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{{Nihongo|Monster Tennis|モンスターテニス|Monsutā Tenisu}} is a [[List of Scrapped Rhythm Games#Rhythm Heaven Megamix|scrapped]] [[Rhythm Game]] intended to appear in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''.
{{Nihongo|Monster Tennis|モンスターテニス|Monsutā Tenisu}} is a [[List of Scrapped Rhythm Games#Rhythm Heaven Megamix|scrapped]] [[Rhythm Game]] intended to appear in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''.
Line 274: Line 274:
|Yuu-can, where are you?
|Yuu-chan, where are you?
Line 310: Line 310:
|There are no oranges.{{tt|*|This appears to be a direct quote of one of the puns from Mazai.}}<br>...What?
|There are no oranges.{{tt|*|This appears to be a direct quote of one of the puns from Manzai.}}<br>...What?
Line 386: Line 386:
|Seriously, Yuu-can, where are you?
|Seriously, Yuu-chan, where are you?
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|Big brother, my little brother is aleady 16...
|Big brother, my little brother is already 16...

Revision as of 04:25, 8 May 2024

Epilogue 3DS First Contact OK.png
Epilogue 3DS Board Meeting Short NG.png

Monster Tennis (モンスターテニス?, Monsutā Tenisu) is a scrapped Rhythm Game intended to appear in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.


Epilogue Wii Built to Scale 2 NG.png

This game does not exist in any tangible form. Unused text strings (which, curiously, only exist in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenhan) show it would play differently to normal Rhythm Games, somehow requiring the player to use a Wii Remote, suggesting it was a scrapped project for the Wii intended to be revived in this game. The player(s) have to use a tennis racket to fight monsters.

Additionally, it would've featured four stages, several bosses and multiplayer. The debug menu contains entries for the four stages and their multiplayer variants.


Below is all of the unused dialogue associated with this game. It can be found in "pajama.zlib/tennis.msbt" in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ Taikenhan specifically.

Note that phrases like "big brother" and "little brother" may be referring higher or lower ranks rather than literal familial reletionships.

Epilogue Wii Built to Scale 2 NG.png
Internal name
Flag of Japan.svg
inst_msg_00 テニス部へようこそ! Welcome to the tennis club!
inst_msg_01 Wiiリモコンを振って、
Swing the Wii Remote,
and hit the ball.
inst_msg_10 おみごと。 Well done.
inst_msg_11 ほんばんでは、少しずつ
In the real game, enemies will
gradually approach you.
inst_msg_12 襲われる前に 倒してネ! Take them down before
they attack you!
inst_msg_13 ボールが2つ出て
Two balls come out to
defeat fellow enemies!
msg_opening_00 STAGE 1 STAGE 1
msg_opening_01 STAGE 2 STAGE 2
msg_opening_02 STAGE 3 STAGE 3
msg_opening_03 STAGE 4 STAGE 4
msg_clear CLEAR! CLEAR!
msg_gameover GAME OVER GAME OVER
msg_00_00 邪魔しちゃうもんね。 I'm blocking the way.
msg_00_01 わたくし、栗です。 I'm a Kuri [Chestnut].
msg_00_02 空だって飛べるニャ。 I can even fly.
msg_00_boss ここは通さないベー! I'm not letting you through!
msg_01_00 エビフライ鳥です。 I'm a friend shrimp bird.
msg_01_01 コタツと仲良し。 I'm good friends with the kotatsu.
msg_01_02 人見知りします。 I'm shy.
msg_01_boss ここは通さんガニー! I'm out of here, Gunny!
msg_02_00 お手柔らかに。 Be gentle.
msg_02_01 さっきの栗のお兄さん? That chestnut guy from earlier?
msg_02_02 困ったら右手を挙げます。 Raise your right hand
if you're in trouble.
msg_02_03 飛べそうで飛べません。 It looks like I can fly,
but I can't.
msg_02_04 ママー!
Bring me a dozen oranges.
msg_02_boss 怒った時は、
When I get angry,
I just keep quiet!
msg_03_00 噛んだりしないから。 I won't bite.
msg_03_01 「正岡丸」って言うんです。 It's called "Masaoka Maru".
msg_03_02 弟には優しい兄。 The older brother is kind
to his younger brother.
msg_03_03 ただジャレたいだけ。 I'm just a nobody.
msg_03_04 実は食べれます。 You can actually eat it.
msg_03_05 おじいちゃん、
can I have an orange?
msg_04_00 弟を迎えにいくところ。 I'm on my way to meet
my little brother.
msg_04_01 かまってニャ。 Don't worry about it.
msg_04_02 氷は、
The ice,
it melts with a fire ball.
msg_04_03 お兄ちゃん、
Big brother,
didn't you see it?
msg_04_boss この階段は
I won't let you
climb these stairs!
msg_05_00 ミカン、美味しいよね。 Oranges are delicious.
msg_05_01 一度、ご賞味下さい。 Please, give it a taste.
msg_05_02 私達の間には壁が・・。 There's a wall between us...
msg_05_03 さっきはよくも・・! How dare you...!
msg_05_boss 今度は通さないガニ! I won't let you pass this time!
msg_06_00 お魚、どこニャー? Where's the fish, meow?
msg_06_01 お兄ちゃん、どこー? Big brother, where are you?
msg_06_02 弟よー、どこだー? Litle brother, where are you?
msg_06_03 ゆうちゃん、どこー? Yuu-chan, where are you?
msg_06_04 台所って、どちらです? Where did you say was the kitchen?
msg_06_05 レンジ、どこー? Where's the oven?
msg_06_boss あんまり怒らせるなプン。 Don't make me too angry, now.
msg_07_00 ちったぁ、打たれ強いぜ。 Wow, I'm tough.
msg_07_01 お兄ちゃんってばー! Big brother!
msg_07_02 弟よ、
Little bother,
my big brother is here.
msg_07_03 良いものですね、
That's a good one,
Japanese cusions.
msg_07_04 オーブンでの調理は、
Please don't cook
in the oven.
msg_07_05 ミカンがみっかんない
There are no oranges.*
msg_07_06 「おでん」です、
It's "Oden",
it's in there.
msg_08_00 ・・お、お兄ちゃん? ...Oh, oh big brother?
msg_08_01 弟よ、
Little brother,
where are you?!
msg_08_02 虫をひっくり返せ! Turn over the bugs!
msg_08_03 この前ね、
The other day,
I was mistaken for a tiger.
msg_08_boss 「どんな手も使うべー!」 "Use any means necessary!"
msg_09_00 3日以内にお召し上がり下さい。 Please eat within 3 days.
msg_09_01 1匹が腐ると、なんたらかんたら・・ If one of them rots, what can I do...?
msg_09_02 ホントは仲良くなりたいの。 I really want to make friends with you.
msg_09_03 おでん16人前、お待ちー。 Wait for 16 servings of Oden.
msg_09_boss 「この先は行き止まりガニ!」 "You've reached a dead end!"
msg_10_00 まずはお友達から・・。 Let's start with my friends...
msg_10_01 弟よ、兄を許せ・・。 Little brother, forgive your big brother...
msg_10_02 コタツで丸くなりたい。 I want to curl up in the kotatsu.
msg_10_03 香ばしさも売りの1つ。 One of the selling points is the aroma.
msg_10_04 ミカン20個食べてや。 Eat 20 oranges.
msg_10_05 こぼさないで。おでん。 Don't spill. Oden.
msg_10_boss 「感情豊かなだけプン!」 "You're so emotional!"
msg_11_00 ゆうちゃーん、マジどこー? Seriously, Yuu-chan, where are you?
msg_11_01 お兄ちゃん・・良い子になるから・・ Big brother... I'll be a good boy...
msg_11_02 座布団のおかげで浮いてます。 The cushions keep me afloat.
msg_11_03 なお、食べ残しは、
Please note you can take any
leftovers home with you.
msg_11_04 (じつは、ネーブルです) (Actually, it's a navel.)
msg_11_05 メ、メルアド交換しませんか? W-would you like to exchange emails?
msg_11_06 左から「こんにゃく」、「大根」、
From the left: "konjac", "daikon",
"egg", "hanpen".
msg_12_00 肉球は、見せない主義でね。 I don't like showing my paws.
msg_12_01 兄さん、弟はもう16になったよ・・。 Big brother, my little brother is already 16...
msg_12_02 弟よ、これが我らの宿命なのだ・・。 Little brother, this is our destiny...
msg_12_03 いい鍋でしょ?奥さん。 It's a good stew, right, ma'am?
msg_12_04 最近、結婚したんです。 I just got married.
msg_12_boss 「奥の車両には行かせないベー!」 "I won't let you to the back car!"
msg_13_00 えっ! 弟を見たんですか!? Hey! Have you seen my little brother!?
msg_13_01 果汁93% 93% fruit juice.
msg_13_02 場所見知りもするんです・・ I have a hard time getting used to new places...
msg_13_03 今なら4個増量中! Now I'm adding four more!
msg_13_04 (チャームポイントは、角です) (My charm points are my horns.)
msg_13_boss 「そろそろ本気を出すカニ!」 "It's time to get serious!"
msg_14_00 裸足って気持ち良い。 Being barefoot feels good.
msg_14_01 えっ! この電車に弟がっ?! Hey! Is my little brother on this train?!
msg_14_02 唄って踊れて浮けます。 Sing, dance, and have fun.
msg_14_03 いい音でしょ?奥さん。 Sounds good, doesn't it, ma'am?
msg_14_04 テレビでも取り上げられた。 It was also featured on TV.
msg_14_05 後ろ向きな人生は、もうやめたい。 I don't want to live a backward life anymore.
msg_14_06 中身が大変お熱くなっております。 The contents are very hot.
msg_14_boss 「通さないプンプンプン!」 "You can't passpasspass!"
msg_15_00 ヤケドするぜ。 You'll get burned.
msg_15_01 団体様、ご案内。 Groups, Information.
msg_15_02 ご乗車、
Thank you for
the ride, sir.
msg_15_03 前にも歩けます。 You can walk forward too.
msg_15_04 しずカニ歩けます。 I can walk like a crab.
msg_15_05 V9 9V
[This is a face emoticon.]
msg_15_06 怒ったりしないから。 I'm not angry.
msg_15_07 もう怒らないからね。 I won't get angry anymore.
msg_15_08 やっぱ怒る事にする。 I got angry after all.


Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Rhythm Games Earth World Honeybee Land
Karate ManGame 3DS ntrRobot S.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton S.pngGame 3DS ctrStep S.png
Machine Land
Game 3DS agbHair S.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus S.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle S.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket S.png
The First Gate
Game 3DS ntrCoinToss L.png
Citrus Land
Game 3DS agbClap S.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting S.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea S.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter S.png
Donut Land
Game 3DS agbRabbit L.pngGame 3DS ntrAirboard L.pngGame 3DS rvlBatting L.pngGame 3DS ctrChameleon L.png
The Second Gate
Sick Beats
Barbershop Land
Game 3DS agbGhost S.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong S.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma S.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat S.png
Songbird Land
Game 3DS agbShuji L.pngGame 3DS ntrBlueBirds L.pngGame 3DS rvlBird L.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai L.png
The Third Gate
Game 3DS ctrChicken L.png
Lush Woods Lush Tower
Game 3DS agbBatter L.pngGame 3DS ntrNinja L.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf L.pngGame 3DS ctrSumou L.pngGame 3DS remix LED.png
Honeybee Tower
Game 3DS rvlKarate 1.pngGame 3DS ntrRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlBadminton L.pngGame 3DS ctrStep L.pngGame 3DS remix 00.png
Machine Tower
Game 3DS agbHair L.pngGame 3DS ntrChorus L.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle L.pngGame 3DS ctrFruitbasket L.pngGame 3DS remix 01.png
Citrus Tower
Game 3DS agbClap L.pngGame 3DS ntrShooting L.pngGame 3DS rvlFlea L.pngGame 3DS ctrInterprerter L.pngGame 3DS remix 02.png
Donut Tower
Game 3DS agbRat L.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol L.pngGame 3DS rvlManju L.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco L.pngGame 3DS remix 03.png
Barbershop Tower
Game 3DS agbGhost L.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong L.pngGame 3DS rvlGoma L.pngGame 3DS ctrWoodCat L.pngGame 3DS remix 04.png
Songbird Tower
Game 3DS agbTap L.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog L.pngGame 3DS rvlInterview L.pngGame 3DS ctrTango L.pngGame 3DS remix 05.png
Heaven World Star Land
Game 3DS agbTono L.pngGame 3DS ntrCameraMan L.pngGame 3DS rvlRocket L.pngGame 3DS ctrPillow L.png
Comet Land
Game 3DS agbMarcher L.pngGame 3DS ntrShugyo L.pngGame 3DS rvlSeesaw L.pngGame 3DS ctrBear L.png
Planet Land
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance L.pngGame 3DS ntrBackbeat L.pngGame 3DS rvlBook L.pngGame 3DS ctrTeppan L.png
The Fourth Gate
Game 3DS rvlSword L.png
Mamarin Palace Left-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbClap A.pngGame 3DS ntrIdol A.pngGame 3DS rvlMuscle A.pngGame 3DS ctrBlanco A.pngGame 3DS remix 06 2.png
Right-Hand Tower
Game 3DS agbTap A.pngGame 3DS ntrFrog A.pngGame 3DS rvlGolf A.pngGame 3DS ctrDotsamurai A.pngGame 3DS remix 07 2.png
Tibby's Mom
Game 3DS agbSpaceDance A.pngGame 3DS ntrPingpong A.pngGame 3DS rvlManju A.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 4.pngGame 3DS remix TED 2.png
Shop Shop No. 1
Game 3DS agbHopping L.pngGame 3DS agbNightWalk L.pngGame 3DS agbQuiz L.png
Shop No. 2
Game 3DS ntrBoxShow L.pngGame 3DS ntrShortLive L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 2.png
Shop No. 3
Built to ScaleGame 3DS rvlDate L.pngGame 3DS rvlFishing L.png
Shop No. 4
Game 3DS rvlFork L.pngGame 3DS rvlRap L.pngGame 3DS rvlReceive L.png
Shop No. 5
Game 3DS rvlRobot L.pngGame 3DS rvlRotation L.pngSamurai Slice
Shop No. 6
Game 3DS rvlSort L.pngGame 3DS rvlWatch L.pngGame 3DS rvlKarate 3.png
Sprite 3DS Mascot Boondog.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Dieter.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Shep.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Donna.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Hairold.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Eglantine.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Trey.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saffron.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Saltwater.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Paprika.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Bertram.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Betty.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Tibby.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Philip.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Colin.gif
Sprite 3DS Mascot Tibby's Mom.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Barista.gifSprite 3DS Mascot The Goat.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Rupert.gifSprite 3DS Mascot Samurai Drummer.gif
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