Statuses in videogames of series Rhythm Heaven
Status in Rhythm Tengoku
- I have 8 perfects.
- My first perfect - Karate Man Returns!.
- Have 36 SuperBs.
- My first superB - Sick Beats.
Status in Rhythm Heaven
Status in Rhythm Heaven Fever
- I have 7 perfects.
- My first perfect - Built to Scale.
- I have 49 superBs.
- My first superB - Hole in One.
I play Rhythm Heaven Megamix, but I don't want to tell my status
Favorite songs
- My favorite song in Rhythm Tengoku - Koi no Honey Sweet Angel.
- My favorite songs in Rhythm Heaven - That's Paradise and Struck by the Rain.
- My favorite songs in Rhythm Heaven Fever - Idk, all songs is great.
Favorite non-vocal music
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
- File:Space Soccer icon.pngSpace Soccer
- File:Lockstep 3DS icon.pngLockstep
- File:Remix 7 DS icon.pngRemix 7
- File:Remix 8 DS icon.pngRemix 8
Rhythm Heaven Fever
- File:Flock Step 3DS icon.pngFlock Step
- File:Bossa Nova 3DS icon.pngBossa Nova
- File:Tap Troupe icon.pngTap Troupe
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite Rhythm Games
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
- File:Cheer Readers icon.png Cheer Readers, i think
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite Remixes
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite characters
- DJ Yellow DS.png
- Pitcher Megamix.png
- Cheer Reader girl.png