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==''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''==
==''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''==
Several ideas for [[Rhythm Games]] that were not implemented in the final version of ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]'' are known to exist. It is mentioned that there are over 20 games cut from the game, which are listed below<ref>[ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。] (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)</ref>. These games were rejected because regardless of how well-made they are, if the rhythm doesn't feel right, they had to go<ref>"When we made Rhythm Tengoku for the Game Boy Advance, a large number of the individual rhythm games got rejected. Even if one was well-made, the theme was rhythm, so if it didn't feel right, the whole thing had to go." [[niwanetwork:Satoru Iwata|Satoru Iwata]] ~ [ Iwata Asks - Rhythm Heaven - Page 5]</ref>. Some games have remnants in the final game, while others were removed completely.
Several ideas for [[Rhythm Games]] that were not implemented in the final version of ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]'' are known to exist. It is mentioned that there are over 20 games cut from the game, which are listed below<ref>[ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。] (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)</ref>. These games were rejected because regardless of how well-made they are, if the rhythm doesn't feel right, they had to go<ref>"When we made Rhythm Tengoku for the Game Boy Advance, a large number of the individual rhythm games got rejected. Even if one was well-made, the theme was rhythm, so if it didn't feel right, the whole thing had to go." [[niwanetwork:Satoru Iwata|Satoru Iwata]] ~ [ Iwata Asks - Rhythm Heaven - Page 5]</ref>. Some games have remnants in the final game, while others were removed completely.
*There was a [[Rhythm Game]] where the player would press a button to swing a stick to strike things, then release it to return the stick back. However, the act of releasing the button to the rhythm was found to be unexpectedly difficult to understand, leading to the game being cut<ref>"ボタンを押すとキャラクターが棒を振って、さらにボタンを離すとその振った棒を戻す。その棒の動きで、ものを「しばく」というリズムゲームがあったんです。 しかし、リズムに合わせてボタンを離すという行為が意外とシビアでわかりにくかったんですよね。「これは遊んでいても気持ちよくないだろう」ということで、製品版には入れずにボツにしたんです。ネタとしてはおもしろかったんですけど(笑)。 ちなみにボツになったリズムゲームは全部で20個以上もあるのですが、そのなかには、このようなタイトルの作品がありました。" (When the button is pressed, the character swings a stick, and when the button is released, the swinging stick is returned. There was a rhythm game in which you "strike" things with the movement of the stick. However, the act of releasing the button in time with the rhythm was unexpectedly severe and difficult to understand. We decided not to include it in the production version because we thought it wouldn't be pleasant to play. It was interesting as a story (laughs). Incidentally, there are more than 20 rejected rhythm games in total, among which there was one with a title like this.) ~ [[niwanetwork:Kazuyoshi Osawa|Kazuyoshi Osawa]], [ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。] (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)</ref>. [[Ninja Bodyguard]] in [[Remix 5 (GBA)|Remix 5]] and [[Ninja no Shison]] show [[Tanaka|a character]] that slices rocks with a stick, which may have been inspired by this idea.
*{{Nihongo|Shibaku|「しばく」|Strike}}: The player would press a button to swing a stick to strike things, then release it to return the stick back. However, the act of releasing the button to the rhythm was found to be unexpectedly difficult to understand, leading to the game being cut<ref>"ボタンを押すとキャラクターが棒を振って、さらにボタンを離すとその振った棒を戻す。その棒の動きで、ものを「しばく」というリズムゲームがあったんです。 しかし、リズムに合わせてボタンを離すという行為が意外とシビアでわかりにくかったんですよね。「これは遊んでいても気持ちよくないだろう」ということで、製品版には入れずにボツにしたんです。ネタとしてはおもしろかったんですけど(笑)。 ちなみにボツになったリズムゲームは全部で20個以上もあるのですが、そのなかには、このようなタイトルの作品がありました。" (When the button is pressed, the character shakes a stick, and when the button is released, the character returns the stick. There was a rhythm game in which the character would use the movements of the stick to “hit” objects. However, the act of releasing the button in time with the rhythm was unexpectedly severe and difficult to understand. We decided not to include it in the final version because we thought it would not be pleasant to play. It was fun as a story (laughs). Incidentally, there are more than 20 rhythm games that were rejected, and among them was one with this title.) ~ [[niwanetwork:Kazuyoshi Osawa|Kazuyoshi Osawa]], [ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。] (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)</ref>. [[Ninja Bodyguard]] in [[Remix 5 (GBA)|Remix 5]] and [[Ninja no Shison]] show [[Tanaka|a character]] that slices rocks with a stick, which may have been inspired by this idea.
*{{Nihongo|Kuma|『くま』|Bear}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_kuma_hit", "s_kuma_miss" and "s_kuma_sakana" (Sakana meaning "fish"). The last of these was repurposed for [[Iai Giri]].
*{{Nihongo|Kuma|『くま』|Bear}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_kuma_hit", "s_kuma_miss" and "s_kuma_sakana" (Sakana meaning "fish"). The last of these was repurposed for [[Iai Giri]].
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*{{Nihongo|Kawasemi|『かわせみ』|Kingfisher}}: This game has leftover music, labeled "s_kawasemi_bgm" and "s_kawasemi_frase".
*{{Nihongo|Kawasemi|『かわせみ』|Kingfisher}}: This game has leftover music, labeled "s_kawasemi_bgm" and "s_kawasemi_frase".
*{{Nihongo|Key Toy|『キートイ』|Kī Toi}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_keytoy_count1" and "s_keytoy_count2". These sound similar to the timer sound effects used in [[Quiz Show]].
*{{Nihongo|Key Toy|『キートイ』|Kī Toi}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_keytoy_count1" and "s_keytoy_count2". These sound similar to the timer sound effects used in [[Quiz Show]].
*{{Nihongo|Rockband|『ロックバンド』|Rokkubando}}: This game may have been developed from the initial prototype for ''[[Rhythm Tengoku/Development|Rhythm Tengoku]]'', in which the player would drum in a rockband<ref>[ Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven) GBA Prototype]</ref>{{better source}}. The prototype itself was reworked into [[Drum Lesson]] in the final game<ref>"つんく♂さんから企画書の持ち込みがあり、実際に『リズム天国』の構想がスタートしたのは2004年からなんですけど、じつは、その2年前の2002年にディレクター&チーフプログラマーである大澤がたまたま試作で、ボタンを押してドラムを叩くというドラムソフトを制作していたんです。 これは、『リズム天国』に収録されている『ドラムレッスン』の原型となっています。 当時、「こういうリズミカルなゲームをいつか出したいね」と話していたんですけど、そういう意味では、『リズム天国』のはじまりは、4年もまえになるんですよね。" (Tsunku♂ brought in a proposal and the actual conception of "Rhythm Tengoku" started in 2004, but two years before that, in 2002, the director and chief programmer Osawa happened to be working on a prototype of drum software, which involved pressing a button to beat a drum. This was the prototype for the "Drum Lesson" included in "Rhythm Tengoku". At the time, we were talking about how we wanted to release a rhythmical game like this one day, and in that sense, "Rhythm Tengoku" began four years ago. ~ [[niwanetwork:Katsuya Yamano|Katsuya Yamano]], [ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。] (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)</ref>, with Rockband possibly being reworked into [[Live]].
*{{Nihongo|[[Tanuki & Monkey]]|『たぬき&モンキー』|Tanuki & Monkī}}: This game is the only one from this group to be partially implemented, but innacessible.
*{{Nihongo|[[Tanuki & Monkey]]|『たぬき&モンキー』|Tanuki & Monkī}}: This game is the only one from this group to be partially implemented, but innacessible.
*{{Nihongo|Don to Tan no Kankei|『ドンとタンの関係』|Releationship Between Don and Tan}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_dontan_count" and "s_dontan_water". The former was repurposed as the cowbell noise used in [[Night Walk]], which has since been used as a counting sound in various other games.
*{{Nihongo|Don to Tan no Kankei|『ドンとタンの関係』|Releationship Between Don and Tan}}: This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_dontan_count" and "s_dontan_water". The former was repurposed as the cowbell noise used in [[Night Walk]], which has since been used as a counting sound in various other games.
The following games are found within the [[Sequence Test]], and are not mentioned by the developers.
The following games are found within the [[Sequence Test]], and are not mentioned by the developers.
*{{Nihongo|Dance Lesson 1|ダンスレッスン 1|Dansu Ressun 1}}: This game is an earlier version of [[Remix 1 (GBA)|Remix 1]], where [[Tap Trial]] replaces [[Rhythm Tweezers 2|Rhythm Datsumo]] and the [[remix]] itself is much longer<ref>[ Dance Lesson 1, Perfect Play]</ref>.
*{{Nihongo|[[Dance Lesson 1]]|ダンスレッスン 1|Dansu Ressun 1}}: This game is an earlier version of [[Remix 1 (GBA)|Remix 1]], where [[Tap Trial]] replaces [[Rhythm Tweezers 2|Rhythm Datsumo]] and the [[remix]] itself is much longer<ref>[ Dance Lesson 1, Perfect Play]</ref>.
*{{Nihongo|[[Rhythm o Shuji 2]]|リズムお習字 2|Rhythm Calligraphy 2}}: This game is mentioned in an unused gameplay history screen in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]'', found in the [[Sequence Test]], which lists all the games and things in the [[Medal Corner|Omaku Corner]], the average score the player currently has (using a numbering system from 0 to 1000 which is hidden from the player in normal gameplay), and the amount of plays. This game appears in the list, and the player's score is kept track on it, however no other content exists.
*{{Nihongo|[[Rhythm o Shuji 2]]|リズムお習字 2|Rhythm Calligraphy 2}}: This game is mentioned in an unused gameplay history screen in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]'', found in the [[Sequence Test]], though it does not have an entry of its own. From the name, it would have been the arrange version of [[Power Calligraphy]]. The save file does keep track of the player's score on this game, and there is a description for the Game Select, reusing the description from [[Power Calligraphy]] as a placeholder, however no playable content exists.
*{{Nihongo|[[Rap Women/Development|Rap Women (by KAZU)]]|ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU)|Rap Women (by KAZU)}}<ref>[ Rap Women (by KAZU) Perfect Play]</ref>: This game is a different version of [[Rap Women]] which contains many more offbeats. The used version in contrast is named {{Nihongo|Rap Women (by YONE)|ラップ ウィメン(by YONE)|Rap Women (by YONE)}} in [[Sequence Test]].
*{{Nihongo|[[Rap Women/Development|Rap Women (by KAZU)]]|ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU)|Rap Women (by KAZU)}}<ref>[ Rap Women (by KAZU) Perfect Play]</ref>: This game is a different version of [[Rap Women]] which contains many more offbeats. The used version in contrast is named {{Nihongo|Rap Women (by YONE)|ラップ ウィメン(by YONE)|Rap Women (by YONE)}} in [[Sequence Test]].
*{{Nihongo|[[Live/Development|Drum Girls]]|ドラムガールズ|Doramu Gāruzu}}: An unused version of [[Live]], in which the [[Drum Girls]] play the song from [[Bunny Hop]]<ref>[ Drum Girls: Bunny Hop (Unused) - Rhythm Tengoku]</ref>{{better source}}. It also contains a graphic not used anywhere else, reading {{Nihongo|"BUSY"}}, used during the eight-beat rests in the latter half of the song.
*{{Nihongo|[[Metronome]]|メトロノーム|Metoronōmu}}<ref>[ Metronome]</ref>: Here, the player must press Ⓐ as the needle passes over the bird on the top, playing basically the same as the first test in [[Rhythm-kan Check]]. It was reworked into [[Mr. Upbeat]] in the final game.
*{{Nihongo|[[Metronome]]|メトロノーム|Metoronōmu}}<ref>[ Metronome]</ref>: Here, the player must press Ⓐ as the needle passes over the bird on the top, playing basically the same as the first test in [[Rhythm-kan Check]]. It was reworked into [[Mr. Upbeat]] in the final game.
==''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''==
==''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''==
There are multiple [[Rhythm Games]] referenced in the sound banks of ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]'', with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.
There are multiple [[Rhythm Games]] referenced in the sound banks of ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]'', with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_SKA|Ska}}: Presumably this game would've been based around playing a brass instrument.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_TAP1|Tap 1}}: Some of the voice clips here where repurposed for [[Space Soccer]], and later [[Board Meeting]]. There is a BGM track as well as an accompanying voice track, "BGM_TAP" and "VOICE_TAP" respectively. "VOICE_TAP" makes use of some of the voice clips found here, giving an idea of what kind of cues may have been used.
**Curiously, [[Tap Troupe]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'' has a set of [[Tap Troupe/Development#Unused Content|unused sprites]] in the same art style as ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]'', which may be related to this game.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_TAP2|Tap 2}}: Additional voice clips for the above game. Some of the voice clips here where later repurposed for [[Karate Man 2 (Wii)|Karate Man 2]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'' and [[Pajama Party]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_PICK|Pick}}: Presumably a game based around using a guitar pick.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_EFFECT1|Effect 1}}: A sound test, meant primarily to test sounds related to tapping the screen, sliding the stylus around, and flicking<ref>[ Rhythm Heaven Sound Test]</ref>.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_EFFECT2|Effect 2}}: More sound effects for the above sound test.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_NAWA_TOBI|Jump Rope}}: Presumable this game would be about playing [[wikipedia:Skipping rope|jump rope]], possibly with a CPU controlled character alongside the player.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_AMBIENT|Ambient}}: This game has an accompanying BGM track, "BGM_AMBIENT".
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_SNOW|Snow}}: Presumably this game would be about snowballs.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_KAO|Face}}: Presumably this game would be about a kissing face.
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*{{Nihongo|SEQARC_VOLLEY|Volley}}: Presumably a game based on volleyball.
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*Some of the voice clips in SEQARC_TAP1 and SEQARC_TAP2 where reused in [[Space Soccer]], and later repurposed for [[Board Meeting]], [[Karate Man 2 (Wii)|Karate Man 2]] and [[Pajama Party]] in later games.
**Curiously, [[Tap Troupe]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'' has a set of unused sprites in the same art style as ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]'', which may be related to this game.
*SEQARC_EFFECT1 and SEQARC_EFFECT2 belong to a sound test, meant primarily to test sounds related to tapping the screen, sliding the stylus around, and flicking<ref>[ Rhythm Heaven Sound Test]</ref>.
*There is an unused sprite (the one meant to be seen on the [[Endless Games]] menu) internally named "demo_game_passboys". The sprite itself is blank.
*There is an unused sprite (the one meant to be seen on the [[Endless Games]] menu) internally named "demo_game_passboys". The sprite itself is blank.
==''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''==
==''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''==
There are multiple [[Rhythm Games]] referenced in the sound banks of ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'', with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.
There are multiple [[Rhythm Games]] referenced in the sound banks of ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'', with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.
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*{{Nihongo|ROLLER|Roller}}: Presumably this game would've involved the player controlling a character in a group of roller skaters, with a "roll" and "slide" cue of some kind.
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![[Glee Club 2|CHORUS MEN]]
*{{Nihongo|[[Glee Club 2|CHORUS MEN]]|Chorus Men}}: Presumably this game would've been a remake of [[Glee Club 2|Glee Club]], or possibly a new game based on it.
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*{{Nihongo|BOOMERANG|Boomerang}}: Presumably this game would've revolved around the player throwing and catching a boomerang.
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*{{Nihongo|HEITAI|Soldier}}: Presumably this game would've featured a soldier of some kind wielding a spear.
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*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRハチ|ctr_hachi|Hachi}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRハチ|ctr_hachi|Hachi}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRパラパラパラダイス|ctr_paradise_L|Para-Para-Paradise}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRパラパラパラダイス|ctr_paradise_L|Para-Para-Paradise}}
A most curious case is {{Nihongo|Monster Tennis|モンスターテニス|Monsutā Tenisu}}. Unused text strings (which, curiously, only exist in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenhan]]'') show it would play differently to normal [[Rhythm Games]], somehow requiring the player to use a Wii Remote<ref>"Wiiリモコンを振って、ボールを打ってネ。" (Swing the Wii Remote, and hit the ball.) ~ Unused Text for Monster Tennis, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenhan]]''</ref>, suggesting it was a scrapped project for the [[niwanetwork:Wii|Wii]] intended to be revived in this game. The player(s) have to use a tennis racket to fight monsters. Additionally, it would've featured four stages, several bosses and multiplayer.
A most curious case is {{Nihongo|Monster Tennis|モンスターテニス|Monsutā Tenisu}}. Unused text strings (which, curiously, only exist in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenban]]'') show it would play differently to normal [[Rhythm Games]], somehow requiring the player to use a Wii Remote<ref>"Wiiリモコンを振って、ボールを打ってネ。" (Swing the Wii Remote, and hit the ball.) ~ Unused Text for Monster Tennis, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenban]]''</ref>, suggesting it was a scrapped project for the [[niwanetwork:Wii|Wii]] intended to be revived in this game. The player(s) have to use a tennis racket to fight monsters. Additionally, it would've featured four stages, several bosses and multiplayer.
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRモンスターテニス00|ctr_tennis_S00|[[Monster Tennis|Monster Tennis]] Stage 1}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRモンスターテニス00|ctr_tennis_S00|[[Monster Tennis|Monster Tennis]] Stage 1}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRモンスターテニス01|ctr_tennis_S01|[[Monster Tennis|Monster Tennis]] Stage 2}}
*[[File:Game 3DS question.png|44px]] {{Nihongo|CTRモンスターテニス01|ctr_tennis_S01|[[Monster Tennis|Monster Tennis]] Stage 2}}

Revision as of 16:15, 15 September 2024

Epilogue 3DS Board Meeting Short NG.png

While the Rhythm Heaven Series boasts a large number of Rhythm Games, there also also many that did not make the cut. Below is a list of these scrapped games.

Rhythm Tengoku

Several ideas for Rhythm Games that were not implemented in the final version of Rhythm Tengoku are known to exist. It is mentioned that there are over 20 games cut from the game, which are listed below[1]. These games were rejected because regardless of how well-made they are, if the rhythm doesn't feel right, they had to go[2]. Some games have remnants in the final game, while others were removed completely.

  • Shibaku (「しばく」?, Strike): The player would press a button to swing a stick to strike things, then release it to return the stick back. However, the act of releasing the button to the rhythm was found to be unexpectedly difficult to understand, leading to the game being cut[3]. Ninja Bodyguard in Remix 5 and Ninja no Shison show a character that slices rocks with a stick, which may have been inspired by this idea.
  • Kuma (『くま』?, Bear): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_kuma_hit", "s_kuma_miss" and "s_kuma_sakana" (Sakana meaning "fish"). The last of these was repurposed for Iai Giri.
  • Fighter (『ファイター』?, Faitā)
  • Rhythm Batting (『リズムバッティング』?, Rizumu Battingu): This game has one leftover sound effect, labeled "s_rythm_bat_miss".
  • Awakudaki (『あわくだき』?, Awakudaki)
  • Drum Robo (『ドラムロボ』?, Doramu Robo)
  • Pickupper (『ピックアッパー』?, Pikkuappā)
  • Phrase (『フレーズ』?, Furēzu)
  • Box Man (『ボックスマン』?, Bokkusu Man)
  • Happa (『はっぱ』?, Happa)
  • Rhythm Taisō (『リズムたいそう』?, Rhythm Gymnastics)
  • Rhythm Cooking (『リズムクッキング』?, Rizumu Kukkingu)
  • Block (『ブロック』?, Burokku): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_block_gotin", "s_block_hit" and "s_block_walk". The second of these was repurposed for Showtime and Sick Beats.
  • Block 2 (『ブロック2』?, Burokku 2): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_block2_block" and "s_block2_fast".
  • Yurikago (『ゆりかご』?, Cradle): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_yuri_naki" and "s_yuri_yurasi". The former was repurposed as one of the results sounds in Rhythm-kan Check.
  • Uki (『ウキ』?, Float): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_uki_water1", "s_uki_water2" and "s_uki_water3".
  • Rhythm Art (『リズムアート』?, Rizumu Āto)
  • Heartbeat (『ハートビート』?, Hātobīto)
  • Guardman (『ガードマン』?, Gādoman)
  • Kawasemi (『かわせみ』?, Kingfisher): This game has leftover music, labeled "s_kawasemi_bgm" and "s_kawasemi_frase".
  • Key Toy (『キートイ』?, Kī Toi): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_keytoy_count1" and "s_keytoy_count2". These sound similar to the timer sound effects used in Quiz Show.
  • Rockband (『ロックバンド』?, Rokkubando): This game may have been developed from the initial prototype for Rhythm Tengoku, in which the player would drum in a rockband[4][better source needed]. The prototype itself was reworked into Drum Lesson in the final game[5], with Rockband possibly being reworked into Live.
  • Tanuki & Monkey (『たぬき&モンキー』?, Tanuki & Monkī): This game is the only one from this group to be partially implemented, but innacessible.
  • Don to Tan no Kankei (『ドンとタンの関係』?, Releationship Between Don and Tan): This game has leftover sound effects, labeled "s_dontan_count" and "s_dontan_water". The former was repurposed as the cowbell noise used in Night Walk, which has since been used as a counting sound in various other games.

The following games are found within the Sequence Test, and are not mentioned by the developers.

  • Dance Lesson 1 (ダンスレッスン 1?, Dansu Ressun 1): This game is an earlier version of Remix 1, where Tap Trial replaces Rhythm Datsumo and the remix itself is much longer[6].
  • Rhythm o Shuji 2 (リズムお習字 2?, Rhythm Calligraphy 2): This game is mentioned in an unused gameplay history screen in Rhythm Tengoku, found in the Sequence Test, though it does not have an entry of its own. From the name, it would have been the arrange version of Power Calligraphy. The save file does keep track of the player's score on this game, and there is a description for the Game Select, reusing the description from Power Calligraphy as a placeholder, however no playable content exists.
  • Rap Women (by KAZU) (ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU)?, Rap Women (by KAZU))[7]: This game is a different version of Rap Women which contains many more offbeats. The used version in contrast is named Rap Women (by YONE) (ラップ ウィメン(by YONE)?, Rap Women (by YONE)) in Sequence Test.
  • Drum Girls (ドラムガールズ?, Doramu Gāruzu): An unused version of Live, in which the Drum Girls play the song from Bunny Hop[8][better source needed]. It also contains a graphic not used anywhere else, reading "BUSY", used during the eight-beat rests in the latter half of the song.
  • Metronome (メトロノーム?, Metoronōmu)[9]: Here, the player must press Ⓐ as the needle passes over the bird on the top, playing basically the same as the first test in Rhythm-kan Check. It was reworked into Mr. Upbeat in the final game.

Rhythm Heaven

There are multiple Rhythm Games referenced in the sound banks of Rhythm Heaven, with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.

  • SEQARC_SKA (Ska?): Presumably this game would've been based around playing a brass instrument.
  • SEQARC_TAP1 (Tap 1?): Some of the voice clips here where repurposed for Space Soccer, and later Board Meeting. There is a BGM track as well as an accompanying voice track, "BGM_TAP" and "VOICE_TAP" respectively. "VOICE_TAP" makes use of some of the voice clips found here, giving an idea of what kind of cues may have been used.
  • SEQARC_PAPET (Puppet?)
  • SEQARC_TONTS (Tonts?)
  • SEQARC_PICK (Pick?): Presumably a game based around using a guitar pick.
  • SEQARC_EFFECT1 (Effect 1?): A sound test, meant primarily to test sounds related to tapping the screen, sliding the stylus around, and flicking[10].
  • SEQARC_EFFECT2 (Effect 2?): More sound effects for the above sound test.
  • SEQARC_NAWA_TOBI (Jump Rope?): Presumable this game would be about playing jump rope, possibly with a CPU controlled character alongside the player.
  • SEQARC_AMBIENT (Ambient?): This game has an accompanying BGM track, "BGM_AMBIENT".
  • SEQARC_SNOW (Snow?): Presumably this game would be about snowballs.
  • SEQARC_KAO (Face?): Presumably this game would be about a kissing face.
  • SEQARC_VOLLEY (Volley?): Presumably a game based on volleyball.
  • There is an unused sprite (the one meant to be seen on the Endless Games menu) internally named "demo_game_passboys". The sprite itself is blank.

Rhythm Heaven Fever

There are multiple Rhythm Games referenced in the sound banks of Rhythm Heaven Fever, with multiple sound effects, which are never used in the game.

  • ROLLER (Roller?): Presumably this game would've involved the player controlling a character in a group of roller skaters, with a "roll" and "slide" cue of some kind.
  • CHORUS MEN (Chorus Men?): Presumably this game would've been a remake of Glee Club, or possibly a new game based on it.
  • BOOMERANG (Boomerang?): Presumably this game would've revolved around the player throwing and catching a boomerang.
  • HEITAI (Soldier?): Presumably this game would've featured a soldier of some kind wielding a spear.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix

In the debug menu of Rhythm Heaven Megamix, it can be seen that even more games were intended to be included, but for one reason or another were scrapped. While most of these games only have their presence on the debug menu to prove their existence, some also have unused strings for their Rhythm Items, most of which are blank or the same as another game's. Some games with unused short versions have unused text to add the word かえってきた (Kaettekita?, Returns) to the prologue, like in the used games.

For reference, the names internally use a system of categorizing games, using AGB, NTR, RVL and CTR for which installment they originate from, and S, L, A for Short, Long and Arrange version games. For example, The Clappy Trio is AGBパチパチ三人衆S (agb_clap_S), The Clappy Trio 2 is AGBパチパチ三人衆L (agb_clap_L) and The Snappy Trio is AGBパチパチ三人衆A (agb_clap_A). Note that the icons used here are of the closest applicable version, as with the exception of Micro-Row (Arrange), none of these games have icons. As such, this list will use the equivalent long version's icon if available.

  • Game 3DS agbTono L.png AGB忍者S (agb_tono_S?, Ninja Bodyguard (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlBird L.png RVL鳥の大群S (rvl_birds_S?, Flock Step (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlBook L.png RVL図書ガールズS (rvl_book_S?, Cheer Readers (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlDate L.png RVLWデートS (rvl_date_S?, Double Date (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlFork L.png RVLくしざしS (rvl_fork_S?, Fork Lifter (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlRotation L.png RVL重役会議S (rvl_rotation_S?, Board Meeting (Short))
  • Game 3DS rvlSort L.png RVLしわけS (rvl_sort_S?, Packing Pests (Short))
  • Micro-Row 2 RVL小さないきものA (rvl_flea_A?, Micro-Row (Arrange))
  • Game 3DS ctrStep L.png CTR階段キャッチA (ctr_step_A?, Catchy Tune (Arrange))
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRザ・コマンダー (ctr_commander_00?, The Commander)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRカニカニリズム (ctr_crab?, Kani Kani Rhythm)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRハチ (ctr_hachi?, Hachi)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRパラパラパラダイス (ctr_paradise_L?, Para-Para-Paradise)

A most curious case is Monster Tennis (モンスターテニス?, Monsutā Tenisu). Unused text strings (which, curiously, only exist in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenban) show it would play differently to normal Rhythm Games, somehow requiring the player to use a Wii Remote[14], suggesting it was a scrapped project for the Wii intended to be revived in this game. The player(s) have to use a tennis racket to fight monsters. Additionally, it would've featured four stages, several bosses and multiplayer.

  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニス00 (ctr_tennis_S00?, Monster Tennis Stage 1)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニス01 (ctr_tennis_S01?, Monster Tennis Stage 2)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニス02 (ctr_tennis_S02?, Monster Tennis Stage 3)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニス03 (ctr_tennis_S03?, Monster Tennis Stage 4)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニスマルチ00 (ctr_tennis_M00?, Monster Tennis Multiplayer Stage 1)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニスマルチ01 (ctr_tennis_M01?, Monster Tennis Multiplayer Stage 2)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニスマルチ02 (ctr_tennis_M02?, Monster Tennis Multiplayer Stage 3)
  • Game 3DS question.png CTRモンスターテニスマルチ03 (ctr_tennis_M03?, Monster Tennis Multiplayer Stage 4)

In the debug menu, Remixes and Gate games are placed after all the others.

  • Game 3DS remix LED.png リミックスLED(旧バージョン) (remix_LEDOld?, Remix LED (old version))
  • Game 3DS question.png リミックス実験10 (remix_Test10?, Remix Experiment 10)
  • Game 3DS question.png リミックス実験11 (remix_Test11?, Remix Experiment 11)

Four of these aren't available in the Japanese version's debug menu.

  • Game 3DS question.png remix_BB00
  • Game 3DS question.png remix_BB01
  • Game 3DS question.png remix_BB02
  • Game 3DS question.png remix_BB03

Oddly, Quiz Show has three trials in this list but no Endless Game.

  • Game 3DS agbQuiz L.png AGBクイズ(初級) (agb_quiz_00?, Quiz Show (Saffron Trial))
  • Game 3DS agbQuiz L.png AGBクイズ(中級) (agb_quiz_01?, Quiz Show (Saltwater Trial))
  • Game 3DS agbQuiz L.png AGBクイズ(上級) (agb_quiz_02?, Quiz Show (Paprika Trial))


  1. ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。 (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)
  2. "When we made Rhythm Tengoku for the Game Boy Advance, a large number of the individual rhythm games got rejected. Even if one was well-made, the theme was rhythm, so if it didn't feel right, the whole thing had to go." Satoru Iwata ~ Iwata Asks - Rhythm Heaven - Page 5
  3. "ボタンを押すとキャラクターが棒を振って、さらにボタンを離すとその振った棒を戻す。その棒の動きで、ものを「しばく」というリズムゲームがあったんです。 しかし、リズムに合わせてボタンを離すという行為が意外とシビアでわかりにくかったんですよね。「これは遊んでいても気持ちよくないだろう」ということで、製品版には入れずにボツにしたんです。ネタとしてはおもしろかったんですけど(笑)。 ちなみにボツになったリズムゲームは全部で20個以上もあるのですが、そのなかには、このようなタイトルの作品がありました。" (When the button is pressed, the character shakes a stick, and when the button is released, the character returns the stick. There was a rhythm game in which the character would use the movements of the stick to “hit” objects. However, the act of releasing the button in time with the rhythm was unexpectedly severe and difficult to understand. We decided not to include it in the final version because we thought it would not be pleasant to play. It was fun as a story (laughs). Incidentally, there are more than 20 rhythm games that were rejected, and among them was one with this title.) ~ Kazuyoshi Osawa, ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。 (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)
  4. Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven) GBA Prototype
  5. "つんく♂さんから企画書の持ち込みがあり、実際に『リズム天国』の構想がスタートしたのは2004年からなんですけど、じつは、その2年前の2002年にディレクター&チーフプログラマーである大澤がたまたま試作で、ボタンを押してドラムを叩くというドラムソフトを制作していたんです。 これは、『リズム天国』に収録されている『ドラムレッスン』の原型となっています。 当時、「こういうリズミカルなゲームをいつか出したいね」と話していたんですけど、そういう意味では、『リズム天国』のはじまりは、4年もまえになるんですよね。" (Tsunku♂ brought in a proposal and the actual conception of "Rhythm Tengoku" started in 2004, but two years before that, in 2002, the director and chief programmer Osawa happened to be working on a prototype of drum software, which involved pressing a button to beat a drum. This was the prototype for the "Drum Lesson" included in "Rhythm Tengoku". At the time, we were talking about how we wanted to release a rhythmical game like this one day, and in that sense, "Rhythm Tengoku" began four years ago. ~ Katsuya Yamano, ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - 樹の上の秘密基地。 (Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun - A secret base on a tree.)
  6. Dance Lesson 1, Perfect Play
  7. Rap Women (by KAZU) Perfect Play
  8. Drum Girls: Bunny Hop (Unused) - Rhythm Tengoku
  9. Metronome
  10. Rhythm Heaven Sound Test
  11. "ⒶとⒷの使い方を練習しよう。" (Practice how to use Ⓐ and Ⓑ.) ~ Unused text, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  12. "飛んできたハエを、Ⓐでつかまえてみて。" (Try using Ⓐ to catch the flies.) ~ Unused text, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  13. "tutorial" ~ directory filename for Chameleon's textures
  14. "Wiiリモコンを振って、ボールを打ってネ。" (Swing the Wii Remote, and hit the ball.) ~ Unused Text for Monster Tennis, Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenban
Rhythm Tengoku (GBA/Arcade)
Rhythm Games Omake Corner
Kissa CouncelOmochaGameGame GBA B-4.pngGame GBA B-5.pngGame GBA B-6.png
KaratekaRhythm DatsumōMarcherAir BatterPachi Pachi SanninshūRemix 1
Shiroi ObakeGame GBA 2-2.pngKossori RatBaikin HakaseGame GBA 2-5.pngRemix 2
Game GBA 3-1.pngGame GBA 3-2.pngUsagi TobiGame GBA 3-4.pngGame GBA 3-5.pngRemix 3
QuizGame GBA 4-2.pngRhythm o ShūjiGame GBA 4-4.pngGame GBA 4-5.pngRemix 4
Hopping RoadNinjaGame GBA 5-3.pngGame GBA 5-4.pngTap DanceRemix 5
Bari Bari SanninshūGame GBA 6-2.pngCosmo DanceGame GBA 6-4.pngSuper TapRemix 6
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 7-4.pngGame GBA 7-5.pngRemix 7
Last Technician
Game GBA 8-1.pngGame GBA 8-2.pngGame GBA 8-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 8-5.pngRemix 8
Arcade Only (1P) Extra
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.pngGame GBA EX-5.pngGame GBA EX-6.png
Arcade Only (2P) STAGE 1
Game GBA 1-1.pngGame GBA 1-2.pngGame GBA 1-3.pngGame GBA 1-4.png
Game GBA 2-1.pngGame GBA 2-3.pngGame GBA 3-3.pngGame GBA 2-5.png
Game GBA 3-5.pngGame GBA 4-3.pngGame GBA 5-2.pngGame GBA 5-5.png
Game GBA 7-1.pngGame GBA 7-2.pngGame GBA 6-3.pngGame GBA 7-5.png
Game GBA 8-5.pngGame GBA 7-3.pngGame GBA 8-4.pngGame GBA 6-5.png
Game GBA EX-1.pngGame GBA EX-2.pngGame GBA EX-3.pngGame GBA EX-4.png
Rhythm Omocha
Game GBA T-1.gifGame GBA T-2.gifGame GBA T-3.gifGame GBA T-4.gif
Endless Games
Ura OtokoGame GBA E-2.pngGame GBA E-3.pngGame GBA E-4.png
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Games
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsGame DS 1-4.pngRemix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpGame DS 2-3.pngGame DS 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game DS 3-1.pngGame DS 3-2.pngGame DS 3-3.pngGame DS 3-4.pngRemix 3
Game DS 4-1.pngGame DS 4-2.pngGame DS 4-3.pngGame DS 4-4.pngRemix 4
Game DS 5-1.pngGame DS 5-2.pngGame DS 5-3.pngGame DS 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game DS 6-1.pngGame DS 6-2.pngGame DS 6-3.pngKarate ManRemix 6
Built to Scale 2Game DS 7-2.pngFrog Hop 2Game DS 7-4.pngRemix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Game DS 8-3.pngGame DS 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game DS 9-1.pngKarate Man 2Glee Club 2Game DS 9-4.pngRemix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Game DS 10-2.pngGame DS 10-3.pngGame DS 10-4.pngRemix 10
Medal Corner Endless Games
Game DS E-1.gifShoot-'Em-UpGame DS E-3.gifSamurai SliceGame DS E-5.gifGame DS E-6.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game DS T-1.gifGame DS T-2.gifGame DS T-3.gifGame DS T-4.gifGame DS T-5.gifGame DS T-6.gifGame DS T-7.gif
Guitar Lessons
★Basic Course★
Crop Stomp SongGlee Club SongBuilt to Scale SongFreeze Frame Song
Guitar Lessons
★Technical Course★
Munchy Monk SongSpace Soccer SongSplashdown SongFrog Hop 2
CafeGame DS B-Medal.pngGame DS B-Credit.pngGame DS B-Complete.png
TitlePractice FlickingMusic CornerReading CornerPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenRock 'n' Roll HallDevelopment HistoryDemoRhythm Tengoku Gold Comic
RTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgRTGCVCSoundtrack cover.jpgRhythmheaven MAINICON.png
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Medal Corner
Game Wii B-1.pngGame Wii B-2.pngGame Wii B-3.pngGame Wii B-4.pngNight Walk
Rhythm Games
Game Wii 1-1.pngGame Wii 1-2.pngGame Wii 1-3.pngGame Wii 1-4.pngRemix 1
Game Wii 2-1.pngGame Wii 2-2.pngGame Wii 2-3.pngGame Wii 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game Wii 3-1.pngBuilt to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1.pngGame Wii 4-2.pngMicro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1.pngFlipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3.pngGame Wii 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game Wii 6-1.pngGame Wii 6-2.pngGame Wii 6-3.pngGame Wii 6-4.pngRemix 6
Game Wii 7-1.pngGame Wii 7-2.pngGame Wii 7-3.pngKarate ManRemix 7
Game Wii 8-1.pngGame Wii 8-2.pngBuilt to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game Wii 9-1.pngGame Wii 9-2.pngGame Wii 9-3.pngGame Wii 9-4.pngRemix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3.pngKarate Man 2Remix 10
Two-Player Menu
Endless GamesFork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Endless Games
One Player
Game Wii E-4.gifGame Wii E-1.gifMunchy MonkGame Wii E-3.gifGame Wii E-4 JP.gifGame Wii E-5.gif
Endless Games
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1.gifGame Wii PE-2.gifGame Wii PE-3.gifGame Wii PE-4.gifGame Wii PE-5.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game Wii T-1.gifGame Wii T-2.gifGame Wii T-3.gifGame Wii T-4.gif
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3.gifGame Wii EX-4.gif
Miscellaneous Title ScreenRhythm TestMusic CornerReading MaterialPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenLive House OGUDevelopment HistorySeika Relay
MNRTCMCSoundtrack cover.jpgDownload (6).jpgBtBRPSoundtrack cover.jpg
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Rhythm Games Earth World Honeybee Land
Karate ManGame 3DS ntrRobot S.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton S.pngGame 3DS ctrStep S.png
Machine Land
Game 3DS agbHair S.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus S.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle S.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket S.png
The First Gate
Game 3DS ntrCoinToss L.png
Citrus Land
Game 3DS agbClap S.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting S.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea S.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter S.png
Donut Land
Game 3DS agbRabbit L.pngGame 3DS ntrAirboard L.pngGame 3DS rvlBatting L.pngGame 3DS ctrChameleon L.png
The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land
Game 3DS agbGhost S.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong S.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma S.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat S.png
Songbird Land
Game 3DS agbShuji L.pngGame 3DS ntrBlueBirds L.pngGame 3DS rvlBird L.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai L.png
The Third Gate
Game 3DS ctrChicken L.png
Lush Woods Lush Tower
Game 3DS agbBatter L.pngGame 3DS ntrNinja L.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf L.pngGame 3DS ctrSumou L.pngGame 3DS remix LED.png
Honeybee Tower
Game 3DS rvlKarate 1.pngGame 3DS ntrRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton L.pngGame 3DS ctrStep L.pngGame 3DS remix 00.png
Machine Tower
Game 3DS agbHair L.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus L.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle L.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket L.pngGame 3DS remix 01.png
Citrus Tower
Game 3DS agbClap L.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting L.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea L.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter L.pngGame 3DS remix 02.png
Donut Tower
Game 3DS agbRat L.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol L.pngGame 3DS rvlManju L.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco L.pngGame 3DS remix 03.png
Barbershop Tower
Game 3DS agbGhost L.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong L.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma L.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat L.pngGame 3DS remix 04.png
Songbird Tower
Game 3DS agbTap L.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog L.pngGame 3DS rvlInterview L.pngGame 3DS ctrTango L.pngGame 3DS remix 05.png
Heaven World Star Land
Game 3DS agbTono L.pngGame 3DS ntrCameraMan L.pngGame 3DS rvlRocket L.pngGame 3DS ctrPillow L.png
Comet Land
Game 3DS agbMarcher L.pngGame 3DS ntrShugyo L.pngGame 3DS rvlSeesaw L.pngGame 3DS ctrBear L.png
Planet Land
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance L.pngGame 3DS ntrBackbeat L.pngGame 3DS rvlBook L.pngGame 3DS ctrTeppan L.png
The Fourth Gate
Game 3DS rvlSword L.png
Mamarin Palace Left-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbClap A.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol A.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle A.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco A.pngGame 3DS remix 06 2.png
Right-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbTap A.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog A.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf A.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai A.pngGame 3DS remix 07 2.png
Tibby's Mom
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance A.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong A.pngGame 3DS rvlManju A.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 4.pngGame 3DS remix TED 2.png
Shop Shop No. 1
Game 3DS agbHopping L.pngGame 3DS agbNightWalk L.pngGame 3DS agbQuiz L.png
Shop No. 2
Game 3DS ntrBoxShow L.pngGame 3DS ntrShortLive L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 2.png
Shop No. 3
Built to ScaleGame 3DS rvlDate L.pngGame 3DS rvlFishing L.png
Shop No. 4
Game 3DS rvlFork L.pngGame 3DS rvlRap L.pngGame 3DS rvlReceive L.png
Shop No. 5
Game 3DS rvlRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlRotation L.pngSamurai Slice
Shop No. 6
Game 3DS rvlSort L.pngGame 3DS rvlWatch L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 3.png
Sprite 3DS Mascot Boondog.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Dieter.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Shep.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Donna.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Hairold.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Eglantine.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Trey.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saffron.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saltwater.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Paprika.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Bertram.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Betty.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Tibby.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Philip.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Colin.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Tibby's Mom.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Barista.gifSprite 3DS Mascot The Goat.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Rupert.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Samurai Drummer.gif
Miscellaneous TitleIntroductionCaféFigure Fighter VSStableShopCoinsFlow BallRhythm ItemPlay MusicMuseumBadgesMascotsMemoriesTiming DisplayChallenge LandPerfect CampaignThe Rhythm LeagueDevelopment HistoryMonster TennisDemoRhythm Tengoku The Best Plus ComicRhythm Tengoku: The Uta Matsuri+