Endless Remix/Development
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Basket consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Fever:
Internal Name | Image | Used in |
Endless Remix Basket |
Kaeru Tobi consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Fever:
Internal Name | Image | Used in |
Endless Remix Kaeru Tobi |
Chameleon consists of the following versions in Rhythm Heaven Fever:
Internal Name | Image | Used in |
Endless Remix Chameleon |
Unused Content
The Endless Remix-exclusive games (Basket, Kaeru Tobi, and Chameleon) all have standalone testing sequences in the debug menu, which all use a very simple beat, and little to no variation. The one for Basket in particular zooms in on the basket after every set of basketballs, which never happens in Endless Remix itself.
There is evidence to suggest that Chameleon was intended as a "Practice Ⓐ+Ⓑ" of sorts[1], similar to Practice Flicking in Rhythm Heaven. The final version instead has a modified version of Rhythm-kan Sokutei (with the third test dummied out) as the Rhythm Test, while the Chameleon game was made part of Endless Remix.
The unused text was left untranslated in Rhythm Heaven Fever, each line replaced with "English" in English, "French" in French, "German" in German, "Spanish" in Spanish, in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, and 다함께 리듬세상 (Dahamkke Lideum Sesang?, Rhythm World Together) in Rhythm World Wii. It was actually localized in the Italian version, however. Fittingly, this text is stored right before that of the Rhythm Test.
, | Translation | |
ⒶとⒷの使い方を練習しよう。 | Esercitiamoci nell'uso di Ⓐ e Ⓑ. |
Let's practice using Ⓐ and Ⓑ. |
まずはⒶの練習から。 | Iniziamo con Ⓐ. | Let's start with Ⓐ. |
飛んできたハエを、 Ⓐでつかまえてみて。 |
Prova ad acchiappare la mosca con Ⓐ. |
Try catching the fly with Ⓐ. |
Afferrala con Ⓐ!
Catch flies with Ⓐ!
そうです。 | Così! | That's it! |
次はⒶⒷの同時押しです。 | Ora puoi allenarti a premere Ⓐ e Ⓑ. |
Now let's practice pressing Ⓐ and Ⓑ. |
まずは何度か押してみよう。 | Prima di tutto, prova a premerli ripetutamente. |
First of all, try to press them repeatedly. |
Premendo Ⓐ e Ⓑ,
la lingua si allungherà. |
Press Ⓐ and Ⓑ to stretch your tongue.
では、ハエをつかまえてみよう。 | Ora non ti resta che acchiappare la mosca. |
Now you just have to catch the fly. |
Afferrala con ⒶⒷ!
Catch flies with ⒶⒷ!
そうです。 | Proprio così! | That's it! |
さいごに、ⒶとⒶⒷの 使い分けをやってみよう。 |
Infine, dovrai distinguere l'uso di Ⓐ e ⒶⒷ. |
Finally, you will need to distinguish the use of Ⓐ and ⒶⒷ. |
ハエとの距離をよく見てね。 | Osserva bene la distanza della mosca. |
Look closely at the distance to the flies. |
Impara a distinguere
l'uso di Ⓐ e ⒶⒷ. |
Learn to distinguish the use of Ⓐ and ⒶⒷ.
いいですね。 | Molto bene! | Very good! |
練習はこれでおしまい。 | L'allenamento finisce qui. | Practice ends here. |
リズムゲーム、楽しんでね。 | Prova tutti i giochi e divertiti più che puoi! |
Try all the games and have as much fun as you can! |
- ↑ "tutorial" ~ directory filename for Chameleon's textures
Rhythm Heaven Fever | ||
Medal Corner | ||
Rhythm Games | ||
Two-Player Menu | ||
Endless Games One Player |
Endless Games Two Player |
Rhythm Toys | ||
Extra Games | ||
Miscellaneous | Title Screen • Rhythm Test • Music Corner • Reading Material • Perfect Campaign • Characters • The Rhythm League • Rhythm Heaven • Live House OGU • Development History • Seika Relay |