Pajama Party consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Megamix:
Unused Content
Unused sprites and animations include:
- Unused sprites between those used by "girl_sleep_01" and "girl_ready_sleep" show Mako stretching before presumably falling asleep, likely an early version of the latter animation.
- "girl_wake_up_": Mako waking up in shock. An unused frame of this shows her body turning completely red.
- "monkey_angry": a blank sprite whose name indicates the monkeys would've reacted with anger upon the player messing up.
- "_girl_land" and "_monkey_land": seem to be duplicates of "girl_land" and "monkey_land".
The animations related to sleeping still exist mostly unchanged when the scene changes, although Mako is still wearing her pajamas instead of the princess outfit. The monkeys meanwhile have their outfits completely redone. The "girl_ready_sleep", "monkey_ready_sleep" and "girl_sleep_embarrass" animations are all blank here, however. Interestingly, the sprite for the monkeys with an open mouth used when they get ready to sleep is replaced with one showing an unhappy expression (without the blonde hair), possibly intended for the "monkey_angry" animation.