Sesang: The Best+, the color of the stripes in the Superb epilogue to Karate Man Kicks! was changed.

Console3DS Icon.png
GradingNG 3DS.png
GradingOK 3DS.png
GradingHI 3DS.png
Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! NG.png Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! OK.png Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! HI.png
My feet just aren't feeling it... The stomach carries the legs! Ayaaahhh!
Console3DS Icon.png
GradingNG 3DS.png
GradingOK 3DS.png
GradingHI 3DS.png
Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! NG.png Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! OK.png Epilogue 3DS Karate Man Kicks! KR HI.png
(Flag of the United States.svg)좀 더 수행이 필요하다. 일단 밥부터 먹자. 아뵤오오오옹!!

(Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg)(A little more practice is required.)

(Let's eat rice first.)



  1. Karate Man (Version 1)
  2. "あと、やはり僕的にも任天堂さんチームにしても「カラテ家」にはとてもこだわりが強く、曲を何度提出してもなんかしっくりこなかったり、任天堂さんのリクエストのまま曲をつくると「ちょっとイメージ違うんやけどなぁ」なんて思いながら2、3度やり取りしてやり直しをしましたね。2回目に提出した「カラテ家」用の曲がマイナーでギターが激しかったんですが、あまりにも激しくってイケてるので、最初の方に登場する「カラテ家」でなく終盤戦に出てくる方に使用されたり・・・。まあ、そんないろいろあって出来上がったゲームだと思います。" (And then of course I think for Nintendo’s team as well, they had a passion for “Karateka,” and we had several bouts of back and forth where the songs I wrote didn’t quite fit, and if I made a song just as instructed by Nintendo I’d rewrite it two or three times thinking, “But it doesn’t really line up with the image.” The second proposal I wrote for “Karateka” had this furious guitar in a minor key, and that furiousness rocked - so while we didn’t use it with “Karateka”, which comes at the beginning, we did use it during the final battle…Anyhow, it’s the kind of game where these kinds of things came up.) ~ Tsunku♂, 社長が書面で訊く『リズム天国 ザ・ベスト+』|ニンテンドー3DS|任天堂 (President Asks in Writing "Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+" | Nintendo 3DS | Nintendo), translation from Iwata Asks in Writing: “Rhythm Heaven Megamix” - Feature - Nintendo World Report
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA/Arcade)
Rhythm Games Omake Corner
Kissa CouncelOmochaGameGame GBA B-4.pngGame GBA B-5.pngGame GBA B-6.png
KaratekaRhythm DatsumōMarcherAir BatterPachi Pachi SanninshūRemix 1
Shiroi ObakeGame GBA 2-2.pngKossori RatBaikin HakaseGame GBA 2-5.pngRemix 2
Game GBA 3-1.pngGame GBA 3-2.pngUsagi TobiGame GBA 3-4.pngGame GBA 3-5.pngRemix 3
QuizGame GBA 4-2.pngRhythm o ShūjiGame GBA 4-4.pngGame GBA 4-5.pngRemix 4
Hopping RoadNinjaGame GBA 5-3.pngGame GBA 5-4.pngTap DanceRemix 5
Bari Bari SanninshūGame GBA 6-2.pngCosmo DanceGame GBA 6-4.pngSuper TapRemix 6
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 7-4.pngGame GBA 7-5.pngRemix 7
Last Technician
Game GBA 8-1.pngGame GBA 8-2.pngGame GBA 8-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 8-5.pngRemix 8
Arcade Only (1P) Extra
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.pngGame GBA EX-5.pngGame GBA EX-6.png
Arcade Only (2P) STAGE 1
Game GBA 1-1.pngGame GBA 1-2.pngGame GBA 1-3.pngGame GBA 1-4.png
Game GBA 2-1.pngGame GBA 2-3.pngGame GBA 3-3.pngGame GBA 2-5.png
Game GBA 3-5.pngGame GBA 4-3.pngGame GBA 5-2.pngGame GBA 5-5.png
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 6-3.pngGame GBA 7-5.png
Game GBA 8-5.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 6-5.png
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.png
Rhythm Omocha
Game GBA T-1.gifGame GBA T-2.gifGame GBA T-3.gifGame GBA T-4.gif
Endless Games
Ura OtokoGame GBA E-2.pngGame GBA E-3.pngGame GBA E-4.png
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Games
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsGame DS 1-4.pngRemix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpGame DS 2-3.pngGame DS 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game DS 3-1.pngGame DS 3-2.pngGame DS 3-3.pngGame DS 3-4.pngRemix 3
Game DS 4-1.pngGame DS 4-2.pngGame DS 4-3.pngGame DS 4-4.pngRemix 4
Game DS 5-1.pngGame DS 5-2.pngGame DS 5-3.pngGame DS 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game DS 6-1.pngGame DS 6-2.pngGame DS 6-3.pngKarate ManRemix 6
Built to Scale 2Game DS 7-2.pngFrog Hop 2Game DS 7-4.pngRemix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Game DS 8-3.pngGame DS 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game DS 9-1.pngKarate Man 2Glee Club 2Game DS 9-4.pngRemix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Game DS 10-2.pngGame DS 10-3.pngGame DS 10-4.pngRemix 10
Medal Corner Endless Games
Game DS E-1.gifShoot-'Em-UpGame DS E-3.gifSamurai SliceGame DS E-5.gifGame DS E-6.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game DS T-1.gifGame DS T-2.gifGame DS T-3.gifGame DS T-4.gifGame DS T-5.gifGame DS T-6.gifGame DS T-7.gif
Guitar Lessons
★Basic Course★
Crop Stomp SongGlee Club SongBuilt to Scale SongFreeze Frame Song
Guitar Lessons
★Technical Course★
Munchy Monk SongSpace Soccer SongSplashdown SongFrog Hop 2
CafeGame DS B-Medal.pngGame DS B-Credit.pngGame DS B-Complete.png
TitlePractice FlickingMusic CornerReading CornerPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenRock 'n' Roll HallDevelopment HistoryDemoRhythm Tengoku Gold Comic
RTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgRTGCVCSoundtrack cover.jpgRhythmheaven MAINICON.png
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Medal Corner
Game Wii B-1.pngGame Wii B-2.pngGame Wii B-3.pngGame Wii B-4.pngNight Walk
Rhythm Games
Game Wii 1-1.pngGame Wii 1-2.pngGame Wii 1-3.pngGame Wii 1-4.pngRemix 1
Game Wii 2-1.pngGame Wii 2-2.pngGame Wii 2-3.pngGame Wii 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game Wii 3-1.pngBuilt to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1.pngGame Wii 4-2.pngMicro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1.pngFlipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3.pngGame Wii 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game Wii 6-1.pngGame Wii 6-2.pngGame Wii 6-3.pngGame Wii 6-4.pngRemix 6
Game Wii 7-1.pngGame Wii 7-2.pngGame Wii 7-3.pngKarate ManRemix 7
Game Wii 8-1.pngGame Wii 8-2.pngBuilt to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game Wii 9-1.pngGame Wii 9-2.pngGame Wii 9-3.pngGame Wii 9-4.pngRemix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3.pngKarate Man 2Remix 10
Two-Player Menu
Endless GamesFork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Endless Games
One Player
Game Wii E-4.gifGame Wii E-1.gifMunchy MonkGame Wii E-3.gifGame Wii E-4 JP.gifGame Wii E-5.gif
Endless Games
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1.gifGame Wii PE-2.gifGame Wii PE-3.gifGame Wii PE-4.gifGame Wii PE-5.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game Wii T-1.gifGame Wii T-2.gifGame Wii T-3.gifGame Wii T-4.gif
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3.gifGame Wii EX-4.gif
Miscellaneous Title ScreenRhythm TestMusic CornerReading MaterialPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenLive House OGUDevelopment HistorySeika Relay
MNRTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgDownload (6).jpgBtBRPSoundtrack cover.jpg
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Rhythm Games Earth World Honeybee Land
Karate ManGame 3DS ntrRobot S.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton S.pngGame 3DS ctrStep S.png
Machine Land
Game 3DS agbHair S.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus S.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle S.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket S.png
The First Gate
Game 3DS ntrCoinToss L.png
Citrus Land
Game 3DS agbClap S.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting S.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea S.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter S.png
Donut Land
Game 3DS agbRabbit L.pngGame 3DS ntrAirboard L.pngGame 3DS rvlBatting L.pngGame 3DS ctrChameleon L.png
The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land
Game 3DS agbGhost S.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong S.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma S.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat S.png
Songbird Land
Game 3DS agbShuji L.pngGame 3DS ntrBlueBirds L.pngGame 3DS rvlBird L.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai L.png
The Third Gate
Game 3DS ctrChicken L.png
Lush Woods Lush Tower
Game 3DS agbBatter L.pngGame 3DS ntrNinja L.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf L.pngGame 3DS ctrSumou L.pngGame 3DS remix LED.png
Honeybee Tower
Game 3DS rvlKarate 1.pngGame 3DS ntrRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton L.pngGame 3DS ctrStep L.pngGame 3DS remix 00.png
Machine Tower
Game 3DS agbHair L.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus L.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle L.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket L.pngGame 3DS remix 01.png
Citrus Tower
Game 3DS agbClap L.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting L.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea L.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter L.pngGame 3DS remix 02.png
Donut Tower
Game 3DS agbRat L.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol L.pngGame 3DS rvlManju L.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco L.pngGame 3DS remix 03.png
Barbershop Tower
Game 3DS agbGhost L.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong L.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma L.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat L.pngGame 3DS remix 04.png
Songbird Tower
Game 3DS agbTap L.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog L.pngGame 3DS rvlInterview L.pngGame 3DS ctrTango L.pngGame 3DS remix 05.png
Heaven World Star Land
Game 3DS agbTono L.pngGame 3DS ntrCameraMan L.pngGame 3DS rvlRocket L.pngGame 3DS ctrPillow L.png
Comet Land
Game 3DS agbMarcher L.pngGame 3DS ntrShugyo L.pngGame 3DS rvlSeesaw L.pngGame 3DS ctrBear L.png
Planet Land
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance L.pngGame 3DS ntrBackbeat L.pngGame 3DS rvlBook L.pngGame 3DS ctrTeppan L.png
The Fourth Gate
Game 3DS rvlSword L.png
Mamarin Palace Left-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbClap A.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol A.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle A.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco A.pngGame 3DS remix 06 2.png
Right-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbTap A.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog A.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf A.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai A.pngGame 3DS remix 07 2.png
Tibby's Mom
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance A.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong A.pngGame 3DS rvlManju A.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 4.pngGame 3DS remix TED 2.png
Shop Shop No. 1
Game 3DS agbHopping L.pngGame 3DS agbNightWalk L.pngGame 3DS agbQuiz L.png
Shop No. 2
Game 3DS ntrBoxShow L.pngGame 3DS ntrShortLive L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 2.png
Shop No. 3
Built to ScaleGame 3DS rvlDate L.pngGame 3DS rvlFishing L.png
Shop No. 4
Game 3DS rvlFork L.pngGame 3DS rvlRap L.pngGame 3DS rvlReceive L.png
Shop No. 5
Game 3DS rvlRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlRotation L.pngSamurai Slice
Shop No. 6
Game 3DS rvlSort L.pngGame 3DS rvlWatch L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 3.png
Sprite 3DS Mascot Boondog.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Dieter.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Shep.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Donna.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Hairold.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Eglantine.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Trey.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saffron.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saltwater.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Paprika.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Bertram.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Betty.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Tibby.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Philip.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Colin.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Tibby's Mom.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Barista.gifSprite 3DS Mascot The Goat.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Rupert.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Samurai Drummer.gif
Miscellaneous TitleIntroductionCaféFigure Fighter VSStableShopCoinsFlow BallRhythm ItemPlay MusicMuseumBadgesMascotsMemoriesTiming DisplayChallenge LandPerfect CampaignThe Rhythm LeagueDevelopment HistoryMonster TennisDemoRhythm Tengoku The Best Plus ComicRhythm Tengoku: The Uta Matsuri+