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Reporter & Wrestler

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"Answering questions for reporters and taking photos is what the Wrestler is known for, but we've never seen him actually wrestle."
Play Nintendo

Reporter & Wrestler
Artwork 3DS Ringside Alt.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Appears in

Reporter & Wrestler (レポーター&レスラー?, Repōtā & Resurā) are characters, who appear in Ringside in Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.


Wrestler is a champion of wrestling, and agreed to take an interview after an important match at the Rhythm Arena for the Wrestling 20XX[1] newspaper. He defended his title in 15 minutes with his Z-Suplex special move[2] and was subsequently interviewed. Reporter asked him various questions, such as how it feels to defend his title, what the turning point of the match was, what strategy he plans to use for the next opponent, and one from the fans, to all of which he simply responded with "Eh." Reporter then responded with "Whoa, you go, big guy!", prompting Wrestler to strike a pose, before ending the interview. Alongside her, there are other reporters who request poses to take pictures of.

During the interview, they received a statement that Wrestler's father was saving all his articles. When asked about it after the interview, the Wrestler responded with "Eh.", which displayed the respect he has towards his father[3]. When his father was asked about it, he simply nodded with an affirmative sounding grunt[4].

The pair return in Remix 4 in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where Reporter wears a traditional orange kimono and has pigtails while the Wrestler appears as a ninja, wearing a blue ninja mask, blue pants, two blue sweatbands and a katana taped onto his back. In Remix 9 in Rhythm Heaven Fever, they appear again, with a stark red, white and black color scheme. In Songbird Remix in Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Reporter wears a long yellow jacket and a yellow cap with a bird on it, while Wrestler wears yellow clothes, with a yellow mask that resembles a bird, and wings on his back. Inputting the code word MATCH into Police Call calls up a match, during which Wrestler poses and flexes on the opponent, all the while Captain Tuck compliments his actions. The call ends with Tuck saying "That's it!", with Wrestler reacting with a confused grunt. In the Challenge Train course Wario...Where? 2: The Sequel, Reporter & Wrestler are dressed up like Mona and Wario-Man respectively.

Wrestler appears in Rhythm Tengoku The Best Plus Comic in 01 同窓会 (Reunion), where he appears as one of the many characters entering the Café, and in 33レスラーとファン(Wrestler and Fans), where a crowd has formed outside the Rhythm Arena for the Wrestler Fan Event. Inside, T.J. Snapper is taking pictures of Wrestler and his fans as part of the Wrestler Fan Satsuei-kai (レスラーファン撮影会?, Wrestler Fan Photo Session), specifically with the Martian, the Lumbercats, Saffron, Tibby, Colin, Bertram and Philip. At the end, Wrestler wishes he had more female fans.

Wrestler goes to a gym known for its celebrities, such as Mr. Sparkles[5].



In Super Smash Bros.

Reporter & Wrestler appear in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U as a trophy in the "Other" category, and as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Their spirit battle takes place on the Boxing Ring stage in its Battlefield form, with Title Theme - Punch-Out!! (Wii) as the music. Wrestler is represented by Pikachu in the Libre costume, while Reporter is represented with the Assist Trophy Yuri Kozukata, a photographer from Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. The conditions are:

  • You are easy to launch
  • Hostile assist trophies will appear
Wrestler & Reporter
Flag of the United States.svg
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg
Live from the Rhythm Arena! When the reporter asks, "Wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?" the wrestler will answer on the beat. When the reporter is amazed and says, "Whoa, you go, big guy!" the wrestler will flex and pose. Finally, when the other reporters request the wrestler to "pose for the fans!" he will do just that. Wubbadubbadubba, that's cool!
Live from the Rhythm Arena, we bring you a true wrestling phenomenon! Swoon as he displays his outstanding physique! Marvel at his enlightening responses whenever he hears "Wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?" And when he poses for the fans, we won't blame you if you faint. Whoa, you go, big guy!

No. 1198
Reporter & Wrestler Spirit.png
Reporter & Wrestler
★★ ADVANCED 2 No Effect World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
Spirit Board
Shop (1000G)


In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese レポーター Reporter
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Reporter
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Reporter
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg FrenchNOA La journaliste[8] The journalist
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg FrenchNOE La journaliste The journalist
Flag of Mexico.svg SpanishNOA Periodista[8] Journalist
Flag of Spain.svg SpanishNOE Periodista Journalist
Flag of Germany.svg German Reporterin
Flag of Italy.svg Italian La giornalista
The journalist
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Verslaggeefster[9][10] Reporter
Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Repórter[9] Reporter
Flag of Russia.svg Russian Репортерша[9][10] Reporter
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChineseSI Reporter[10]
Flag of the Republic of China.svg ChineseTR Reporter[10]
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 리포터 Reporter
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese レスラー Wrestler
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Wrestler
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Wrestler
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg FrenchNOA Le lutteur[8] The wrestler
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg FrenchNOE Le catcheur The wrestler
Flag of Mexico.svg SpanishNOA Luchador[8] Wrestler
Flag of Spain.svg SpanishNOE Luchador Wrestler
Flag of Germany.svg German Ringer Wrestler
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Wrestler
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Worstelaar[9][10] Wrestler
Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Lutador[9] Fighter
Flag of Russia.svg Russian Рестлер[9][10] Wrestler
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChineseSI Wrestler[10]
Flag of the Republic of China.svg ChineseTR Wrestler[10]
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 레슬러 Wrestler
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese レポーター&レスラー[10] Reporter & Wrestler
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Wrestler & Reporter[9]
Reporter & Wrestler[10]
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Wrestler & Reporter[9]
Reporter & Wrestler[10]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg FrenchNOA Journaliste et lutteur[10] Journalist and wrestler
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg FrenchNOE Catcheur et journaliste[9]
Journaliste & catcheur[10]
Wrestler and journalist
Journalist & wrestler
Flag of Mexico.svg SpanishNOA Periodista y luchador[10] Journalist and Wrestler
Flag of Spain.svg SpanishNOE Luchador y Periodista[9]
Periodista y luchador[10]
Wrestler and Journalist
Journalist and Wrestler
Flag of Germany.svg German Ringer und Reporterin[9]
Reportetin & Ringer[10]
Wrestler and Reporter
Reporter & Wrestler
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Wrestler e giornalista[9][10] Wrestler and journalist
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Worstelaar en verslaggeefster[9][10] Wrestler and reporter
Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Lutador e Repórter[9] Fighter and Reporter
Flag of Russia.svg Russian Рестлер и репортерша[9]
Репортерша и рестлер[10]
Wrestler and reporter
Reporter and wrestler
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChineseSI Reporter & Wrestler[10]
Flag of the Republic of China.svg ChineseTR Reporter & Wrestler[10]
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 리포터 & 레슬러[10] Reporter & Wrestler


  1. "Wrestling 20XX "Nobody beats the champ!" Location: Rhythm Arena" ~ Wrestler's Weekly, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  2. "No Holds Barred Challenge Match Victory
    The Wrestler defended his championship title in 15 minutes with his Z-Suplex special move." ~ Wrestler's Weekly, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)
  3. "しゅざいを進めるうち、かれの父が、かれの記事を全てスクラップしているという、じょうほうを入手した。しあい後、レスラーさんにそのことを伝えたところ「ええ」とコメント。マスクの下からは父親に対する、けいいを感じられた。" (As we proceeded with the interview, we received information that his father had scrapped all of his articles. After the meeting, I told Mr. Wrestler about it and he said "Eh." Underneath the mask, you could sense the respect for his father.) ~ リズムスポーツ (Rhythm Sports), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  4. "When the wrestler's father was asked if he saved news articles about his son, he simply nodded and made an affirmative-sounding grunt." ~ Sports Page, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  5. "Mr. Sparkles goes to a gym known for its celebrities, like that wrestler who gets interviewed all the time." ~ Mr. Sparkles Rank A character card, WarioWare Gold
  6. "ニューウェーブプロレス2011「最強レスラーはオレだ!」 会場:リズム天国体育館" (New Wave Press 2011 "The Strongest Wrestler is me!" Venue: Rhythm Tengoku Gymnasium) ~ 週刊レスラー (Weekly Wrestler), Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
  7. WarioWare: Move It! - All Cutscenes [HD]
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 GAME & WARIO Epilogue
  9. Jump up to: 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  10. Jump up to: 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate