Reading Material (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

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Epilogue Wii Screwbot Factory OK.png
Epilogue Wii Cheer Readers 2 OK.png
Read Something Wii.png

The Reading Material (よみもの?, Yomi Mono), also known as the Reading Corner (読みモノコーナー?, Yomi Mono Kōnā)[1] and Something to Read in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, is a section accessed through the Café in Rhythm Heaven Fever which has several letters, obtainable by achieving a Perfect on certain Rhythm Games. This feature is the successor to the Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu in Rhythm Tengoku and the Reading Material in Rhythm Heaven, and is succeeded by the Rhythm Items in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

In Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, almost all of the text has been rewritten, and most letters were renamed.

Read Something


Available from the start of the game.

Welcome! Greetings
Thanks for buying
Rhythm Heaven Fever!
Thank you for buying
Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise!
We've created a bunch of
fun rhythm games for you.
We created a range of fun
rhythm games just for you!
Everyone has rhythm--even
those who don't think
they do!
Everybody has a sense of
rhythm, even if they are not
aware of it.
We hope you'll enjoy
finding your own rhythm.
We hope you get to feel the
joy of finding your rhythm
through these games.
So have fun and enjoy all
the game has to offer.
So have fun and enjoy all
that the beat has to offer.

Golf Lessons

Obtained as the Gift on Hole in One.

Golf Lessons How to Get a Hole in One
I was practicing all the time,
but my golf game just
wasn't improving.
No matter how long I practised,
I struggled to improve my golf
score and couldn't even dream
of getting a hole in one.
A friend recommended that
I see a golf coach he knew,
and I figured it couldn't hurt.
I heard about a pair of
professionals through a friend
who could guarantee results
I went to our meeting place,
expecting a middle-aged guy
in ugly pants. That...wasn't
what I got.
I went to the place I had
arranged to meet my new
caddies to find a curious
Monkey: "Hi! You can call
me Monkey. I'm going to
show you some tricks to
improve your score."
"Ook! I'm Monkey and I'm here
to teach you how to improve
your score."
Mandrill: "Hellooo! I'm a
mandrill! I help Monkey
out sometimes."
"And Mandrill show you how to
get strong!"
I thought about asking for
their qualifications, but
before I knew it, I was
showing them my swing.
It was unusual to say the least
but I showed them a couple of
my practice swings.
Monkey: "Great form! You
just need to work on your
"Nice form! You just need to
work on your timing," said
the monkey.
Mandrill: "And REAL golfers
can hit a ball no matter what.
Even if it's moving. Fast."
"Golfer think only hitting
stopped ball is good training?"
asked the large mandrill,
"Mandrill teach better
Monkey: "See that whale
that kinda looks like an
island out there? When I
give you the cue, swing
toward that."
"Focus on that whale by the
island over there," instructed
the monkey, "follow my signal
and concentrate on your
Mandrill: "And remember that
it's not about power. Listen
for Monkey's cue, and time
your swing on that."
"Power nothing without timing.
Monkey say, golfer do!" the
mandrill explained.
Monkey: "Oo kiii. ♪"
Golf ball: *clunk*
I tried to take note of their
informative if unconventional
golfing instruction.
"Ooky!" "Whoosh!" "Plop!"
Mandrill: "Not bad. But
anyone can get one lucky
shot. You're gonna have to
practice, and practice hard!"
"Mandrill think that was lucky
hit. Lucky golfer can not do
every time. Less luck,
more practice!"
And that was the day my
REAL golf education began...
From that day, I got better and
better at getting a hole in one.

Industrial Espionage

Obtained as the Gift on Screwbot Factory 2.

Industrial Espionage Screwbot Secrets
At a secret hideout in an
undisclosed location under
a heavy veil of mystery and
Somewhere, at a secret hideout...
Leader: "All right, tell me
what you've discovered in
your surveillance."
"OK, minion! Tell me what your
spying revealed."
Spy: "Of course. The factory
has begun production on a
top-secret, extremely
advanced new design.
"Yes, boss. The factory has a
top secret robot development
programme in operation.
I've confirmed at least two
different models, the larger
one approximately 200 feet
tall and weighing about
60,000 tons.
The designs for two different
robots are already being put
into production.
The final phase of assembly
is when they screw the head
to the body. This is tricky,
and if it's done wrong, the
robot has to be scrapped.
The robots are 40 metres tall
and weigh approximately 30,000
The workers on that part of
the line are pretty tense,
obviously, so they've been
playing some soothing music
to help with the work.
The production line terminates
in a large arm which screws
down the robots' heads fast
and tight.
When each robot is
completed, it says a
code phrase and the heart
symbol on its chest glows
with appreciation."
This operation is extremely
precise and the robots become
inoperable if it is not
completed correctly. The
operators require nerves of
steel in order to prevent a
massive robot scrap pile.
Leader: "I see... So the
music is how they've kept
production so high. We'll
need to stop that somehow
if we're going to beat them.
I noticed that the factory
constantly plays the same
Arabian-style music.
Operating the machines in time
to the music appears to make
the job easier than it seems at
first glance.
All right. Go continue your
surveillance. Alert me to
any changes."
Upon completion, the robots
signal that they are operational
using code words and a
heart-shaped glow comes from
their chests.
Spy: "Understood. And if I'm
discovered, you'll extract me
from the enemy factory full
of 200-foot robots, right?
The sight of the successfully
completed robots seems to
encourage the machine
operators to maintain their
work quality."
"I see... So, the key to their
success is in the music. We
must understand it if we are to
have any chance of beating
We must analyse the data
further and develop a counter
plan against that factory.
You must go back to the factory
and find out the secret to that
"As you wish, boss."


Obtained as the Gift on See-Saw.

Partners See-Saw Inspectors
See: "Hey, Saw."
Saw: "What's up, See?"
"So, Mr Saw..."
"What's up, Mr See?"
See: "How many years have
we been working together?"
"How long have we been
Saw: "Let's see... It was two
years before I got married,
so that's...10 years."
"Well, let's see... We met two
years before you got married,
so it must be 10 years."
See: "That long already!
Time really does fly."
"Can it really be that long?!
Time flies when you're having
Saw: "Just think: 10 years
of 'een-oon, ba-bom.'"
"Yeah, and to think we've
been saying the same things
every day for 10 years..."
See: "Woooow... I'm amazed
that I'm still not sick of it."
"Every day for 10 years...
Will we ever get bored?"
"Dunno. I'm sorry for all the
times you ended up on your
Saw: "Seems like I've been
falling on my rump more and
more lately... Sorry about
that, See."
"And I'm sorry for all the times
you landed on your face!"
See: "Hey, I've been the
one falling onto my head for
those handstand jumps.
I'm the one who should
apologize, Saw."
"I think I caused you more falls
than you caused me."
Saw: "No, no. I fall on my
bum WAY more. I'm sorry."
"It's no problem, my head is
less delicate than your behind."
See: "But my head smashes
are way creepy, so I'M
"Really? Are you sure you
didn't get whiplash?"
Saw: "So hey, how is your
neck, anyway?"
"I'm fine. Are you sure it
doesn't hurt when you sit
See: "It's OK. How about
you, Saw? Your bum's not
sore or anything?"
"There hasn't been a see-saw
that has beaten my bottom yet."
Saw: "Nah. Thanks, though." "I'm glad I found a see-saw
inspector as good as you."
See: "Say, the kids'll
be showing up to play at
the park pretty soon."
"Before we have an awkward
silence, we've got to finish
testing these see-saws before
all the kids show up!"
Saw: "We better get to
work, then, keeping them off
this unsafe seesaw. Heh."
"Now you're talking! I'll never
get tired of this job!"

My Feelings

Obtained as the Gift on Double Date.

My Feelings My Feelings
I've always wanted to learn
the guitar but never had
the nerve to try.
I decided to take up the guitar
and headed to the local music
shop. That was when I first
saw her.
When I did finally get up the
courage, I found that SHE
worked at the local music
She was in the year above mine
and already had a band which
had won several competitions.
I heard she'd even been
approached by a famous music
She told me I had nothing
to be afraid of, that playing
guitar was simple. Easy for
her to say--everyone knows
her band is big in Japan.
I hadn't saved enough pocket
money to buy a guitar but I
headed to the shop and she
let me try one out.
I didn't have enough money
to buy one that day, but she
let me try out a guitar and
showed me some chords.
I went to the shop a lot
after that. She was so
helpful and her knowledge
about guitars blew me away.
I came back a lot over the
next six months while I
saved up my allowance.
Six months later I had
bought that guitar, practised
every day and even formed
my own band.
Now I've bought my guitar,
I've started a band, and I'm
practicing a lot. I even
wrote a song for her.
I just had to let her know my
feelings for her with one of my
own songs.
Only problem is I can't bring
myself to play it for her. So
instead, I'll invite her to our
first live show.
But there was no way I could
sing to her until I had learned
to play better.
After school, we sat on a
bench together while I tried
to work up the courage to
give her the ticket I got her.
And then it all seemed to fall
into place. My band got its first
gig and I hoped that she would
come to watch us.
My throat was parched, and
my mind was racing. For
some reason, some weasels
were looking at us...
I went to tell her after school
and took her a ticket in my
trembling hands.
And then a strange thing
happened. A soccer ball
came at us, and I reflexively
gave it a good kick.
We sat down outside and chatted
about school but I had trouble
telling her about my gig.
It felt great! It calmed me
down too. Even the weasels
seemed happy. So I started
kicking away my feelings.
Each time I tried to pluck up
the courage to ask her to come
a ball would fly out of nowhere
and ruin the moment.
If that wasn't enough, I had a
pair of ferrets making a racket
in front of me too!
Strangely, the more balls I
kicked away, the more confident
I got. Maybe it was something
about my kicking to the rhythm
but the ferrets seemed to calm
down too.
I was sure this was the perfect
moment to tell her how I feel...

First-Day Orientation

Obtained as the Gift on Board Meeting.

First-Day Orientation An Upbeat Business Strategy
*cough* (Excuse me.)
First of all, let me welcome
and congratulate all of our...
*ah-CHOO* new employees.
Achoo! Ahem... Good morning
ladies and gentlepigs.
Congratulations on becoming
the newest members of our
Next, I need to tell you the
most important thing you
can know about working at
our company:
Before you start working in
this prestigious company, I
would like to give you some
important advice.
Wherever you are, whatever
you do here, from the
assembly line to Accounts
Payable, remember to mind
the flow.
No matter what we do, in this
company, we are always
For proof, consider our
executives seated there.
They all came from humble
origins but rose to the top
because they embrace flow.
This is at the forefront of our
business strategy. Even when
times are tough, we believe
success can always be achieved
by keeping upbeat.
If you want to climb the
ladder here, you've got to
develop your flow!
The board came to realise its
importance through a lot of
hard work and spinning
All right, everyone. Stand up
and repeat after me:
If you want to make it far in
this company, you should make
being upbeat your priority too!
One! Start the spin smoothly
and flow to a halt.
Two! At lunchtime, season
freely with flowing pepper
and salt.
So, everybody stand up and join
me in squealing.
(Excuse me.)
"All together now! Be upbeat!
Turning ourselves around helps
us turn profits round!"

Ad Copy

Obtained as the Gift on Monkey Watch.

Ad Copy Current Trends
Do you hate looking at your
watch, afraid of how late
you are to your meeting,
date, or appointment?
Are you always late? Do you
struggle to know what time it
is? Are your wrists drab and
boring? Then you need a:

Is the mere act of checking
the time a source of stress
and unhappiness in your
Have you been late for a date
to find that the girl wouldn't
wait for you to show up?
Then you need a:

If so, you need a
Monkey Watch! It won't
make you any less late for
things, but there's no way
to frown after looking at it!
Monkey Watch Disclaimer

Looking at your new monkey
watch for long periods of time
can wear the monkeys out and
may cause the watch to lose
Seriously! It's medically
impossible! We asked some
science guys about it!
Be sure to give them
plenty of rest and the
occasional banana and your
monkey watch will give you
years of reliable service.
So buy your Monkey Watch
today, and smile the rest
of your life!
WARNING: Using Monkey
Watch continuously may
make the monkeys tired. Let
them rest occasionally for
more accurate timekeeping.

After Work

Obtained as the Gift on Working Dough.

After Work After Work
On the work floor... On the work floor...
Veteran: "I wonder if the ship
made it back home to Planet
Dough yet..."
"I wonder if the ship made it back
home to Planet Dough already..."
Rookie: "Let's hope so. We
spent so long transporting
fuel orbs for it, I was just
glad to see it take off."
"Let's hope so. We spent so
long refuelling it, I was just
glad to see it take off."
Veteran: "I gotta tell you, my
heart skipped a few when you
missed the fuel orb that
Mr. Game & Watch was riding."
"But I thought we'd be in big
trouble when Mr. Game & Watch
got caught in that fuel orb!"
Rookie: "I'm really sorry
about that. It makes me all
emotional just thinking
about it."
"I should have noticed. I get all
emotional just thinking about it."
Veteran: "None of that.
Crying will just make you all
gooey. Try to stay dry until
you get home from work."
"You know crying will make
you all gooey. You should
stay dry until after you
finish work."
Rookie: "It's a good thing
See and Saw were waiting
below and ready to fling
Mr. Game & Watch onto
the ship!"
"I wouldn't have thought to
ask Mr See and Mr Saw to
spring to his rescue. If you
hadn't, who knows what could
have happened."
Veteran: "Yeah, I keep them
ready in case emergencies
like that come up."
"Those guys are a regular
pair of heroes."
Rookie: "That was you?
Wow, you are so on top of
things! I hope to be half
as good as you someday."
"I hope I grow up to be smart
like you one day."
Veteran: "Just take it one
day at a time, kid. Now turn
off the lights. It's time to
go home."
"Your day will come, but first
turn off the lights, it's time to
go home."
Rookie: "Ugh. I worked so
hard today, I won't be able
to rise in the morning..."
"I worked so hard today, I
won't be able to rise in the

Assembly-Line Slogans

Obtained as the Gift on Built to Scale 2.

Assembly-Line Slogans Quality Construction Catchwords
Slogan for April
Production line, keep in time:
Get into your work!

Slogan for May
Production line, keep in time:
Watch your timing!
April's Motto
Being in time
on the production line
will make you
feel real fine!
May's Motto
If the production line
is running fine,
you won't have to do
Slogan for June
Production line, keep in time:
Remember your due dates!

Slogan for July
Production line, keep in time:
Put a spike in efficiency!
June's Motto
Our production line's
made piece by piece
so our profits
will increase!
July's Motto
Understand the rhythm
and you will see
it put a spike
in our efficiency!
Slogan for August
Production line, keep in time:
Keep at it like clockwork!

Slogan for September
Production line, keep in time:
Maintain a positive attitude!
August's Motto
Our rhythm masters
have some quirks
but keep it running
like clockwork!
September's Motto
Our widgets might not
be much to note
but they keep
our company afloat!
Slogan for October
Production line, keep in time:
Keep the company afloat!

Slogan for November
Production line, keep in time:
Feed your efficiency!
October's Motto
This production line's
all we need
except for our daily
drink and feed!
November's Motto
We always work
with a positive attitude
to gain our
customers' gratitude!
Slogan for December
Production line, keep in time:
Kick your bad habits!

Slogan for January
Production line, keep in time:
No breaks.
December's Motto
Do your best
and you will find
you'll have fun
on this production line!
January's Motto
The production line's
in high demand,
when will my work
ever end?
Slogan for February
Production line, keep in time:
Work faster.

Slogan for March
Production line, keep in time:
Remember to take it easy.
February's Motto
Just when you're starting
to give up,
the production line
just speeds up!
March's Motto
The production line
has a clear rhythm,
just do your best
and don't give in!

Baxter & Forthington

Obtained as the Gift on Air Rally.

Baxter & Forthington Quick and Slow
High above the
Rhythm Islands...
High above the Rhythm Islands,
a blue and red plane could be
seen flying in tight formation.
Forthington: "Hey, Baxter,
you hear about the new
doughnut shop? You can
get a doughnut covered in
marshmallows, candy, and
tiny little doughnuts!"
"Hey, Quick! I heard a new
doughnut shop opened up
recently. It's supposed to be
the cat's whiskers!"
Baxter: "Ugh. I'll pass.
There's such a thing as
restraint, you know."
Forthington: "Come on,
let's just check it out.
Live a little!"
"Huff! I doubt that."
Baxter: "Forthington, I'm not
going to repeat myself. If you
want to go wallow in lard,
you can go by yourself,
"You can't say that until you
try it at least once for yourself.
You might regret it!"
Forthington: "What did you
call me?! Oh, that's it,
Mr. Leafy Greens! Eat THIS."
With a mighty THWACK,
Forthington launches the
birdie at Baxter's face.
"Slow! How many times? You're
barking up the wrong tree! If
you like it so much, just go by
yourself, you fat greedy puss!"
Baxter: "Hrmph. Gotta
do better than that,
glaze breath."
Baxter smacks the birdie
right back at Forthington.
"How dare you! See how you
like eating this!"

Slow launched the shuttlecock
at Quick's face with a 'whoosh'!
Forthington: "It looks like the
old dog knows some tricks,
but how will you cope if I
change up the distance?"
Quick hit it back in a flash.
Forthington accelerates
toward the horizon and then
belts the birdie at Baxter.
"It looks like the old dog knows
some tricks, but how will you
cope at a distance?"
Slow accelerated towards the
horizon and then belted the
shuttlecock at Quick.
Baxter: "So soft and sweet.
Just like those doughnuts
you like."
"Your racket paw is as weak as
your willpower when it comes
to doughnuts," Quick taunted
as he hit the projectile back.
The rally continues for over
twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes later the rally
was still going on...
Forthington: "OK, for an old
dog with no taste, you're
actually pretty good at air
"Meahaha! For an old dog with
no taste, you are still a
connoisseur when it comes to
badminton shots!"
Baxter: "You're not so bad
for a sour puss either."
"You're not so bad for a
sour puss either!"
Baxter: "Whew! That was a
workout! I could eat a
salad bar!"

Another twenty minutes later...
Forthington: "Hey, I've got an
idea. Why don't we go to the
doughnut shop?"

"I exercised so much I could
eat a horse!"
Baxter: "..."

"I've got an idea, why don't we
head on over to that doughnut
Forthington: "Come on,
Baxter. Doughnut covered in
tiny doughnuts. You know
you want one."
"Come on, Quick! You'll love
Baxter: "All right..." "Well, alright then."
The two planes bank across
each other's paths, making
surprisingly doughnut-shaped
vapor trails as they fly off
for a well-deserved snack.
The two planes banked across
each other's paths forming a
perfect doughnut-shaped vapour
trail in the sky as they headed
off for a well-deserved snack.

Parental Controls

Obtained as the Gift on Figure Fighter 2.

Parental Controls Family Conversation
Son: "Mom! Buy this new
Figure Fighter muscle doll
for me! Pleeeease?!"
"Mum! Buy this new Figure
Fighter for me!
Mother: "I'm not buying that
for you! It's all cheap,
and it'll be broken before
you know it!"
"I'm not buying that for you!
Something that cheap will easily
get broken!"
Son: "OK... How about this
Figure Fighter 2 muscle doll?"
"OK, Mum... How about this
Figure Fighter 2 figure?"
Mother: "I'm not buying that
for you! You'll just end up
breaking something that
"I'm not buying that for you!
You will only end up breaking
something that expensive!"
Son: "*sigh*"

Wrestler's Weekly

Obtained as the Gift on Ringside.

Wrestler's Weekly Wrestler's Weekly
Wrestling 20XX
"Nobody beats the champ!"

Location: Rhythm Arena
"Nobody beats the champ!"

Location: Rhythm Arena
No Holds Barred Challenge
Match Victory
The Wrestler defended his
championship title in 15
minutes with his Z-Suplex
special move.
Reporter: "Thanks for talking
with us today, champ! How
does it feel to defend your
"Thank you for agreeing to an
interview with us today and
congratulations on making the
first defence of your title!"
Wrestler X: "Eh." "Eh..."
Reporter: "What was the
turning point in the match,
do you think?"
"In your own words, how did
you manage to retain your
Wrestler X: "Eh." "Eh..."
Reporter: "Um... I'm sure
your next challenger will be
a formidable opponent. What
strategy will you use?"
"Erm... I'm sure your next
challenger will be a formidable
opponent. How do you feel
about facing him?"
Wrestler X: "Eh." "Eh..."
Reporter: "Ahem... Let's try
a question from one of your
fans. What's your sign?"
"Ahem... Let's try a question
from one of your fans. What is
your favourite letter?"
Wrestler X: "Eh." "Eh..."
Reporter: "Whoa, you go, big
"That's amazing!"
Wrestler X: *strikes a pose* "Uh huh!"
"That's an amazing pose!"
Reporter: "Aaaaand that's all
from us! Be sure to join us
ringside for another
exclusive interview!"
"That's all from us. Be sure to
join us ringside for another
world exclusive interview!"

Journal of Tiny Science

Obtained as the Gift on Micro-Row 2.

Journal of Tiny Science Diary of Micro-Discoveries
Day 1:
It's been five years since I
announced my new method
for bacterial research in
"Microbe Today."
Entry 1:
It has been five years since I
first announced my new method
for bacterial research.
My students and I have
been working day and night
to catalog our newest data.
The students and I have worked
tirelessly day and night to find
new bacteria.
Then today I received a vial
from the mysterious Rhythm
League, and its contents
astounded me!
Today, I discovered a group of
bacteria with a puzzling organised
movement. They swam right past
my microscope's field of view and
I knew instantly that I had found
something completely new.
The microbes in the vial
moved in sync with each
other. And not just one or
two, but countless microbes
all moving in time!
The bacteria moved with great
coordination. There were not
just one or two, but countless
bacteria all moving in time.
I am sure they represent an
important discovery so we must
study them further.
I am sure they represent an
important discovery.
We must keep studying
Entry 2:
The bacteria appear to have lost
their initial vigour. They are
moving sluggishly and bumping
into each other which appears
to make them unhappy.
Day X:
The microbes appear to have
lost their initial vigor. They
move sluggishly, unhappily
bumping into each other.
If they continue like this,
I will have to abandon my

What on earth could be wrong
with them?
If they continue like this,
I will have to abandon my
research. What could be
wrong with them?
Entry 3:
The bacteria still appear to lack
their initial vitality. The team
and I are exhausted from failing
to improve their condition.
Day Y:
The microbes still seem sad
and listless. The team and I
are exhausted, and nothing
we have tried has improved
their condition.
We must do something!

Perhaps some music would
help liven our mood. I'm sure
one of the students left a CD
We must do something--if
not for them, then for our
own morale. Some music
might lift our spirits...
As soon as I put the CD on,
the bacteria lost their drab
appearance. They began to
move in time and glowed
colourfully again!
Day Z:
Astonishing! As soon as I
put the music on, the
microbes brightened, moving
in time and colorful again!
I'm not sure how, but they
feed on the music (I may call
the process "Rhythmesis").
However, the music's effect is
I'm not sure how, but the
microbes feed on the music
in a process I shall call
"rhythmesis." The music's
effect is undeniable.
The bacteria have begun moving
in a nimble jerking motion.
The microbes have resumed
their tiny, dancing march.
Where could they be headed?
We still have so much to
learn about them...
I wonder where they could be
headed? I must study them
further to understand more about
this truly mysterious organism.
We have already gained from
our research, though. I find
myself walking with a spring
in my step now!
We still have a lot to learn from
them. We should all learn to
live with a spring in our step

Picky Eaters' Song

Obtained as the Gift on Samurai Slice 2.

Picky Eaters' Song The Picky Eaters Song
I am called the Wandering
Samurai, due to my devotion
to the samurai code of
Bushido and my generally
poor sense of direction.
The lone samurai continued his
endless journey onwards.
~As the sun dips below the
horizon, the Wandering
Samurai rests his weary
body on the grounds of
an old temple.~
Eventually the samurai came
across a temple and decided to
take shelter from the heat of
the morning sun.

"I'm so very tired from all
the wandering I did today..."
~Before he is even aware of
it, the samurai is asleep and
His eyelids began to feel heavy
and it did not take long before
he fell fast asleep under a
large tree.
♪ One onion. Can't eat it!
  Two tubers. Mmm! Love it!
  Three three-bean salads.
  Can't eat it! ♪
As he lay snoring in the shade,
a counting song from his
childhood came back to him...
♪ Four fortune cookies.
  Mmm! Love it!
  Five flying fish.
  People eat those? ♪
One - I like buns
Two - I don't like stew
Three - I like peas
Four - I don't like rice balls
Five - I like chives
♪ Six sticks of butter.
  Mmm! Love it!
  Seven celery sticks.
  Can't eat it! ♪

Six - I don't like figs
Seven - I like cinnamon
Eight - I don't like skate
Nine - I like brine
Ten - I don't like ramen...
♪ Eight egg rolls.
  Mmm! Love it!
  Nine nice noodle dishes.
  Can't eat it! ♪
"An honourable samurai never
lets food go to waste," his
mother scolded. "Yes, mother,"
the young samurai dutifully
♪ And ten tennis balls.
  Not food. ♪
The lone samurai awoke from his
dream to find the sun had risen
high in the sky.

"Son, if you are so picky
about food, you'll never
grow up to be a proper
"Yes, Mother!"
He soon noticed two young
kids approaching with a toy
windmill and a rice ball.
When I wake, the sun is
high in the sky. Standing
nearby are two children.
The boy holds a pinwheel,
the girl a rice ball.
"Our mummy told us to give
you this."
"Mama said this was for you."
My stomach growls as my
eye meets the rice ball.
"I am indebted to you."
I gratefully accept the
rice ball.
The samurai's stomach let out
a loud growl at the sight of
the expertly-made rice ball.
It is delicious. Just like
Mother used to make.
"Thank you," the samurai said
as he took the rice ball. He bit
into it and was filled with more
memories of his mother's
He wondered how he
would be able to repay their
kindness to him.

To be continued...

Angling Profiles

Obtained as the Gift on Catch of the Day.

Angling Profiles Fishing Monthly
Master Fisherperson
Ann Glerr presents:
Fishing Tips with
Master Fisherperson
Ann Glerr
Expert's Corner

This month's Expert's Corner
features tips from Ann Glerr.
Ann Glerr here with some
fishing tips! Let's start
with the small fry:
Hi, everyone! I'd like to take
the opportunity to introduce
three fish species to you today
The Quicknibble is an
adorable little orange fish
with no sense of self-
preservation whatsoever.
First, let's start with the cute
Gulper. You have to watch out
for this small orange fish
because they don't wait around
after nibbling your bait.
It'll usually taste your
bait twice then just bite
into it, at which point you
can simply yank it out of
the water.
The Little Waiter may have a
vacant stare but don't let
that fool you. The key to
hooking one is waiting briefly
for it to bite.
The Pausegill, on the other
hand, is a cautious fish. It
generally invests in mutual
funds and treasury bills.
Finally, the king of fish is the
Big Teaser.
Also, it waits a beat after
tasting the bait before biting.
I don't know why it bothers--
it's not like it ever checks
the bait and goes "Nah."
They use their long tongues to
tease their prey. When you see
the float move, try counting to
three before striking.
Finally, there's the creepy
Threefish. This intimidating
guy likes to check the bait
very thoroughly with his
However, if they get away you'll
find their deep laugh sounds
quite suave and sophisticated!
After the check, he likes to
give the worm a count of
three to let the fear set
in...then he strikes!
One final tip, fishing is all
about rhythm. So try to stick
to the beat whenever you see
a fish bite!
I hope these tips will help
you land the big one next
time you're out! Ann Glerr
signing off!
Good luck fishing, everybody!

Ann Glerr

Expedition Journal

Obtained as the Gift on Flipper-Flop.

Expedition Journal Expedition Journal
April 16
Today, our expedition team
is set to arrive at our
destination. It's strange,
16th April

The expedition team should
make it to our goal today...
No matter how many steps
forward we take, we seem
to be right back where we
started. Am I just imagining
However, no matter how much
progress we make, it feels as
if we are going round in circles.

We are already behind schedule
by several hours.
If we fall even further behind,
we might not even make it at

The Captain is as icy-faced
as ever. If he's worried, he's
not showing it in the slightest.
April 20
We ran into a major storm
that made it difficult to
move and impossible to see.
20th April

The team has been hampered
by a violent snowstorm that
could freeze an exposed snout
in seconds.
I thought our one-flipper-roll
strategy probably wasn't
going to cut it, so I went
to the captain, hoping he'd
reconsider our tactics.
We had difficulty practising our
single flipper rolls, so I asked the
Captain if we could change
our training strategy.
He just said, "Good joooob!"
After a moment, he added,
"Nice!" ...I guess I just have
to trust the captain...
The Captain just replied in his
usual loud voice, "Mmm! Aah!"
so I hope we can trust him.
April 21
The one-flipper-roll strategy
was a failure.
21st April

Our flipper rolls were a complete
failure. We didn't make any
headway at all. We are starting to
lose our strength and motivation.
Even so, we finally managed to
do ten flipper rolls together!
I thought it was time to
deploy our ultimate weapon.
I went to the captain and
said, "It's time to try the
ten-flipper-roll strategy!"
The Captain gave us his strongest
"Yes! Good job!"

I'm sure he won't let us down.
April 22
The ten-flipper-roll strategy
left the entire expedition
team dizzy and disoriented.
22nd April

Today it was so bright, it felt
as if even the sun was mocking
our flipper progress.
We practised so many ten
flipper rolls that I couldn't
even see straight any more.
"Captain! What should we
do?!" My voice echoed
across the frigid tundra.
And then I heard his strong,
reassuring voice:
Captain! How much more of
this training do we have to
suffer? we have to suffer? we have to suffer?
Perhaps I shouldn't have
shouted so loud as the echoes
rang out over the polar waste.
"That's it!"


I...I believe in our captain.
But then, the Captain said,
"Well done!"
I hope he means it this time...

Birds of the Universe

Obtained as the Gift on Flock Step.

Birds of the Universe Birds of the Universe
Did everyone have a
refreshing break? Wonderful!
Let's continue our tour of
the planet of the Huebirds...
Welcome to another edition of
Birds of the Universe. Today,
we've got quite a selection
to show to you.
Ah, here we see a typical
morning commute for these
colorful creatures. Note that,
even in a dense crowd, they
move in perfect harmony.
The prettiest of all space birds
has to be the Huebird.
Let's see how they start their
Er...mostly. Excuse me!
Please don't push! Someone
could get hurt! Excuse me!
Rush hour starts early on their
colourful planet. But even in
large groups, they move in
harmony...most of the time.
"It's looking pretty crowded
already. Hey, everybody! Stop
pushing, it's dangerous!"

"Tweet! Tweet! Squawk!"

It doesn't seem as if they are
paying any attention.
"Tweet, twe-twe-tweet,
tweet, squawk!"

What was that? Does
anyone in the group by
any chance speak Huebird?
"Don't you birds have any
manners? Stop pushing!"

"Tweet! Tweet! Squawk!"

Can anybody speak Huebirdish?
Now, please! Please, let's
try to keep things orderly!
"Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet,
I don't understand! WHAT
"Hey! Someone could get hurt!
Please line up patiently!"

"Tweet! Tweet! Squawk!"

I'm sure they're not paying
attention on purpose now.
"Hey, you! The pretty bird,, line up properly!"

"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!
Tweet! Squawk!"

That's more like it.
Ahem. Let's continue our
tour, shall we? As I was
saying, the Huebirds are
lovely creatures with their
own ideas about order.
These birds have behaved the
same way for generations. They
are sometimes a little selfish but
they all walk to the same beat.
Next, we'll be examining an
altogether different species,
the Eloquent Tapir, who I'm
sure you all will enjoy
conversing with.
Next time we will look at Blue

Enjoy your bird watching!

Rhythm Rockets

Obtained as the Gift on Launch Party.

Rhythm Rockets Mini Rocket Development
Hello, and thank you for your
interest in Rhythm Rockets!
These are sure to make your
next outer-space voyage fun
and memorable!
Hello! Thank you for your interest
in Rhythm Rockets!
We have four models this
year, and I'll be happy to
explain the differences.
We currently have four rocket
models in production. Let
me explain to you the
differences between them.
Family Model
This cheerful red-and-white
rocket is well balanced and
suited to all sorts of uses.
The basic red and white
"Trusty" model was developed
to be easy to launch and is the
most reliable of our designs.
Party Cracker Model
This one starts the party
with a fun sound. Plus,
there's no confetti to
clean up!
The "Cracker" model makes
quite a bang at launch and
is made to impress. If you ever
make your own home launch
party, this is the one for you.
It has real oomph and is
good for the environment too.
Bell Model
This lovely rocket launches
with a clear chime. Ideal
for weddings and other
The "Belle" model goes off with
a crystal clear chime that is
exceptionally moving. This one
is popular at weddings and it's
bound to bring smiles to all
who hear it blast off!
Bowling Model
For the frustrated bowler in
all of us, this exuberant
rocket delivers the satisfying
sound of a perfect strike!
Our "Striker" model has a
stirring sound and is a real
knockout! If you've never
played a perfect game of
bowling, launch one of these
and you'll know how it feels!
Whichever Rhythm Rocket
you choose, you're certain
to have an exciting and
fun outer-space expedition!
I think you'll find we have a
mini-rocket for every occasion
and one that can compliment
your lives.
So, please order one
now before they sell out!

Concert Listings

Obtained as the Gift on Love Rap 2.

Concert Listings Hip Hop Press
Promoting their eagerly
anticipated new single
"Love Rap," the Love Posse
(featuring MC Adore) is
coming to a town near you!
In anticipation of The Love Posse
feat. MC Adore's new single "Love
Rap", the band will be performing
an exclusive live set for a limited
number of fans.
Opening for the Posse will
be those twin quasars of
hip-hop, the RAPMEN.
Of course, you can expect
everyone's favourite rapping
duo "The Love Posse" to be
providing the backing too!
Check online for dates and
venues. Advance tickets are
$60, and each comes with
an MC Adore sticker.
Date: To be confirmed
Location: A venue near you

Tickets are on sale now
so don't miss out!
Tickets at the door are
also $60 but do NOT come
with a sticker. Plan ahead!
Don't miss it!

At the Auditions

Obtained as the Gift on Tap Troupe.

At the Auditions At the Auditions
"I want to be a star!"
That was what I thought
every minute of every day
after I moved to this town.
I had always wanted to become
famous and came to this town
to try to achieve my dreams!
Then I saw the most
important flyer on the most
important café bulletin board
of my life.
When I saw an audition poster
in a cafe, I knew the chance
had finally arrived.
The flyer read,
"Tap star wanted!"
The poster said "Tap Star
I thought I would have to be the
luckiest boy in the world to
win the audition and become
world famous so easily, but I
knew I had to try.
I knew this was my big
chance. On the day of the
audition, there were three
other young guys waiting
with me in the studio.
I sat waiting nervously with
three other young lads waiting
for their chance to shine.
There were four gray boxes
lined up neatly in a row on
a desk in front of us.
We had no idea what they
were for.
I noticed a grey box placed on
a desk in front of me and
wondered what it was for.
A bearded man wearing a
yellow box on his head burst
into the room with a hearty
"Welcome! Welcome!"
A man carrying a yellow box
entered the room and began
speaking enthusiastically.
"You guys look great! Long
legs, symmetrical heads--
you have all the right
stuff to become tap stars!"
"Welcome! Welcome! Hey, you
lads look great! You've
got the right look and legs
long enough to be the next
tap stars!
"OK, now. Would you all
please put these boxes
on your heads?"
Let's get started! Would
you mind putting the boxes
I had a decision to make.
Would I put this box on my
head and risk looking silly
for a chance at stardom?
This box might look plain but
it will make you a star!"
I felt a bit uncertain but
put the box over my head.
Of course I would.
"YES. Bravo. BRAVO!
You made it. You all
made the cut!"
"Hey! That's it! You all look
great! Right, you all passed
the audition!"
And that's how I began my
climb to tap stardom...
From that moment, my career
as a tap star really began and
I have never looked back.

Pep-Squad Rules

Obtained as the Gift on Cheer Readers 2.

Pep-Squad Rules Club Rules
○ Energy is key! Rule 1: Always remember your
Rule 2: Keep the room tidy.
○ Everybody pitches in to
clean the practice room.
○ Practice your finger work!
Don't get the wrong page.
Rule 3: Practise turning pages
over carefully so you don't
make any mistakes.
Rule 4: Perform in a loud voice
so that the whole team keeps
their page turning in time.
○ When everyone's pages
are synchronized, we all
win. When it happens,
give a cheer for your
○ To prevent your books
getting mixed up, write your
name on the back cover.
Rule 5: Don't take anybody
else's book! Write your name
on the back cover.
Rule 6: Always report to the
leader if you think you cannot
make practice the following day.
○ If you will miss practice
for any reason, clear it
with the captain at least
a day in advance.
○ If you read a good book,
post it on the team's blog
and share it with
Rule 7: Please report any good
books on the club blog.
Rule 8: Always repeat cheers
with lots and lots of energy!
○ The "BOOM" part of
"Rah-rah sis boom
ba-BOOM" is key.
Say it with pep, and let
'em know you mean it!

A Musical Term

Obtained as the Gift on Karate Man 2.

A Musical Term A Musical Term
"I dunno. It's like everyone
just decides what it means
and passes their judgment
and expects me to behave
in a certain way.
"I dunno. It's like everyone
just decides what it means
and passes their judgment
and expects me to behave
in a certain way.
I mean, first of all, it's my
name, like my actual, this-
says NAME. It doesn't reflect
me as a person.
I mean, first of all, it's my
name, like my actual, this-
says NAME. It doesn't reflect
me as a person.
And hey, words can mean
more than one thing, you
know? Just because the first
thing YOU think of is some
happy-go-lucky sap doesn't
And hey, words can mean
more than one thing, you
know? Just because the first
thing YOU think of is some
happy-go-lucky sap doesn't
Ugh. I know, I come in here
every week and spend the
whole session griping about
this. You're probably tired of
hearing about it by now.
Ugh. I know, I come in here
every week and spend the
whole session griping about
this. You're probably tired of
hearing about it by now.
Do you ever have problems
like this? Do people just
look at you and assume that
you're into, I dunno, copying
what people do?"
Do you ever have problems
like this? Do people just
look at you and assume that
you're into, I dunno, copying
what people do?"
Oookii oook-ook! Oooky oook-ook!
"Right, right. My therapy is
about me and my problems,
not you. Anyway, thanks for
listening. I'll see you next
Tuesday for another session
of 'Mr. Upbeat's complaints.'"
"Right, right. My therapy is
about me and my problems,
not you. Anyway, thanks for
listening. I'll see you next
Tuesday for another session
of 'Mr Upbeat's complaints.'

Investigation Notes

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 2.

Investigation Notes Police Memo
"It's July through November"
was the tip from the mystery
man working at the Built to
Scale factory.
Police Report:

We received a tip off from
an unidentified man who is
apparently working at the
widget factory.
It said "from July to
The "Assembly-Line Slogans"
document he wrote looks
suspicious. We'll definitely
want to investigate that.
There's definitely something
suspicious about those
"Quality Construction
Catchwords". We should
investigate further.

Song Lyrics 1

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 3.

Song Lyrics 1 Song Lyrics 1
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Yusuke Itagaki
(Remix 3 Theme)
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Yusuke Itagaki
(Remix 3 Theme song)
Shiv'ring cold on a big city
Well, that's how you found
me, way back then.
Shiv'ring cold on a big city
Well, that's how you found
me, way back then.
And in the startled blink of
an eye,
I knew my life was forever
And in the startled blink of
an eye,
I knew my life was forever
Walking on a high wire,
And if that's how life's
gonna be,
I'm walking high on a high
And if that's how life's
gonna be,
Then I should have all the
fun that I can,
Yeah, that's a lot more
like me.
Then I should have all the
fun that I can,
Yeah, that's a lot more
like me.
Tonight's the night,
Right here, right now,
I swear.
Tonight's the night,
Right here, right now,
I swear.
I'll walk into the future
without a care, yeah,
Tonight when all my tears
have come and gone,
I'll walk into the future
without a care, yeah,
Tonight when all my tears
have come and gone,
I'll say good-bye to all
yesterday's sad songs, yeah,
And there may come a time
when I will hesitate,
But waiting's part of life, now.
I'll say goodbye to all
yesterday's sad songs, yeah,
And there may come a time
when I will hesitate,
But waiting's part of life, now.
Tonight's the night, please
hear me out to the end.
Could you please be the one,
my carefree friend, yeah.
Tonight's the night, please
hear me out to the end.
Could you please be the one,
my carefree friend, yeah.
Tonight I need my dreams
to all come true.
Please tell me if that sounds
like a plan to you, yeah.
Tonight I need my dreams
to all come true.
Please tell me if that sounds
like a plan to you, yeah.
I know that it may sound too
simple to be true,
But hey, well, that's life too.
But hey, well, that's life too.
I know that it may sound too
simple to be true,
But hey, well, that's life too.
But hey, well, that's life too.

Song Lyrics 2

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 8.

Song Lyrics 2 Song Lyrics 2
I Love You, My One and Only
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Naoki Tanaka
(Remix 8 Theme)
I Love You, My One and Only
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Naoki Tanaka
(Remix 8 theme song)
What can I do, What can I do?
The only one for me is you,
What can I do, What can I do,
What can I do?
What can I do, What can I do?
The only one for me is you,
What can I do, What can I do,
What can I do?
Tell me, tell me, now why'd
you have to
Hurt me, hurt me, now why'd
you take my
Heart if you don't love me?
Tell me, tell me, now why'd
you have to
Hurt me, hurt me, now why'd
you take my
Heart if you don't love me?
Tell me, tell me, just how to
say good-bye now, bye now,
Just when I know I
Never will forget you?
Tell me, tell me, just how to
say goodbye now, bye now,
Just when I know I
Never will forget you?
What can I do to bring you
back to me?
Tell me what to do to win
your love!
What can I do to bring you
back to me?
Tell me what to do to win
your love!
Won't ever give you up,
Won't ever let go.
Even if it breaks me,
I will always know
Won't ever give you up,
Won't ever let go.
Even if it breaks me,
I will always know
You are my only one.
There is no other.
This sweet dream will never die
Won't ever give you up
Won't ever let go.
You are my only one.
There is no other.
This sweet dream will never die
Won't ever give you up
Won't ever let go.
Even when you hurt me,
I still love you so.
I'll let you take the lead.
Follow where you go.
Even when you hurt me,
I still love you so.
I'll let you take the lead.
Follow where you go.
Hear my plea, oh, won't you, baby
I love you, my one and only
Hear my plea,
oh, won't you, baby
I love you,
my one and only.
What can I do, What can I do?
The only one for me is you,
What can I do, What can I do,
What can I do?
What can I do, What can I do?
The only one for me is you,
What can I do, What can I do,
What can I do?

Song Lyrics 3

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 9.

Song Lyrics 3 Song Lyrics 3
Beautiful One Day
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Kaoru Okubo
(Remix 9 Theme)
Beautiful One Day
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Kaoru Okubo
(Remix 9 Theme Song)
They say it's still just
nothing but a man's world.
They say it's just too hard
to find yourself.
They say it's still just
nothing but a man's world.
They say it's just too hard
to find yourself.
(But then when) you dance
you feel good,
(And you know) you got 'em
(But then when) you dance
you feel good,
(And you know) you got 'em
(And you know) your moves
are real good,
(And you know) that you are
(And you know) your moves
are real good,
(And you know) that you are
I just want to shine, I want
to be in love now.
I just want to shine, I want
to be in love now.
I just want to shine, I want
to be in love now
I just want to shine, I want
to be in love now.
You know you can't just
leave the past behind you,
You know you can't just live
a life of shining glamour.
You know you can't just
leave the past behind you,
You know you can't just live
a life of shining glamour.
Ah, the music plays on
and on,
Ooh, as you walk around
the town.
And the music plays on
and on,
Ooh, as you walk around
the town.
And the teardrops just keep
falling down,
And the teardrops just keep
falling down,
And the tears just keep
falling down,
And the tears just keep
falling down,
And the teardrops just keep
falling down because...
I only wish I knew.
And the tears just keep
falling down because...
I only wish I knew.
Someday you'll find yourself
and realize that you're
Someday you'll find yourself
and realise that you're
(So that when) love takes
you down again,
(And it breaks) your heart
in pieces, then just
Let the teardrops fall
like gentle rain.
(So that when) love takes
you down again,
(And it breaks) your heart
in pieces, then just
Let the teardrops fall like rain.
That's when you'll find
yourself and realize that
you're beautiful.
That's when you'll find
yourself and realise that
you're beautiful.
(And you might) just start
to heal then,
(And you might) find your
heart whole again,
(And you might) just start
to heal then,
(And you might) find your
heart whole again,
And you will find what you're
looking for after all.
And you will find what you're
looking for after all.

Song Lyrics 4

Obtained as the Gift on Karate Man.

Song Lyrics 4 Song Lyrics 4
Lonely Storm
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Yusuke Itagaki
(Karate Man Theme)
Lonely Storm
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Yusuke Itagaki
(Karate Man Theme Music)
Baby, I'm a broken man, I'm
just a shattering storm.
Baby, try to find my way as
the lonely shadows swarm.
Baby, I'm a broken man, I'm
just a shattering storm.
Baby, try to find my way as
the lonely shadows swarm.
Whoa, I'm just a man,
Missing you, please understand.
Without you, I'm dying.
Whoa, I'm just a man,
Missing you, please understand.
Without you, I'm dying.
No, no one will know how I
bear my pain alone.
In the end, I choose my
No, no one will know how I
bear my pain alone.
In the end, I choose my
No! I can't go back to my
days of innocence.
Can't go back, there is no
No! I can't go back to my
days of innocence.
Can't go back, there is no
Another cycle of seasons has
passed us by and I can't help
Wonder, I wonder, I wonder
just where you are now.
Another cycle of seasons has
passed us by and I can't help
Wonder, I wonder, I wonder
just where you are now.
I hear from everyone that you
are different and that you are
Yet more beautiful than
I hear from everyone that you
are different and that you are
Yet more beautiful than
If you say that you are happier
now and that's just the way you
Feel about everything now,
If you say that you are happier
now and that's just the way you
Feel about everything now,
Well then I guess it's just
the way that it is...
Well then I guess it's just
the way that it is...

Song Lyrics 5

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 7.

Song Lyrics 5 Song Lyrics 5
Dreams of Our Generation
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Kaoru Okubo
(Night Walk Theme)
Dreams of Our Generation
Song by Tsunku♂
Arrangement by Kaoru Okubo
(Night Walk Theme Music)
You and I've been through a
lot together.
That's just the way the story
You and I've been through a
lot together.
That's just the way the story
Even though your heart breaks
And you're down on your knees,
Anyway, you'll laugh again
Even though your heart breaks
And you're down on your knees,
Anyway, you'll laugh again
And if you're down,
You'll get up again.
Dust off a bit,
And go along your way.
And if you're down,
You'll get up again.
Dust off a bit,
And go along your way.
But don't you know
You might find, before too long,
You're on your knees once again.
But don't you know
You might find, before too long,
You're on your knees once again.
Let's spread our wings, now,
Do anything, now,
Somehow we came this far.
Let's spread our wings, now,
Do anything, now,
Somehow we came this far.
I've got a choice now,
I hear your voice now,
Singing inside my heart.
I've got a choice now,
I hear your voice now,
Singing inside my heart.
Let's spread our wings, now,
Into the sky now,
Let's reach up to the sun.
Let's spread our wings, now,
Into the sky now,
Let's reach up to the sun.
Soon we will see we're
Living the dreams of
Our generation.
Soon we will see we're
Living the dreams of
Our generation.

Character Bios 1

Obtained with all Perfects.

Character Bios 1 Minor Credits 1
Pirate Captain Jackie
It's unclear how little Jackie
achieved her rank, but she
certainly has taken to the
role, huh?
Captain Asker

She's a lively lady pirate
with a penchant for transporting
porky cargo. She's looking for
someone who can keep up with
her pirate adventures.
Lady Cupid
She's still practicing for the
day she gets a shot at the
big leagues, shooting at real
hearts inside people.
Lady Cupid

If you're looking to find true
love, let Cupid show you how.
Don't delay fire some love
arrows yourself today! Just call
for a free consultation!
Frog and Frog Princess
While her amphibious friend
is very fond of her, most
others think this princess
is toad-ally spoiled.
Frog and Frog Princess

Where could the spoilt little
princess and her faithful steed,
I mean, faithful boyfriend be
It's a complete mystery.

Character Bios 2

Obtained with all Perfects.

Character Bios 2 Minor Credits 2
Munchy Monk
After mastering eating, he's
now aiming to perfect the
art of feeding someone else.
Munchy Monk

He mastered eating and now
seeks perfection in the art
of feeding someone else.
Not even the motion of a
speeding train can put him off.
That guy in the driver's seat
in the Toy Car... Man, he
looks familiar! Anyone know
where else we've seen him?

The person sitting in the
driver's seat of the toy car
looks vaguely familiar...
He must get around quite a lot.
Where else has he been?
Girls' Basketball Team
A new team is burning up
the courts...or would be if it
had more than two members.
Get recruiting!
Girls' Basketball Club

This newly formed team still
only comprise the club leader
and vice leader but they
practise hard every day.
New members wanted!

Character Bios 3

Obtained with all Perfects.

Character Bios 3 Minor Credits 3
Clap Trap Doll
Height: 5.25" Weight: 8 oz.
Special skill: Breaststroke
Quote: "A good offense is
the best defense."
Clapping Doll

Height: 13.4cm
Weight: 235g
Skill: Butterfly swimming stroke
Favourite phrase: Defence is
the best form of attack.
Mr. Hi-Hat
Job: Percussion instrument
Defining trait: Round face
Extra gravy: Nice eyebrows

Type: Percussion instrument
Feature: Round head
Charm Points: His dignified
eyebrows and cute tongue.
Rhythm Fighters
Genre: Combative robots
Material: Soft vinyl
Personality: Proud, but low
threshold of pain.
Rhythm Fighter

Type: Fighting rhythm robot
Material: Soft plastic
Character: Extremely proud.
Has a glass jaw.
Can't stand pain.

Final Words

Obtained as the Gift on Remix 10.

Final Words Final Words
Hey, you there! Yes, you!
In front of the TV!
Congratulations on getting
a Perfect on Remix 10!
Nicely done!

You got a Perfect on Remix 10!
Well done!
Oh, and thanks so much for
just playing this far into the
game! It's always gratifying
when someone goes to the
trouble, you know?
Thank you for playing!

We hoped you would make it
this far.
We've been watching you
doing your best, playing
real hard. It's inspiring.
Did you have fun? Was it
hard to get here? Maybe
you have friends who say
it was easy.
How was it for you? Did you
find it difficult?

You probably know somebody
who found it really easy, don't
Hmph. Whatever. But don't worry!
But let's talk about you
some more! You probably
found your sense of rhythm
improving, huh? ...Right?
No matter how you found it,
your sense of rhythm has
probably improved no end.
Did you notice a difference?
If you haven't already done
so, you should totally have
your friends try out this
game. You know there's a
two-player mode, right?
Now that you are a rhythm
master, you should show your
friends how much fun rhythm
is too. You know there's a
Dual Play mode, don't you?
All right, let's say it was
your destiny to battle an
evil wrestler army, and
only you could do it.
Every good wrestler has to step
up to his destiny of fighting an
army of wrestling villains to
prevent the global
domination of evil. It's up
to you to fulfil your destiny
You might be sad that you
had such a rough destiny
ahead of you.
But what if, by battling the
evil wrestler army, you could
make a lot of people smile?
Then you might think, "That's
a pretty good destiny."
Well, your destiny might not be
as important as an amazing
wrestler's, but just imagine the
joy of having a destiny that
involves putting smiles on your
friends' faces!
That's all we wanted to say.
Hopefully we'll see you out
there again sometime. Enjoy
your evening.
I hope we will meet in the Ring
some day.


The Wrestler's Rhythm League
Fan Club Rep.
--This message brought to
you by the mysterious
Rhythm League.


Development History

Main article: Reading Material/Development

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese よみもの
Reading Material
Reading Corner
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Reading Material
Reading Corner[1]
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Something to Read
Reading Corner[3]
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Coin lecture
La salle de lecture[4]
Reading corner
The reading room
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Lecturas
La sección de Lecturas[5]
The reading section
Flag of Germany.svg German Schmökern
Reading Collection
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Angolo della lettura
Gli spazi dedicati alla lettura[7]
Reading corner
The space dedicated to reading
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 읽을거리
읽을거리 코너[8]
Reading Corner


  1. 1.0 1.1 "You'll also be happy to hear I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  2. "そうそう、お祝いに、音楽コーナーと読みモノコーナーを充実させておきました。" (Oh yeah, to celebrate, we have enriched the music corner and the reading corner.) ~ Barista, Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
  3. "Well, you'll also be happy to hear that I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)
  4. "Pour fêter ça, j'ai rempli la salle de lecture et celle de musique avec de quoi vous occuper." (To celebrate, I filled the reading room and the music room with something to keep you busy.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)
  5. "Para celebrarlo, la sección de Música y la sección de Lecturas están hasta arriba de cosas para entretenerte." (To celebrate, the Music section and the Reading section are packed with things to keep you entertained.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Spanish)
  6. "Ach ja, und zur Feier des Tages habe ich auch meine Lektüre- und Musikkollektion komplett aufgefüllt." (Oh, and to celebrate, I've also completely filled the reading and music collections.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (German)
  7. "Per celebrare la tua vittoria ho finito di allestire gli spazi dedicati alla musica e alla lettura, dove troverai tutti i brani e i pezzi musicali disponibili." (To celebrate your victory, I have finished setting up the spaces dedicated to music and reading, where you will find all the songs and musical pieces available.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Italian)
  8. "그래요, 올클리어를 축하하는 뜻에서 음악 코너와 읽을거리 코너에 이것저것 준비해 두었습니다." (Yes, to congratulate All Clear, we have prepared things in the music section and reading section.) ~ Barista, Rhythm World Wii
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Medal Corner
Game Wii B-1.pngGame Wii B-2.pngGame Wii B-3.pngGame Wii B-4.pngNight Walk
Rhythm Games
Game Wii 1-1.pngGame Wii 1-2.pngGame Wii 1-3.pngGame Wii 1-4.pngRemix 1
Game Wii 2-1.pngGame Wii 2-2.pngGame Wii 2-3.pngGame Wii 2-4.pngRemix 2
Game Wii 3-1.pngBuilt to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1.pngGame Wii 4-2.pngMicro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1.pngFlipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3.pngGame Wii 5-4.pngRemix 5
Game Wii 6-1.pngGame Wii 6-2.pngGame Wii 6-3.pngGame Wii 6-4.pngRemix 6
Game Wii 7-1.pngGame Wii 7-2.pngGame Wii 7-3.pngKarate ManRemix 7
Game Wii 8-1.pngGame Wii 8-2.pngBuilt to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4.pngRemix 8
Game Wii 9-1.pngGame Wii 9-2.pngGame Wii 9-3.pngGame Wii 9-4.pngRemix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3.pngKarate Man 2Remix 10
Two-Player Menu
Endless GamesFork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Endless Games
One Player
Game Wii E-4.gifGame Wii E-1.gifMunchy MonkGame Wii E-3.gifGame Wii E-4 JP.gifGame Wii E-5.gif
Endless Games
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1.gifGame Wii PE-2.gifGame Wii PE-3.gifGame Wii PE-4.gifGame Wii PE-5.gif
Rhythm Toys
Game Wii T-1.gifGame Wii T-2.gifGame Wii T-3.gifGame Wii T-4.gif
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3.gifGame Wii EX-4.gif
Miscellaneous Music CornerReading MaterialRhythm TestPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenLive House OGUDevelopment HistorySeika Relay
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