The game works the same as before, but is more complicated and with a faster tempo. The game takes place on a rooftop in a city at night, a modern interpretation contrasting the traditional feel of the previous version. The Wandering Samurai must again defeat red-eyed monsters spawning from a dark portal by slicing them, and occasionally using the whirlwind slice on a group of green-eyed monsters that appear all at once. The red-eyed monsters vary in size, with the first two sizes returning, and a new, much larger variant appearing in this version. The game once again starts with the samurai moving into position, as the words "A Hero's Tale" (or "Samurai Slice" in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise) set the scene.
During the first wave of monsters, snow starts falling, followed by black feathers. The game then covers the screen to show the story so far, showing a businessman carrying home a stuffed bunny for his daughter, which a monster swoops in and steals. The samurai appears before him, and proceeds to chase the monsters to retrieve the bunny. After this, a storm appears as the game nears the end. The very last monster is the one carrying the bunny. After it, the text "The End" appears on screen, which the samurai can slice if he so chooses. In the background, a sign reading "LIVE MUSIC" (or "JAZZ" in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise) flashes in time with the hits.
Perfect!/Ace!?: The player slices the monsters in half. Interestingly, the end of a whirlwind slice is counted as a perfect input even though the player does not need to release the button at the right time.
Early!/Late!?: The player grazes the monster, making it fly away. When facing a group of monsters, the first one is grazed, and the samurai does not yell at the end.
Miss...?: The monster strikes the player, knocking them over. Any missed monsters in a group latch onto the samurai and bite him.
Bunny Man's Gratitude()
The businessman says...()
Your sword technique seemed lacking. You had trouble when they ganged up on you.
You should learn the basics first. Your whirlwind slice needs work.
Eh. Good enough.
Good try.
You sliced a LOT of monsters! Your sword moved so fast! You got the bunny back!
You handle your sword so well. Your whirlwind slice was impressive. You got the bunny back!