Karate Joe

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Karate Joe (カラテ家?, Karateka) is the very first character to appear in the Rhythm Heaven Series in a Rhythm Game, appearing primarily in the Karate Man games, and one of the few characters to appear in every game since Rhythm Tengoku. He is succeeding his Father (父さん?, Tōsan) in karate.

Karate Joe is characterized by his big dick and balls. A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, b-birdd's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well-a-bird, bird, b-bird's the word, a-well-a A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody's talking about the bird! A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, surfing bird, brr, brr, ah, ah Ah, bap-a-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pap Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a mow, mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma, mow, pa-pa

Chapter 1 Ding. A notification appears on your phone, right before you fall asleep. “It’s time for your daily Spanish lesson. Take 5 minutes now to complete it.” You groan and switch your phone to “Do Not Disturb,” then settle back in and wait for sleep. You don’t know how long you sleep, but it seems like it’s only a few seconds before a shuffling and a creak pull you back into reality. You squint at the door, which was closed the last time you saw it, but now has been pushed open, revealing a dark figure. Him. “H-hola, Duo,” you manage, and he moves to the foot of your bed faster than should be possible. “You have no right to say that, bitch,” his low voice sends shivers through you. Your breath catches, but you’re not certain it’s in fear. “You haven’t practiced your Spanish in five days.” What does that make you?” You stare up at his broad form, wondering what he’s going to do—it’s never gone this far. “Naughty?” “Can you say that in Spanish?” “No.” “Then you’ve been very naughty indeed.” He’s pulled the sheets off of you, and the sharp air makes you tense, but you make no move to grab for them. It’s better to stay still. He reaches forward and brushes down your bare skin, his feathers leaving you wanting more. “How will you punish me?” you whisper. He’s pulled his wing away and you find your body reaching to feel him once more. “How do you think I’ll punish you?” A feather lightly brushes your foot, and you forget how to breathe for a second as you begin to imagine what he might do. You realize you’re not afraid at all anymore, and the shivers he’s sending through your body are due to something else entirely. “I—I don’t—” you struggle to respond, and he leans over you, massive fluffy chest pinning you to the bed. You breathe in the intoxicating scent of him—dead mice and pine bark mixed with the soft smell of downy feathers. He leans into your ear, his beak clipping your skin. “I don’t think you’re worth my time.” He pulls back, leaving a void around you. “What?” “It’s been five days. You clearly don’t want to learn Spanish, so I’ll stop pushing you.” You protest before you can think, “No!” He tilts his head. “Really?” “Please... I do want to keep learning... I swear...” He’s back at the door. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” He turns to go. “Wait!” You cry, making his head swivel back toward you. “Please, when will I see you again?” “Keep a streak for three days and we’ll see.” And with that, he disappears without even a whisper of wings. Was he even real or was he just a dream? You slide the covers back up your body, then notice something stuck in the fabric. You turn the light on to get a better look, and there it is: a green feather.

Chapter 2 Chapter Summary Duo’s back, baby I stand in her window, savoring the way the wind ruffles the feathers on my back. She’s laying in bed, completely innocent and helpless, her side rising and falling with the deep breaths of sleep. I almost feel bad for waking her. But not quite. I hop into her room and lean close to her ear. “Hoot hoot.” Her eyes fly open and immediately meet mine. “Duo.” Her voice is trembling. I smile. “Do you know why I’m here?” I hear her heartbeat pick up. “I... I haven’t had time...” I stroke a feather down her cheek, enjoying her shiver. “All I ask for is five minutes a day. Is that really so difficult?” She swallows. “I’m sorry...” “Sorry won’t cut it. Don’t you remember my last visit?” Her cheeks flush. “I do.” I lean close to her, feeling the heat radiate from her skin. “This kind of behavior needs to be punished.” She goes still, and her heart is so loud it might as well be mine. I hop onto the bed, smiling when she gasps. I pull the sheet off of her, revealing the smooth skin of her stomach, and lightly drag a talon across her. She inhales sharply, and I look into her eyes, big and innocent. I hover the talon above her. “Do you agree?” “Y-yes. I need to be punished.” I prod the talon into her soft skin. “Can you say that in Spanish?” She whimpers. “Um. Sí. Quiero... no... necesito.... i can’t...” Her accent is atrocious. I drag the talon, still dug deep, down the same path as before, this time leaving a stripe of red skin behind it. “That’s what I thought.” She shivers. Her reaction is different than usual, not scared enough. “Please...” I tilt my head. “Please what?” Surely she doesn’t want me to— “Keep going.” She moves her head so that the curve of her neck is exposed. “I need to be punished,” she looks me up and down. “Daddy.” Her neck... I lean in and nip at it. “Don’t call me that.” She moans. “Oh, would you prefer Papí?” I nip her again. “Definitely not.” She shifts under my weight. “Well what do you want?” I look down at her body beneath mine, pinned to the bed. She has goosebumps where my feathers touch her. “You.” I lean down and bite her skin again, enjoying the chew of it in my beak, and the noises she makes with each bite— helpless, pleading noises. I move on from her neck to the curve of her collarbone, her chest, lower.... She heaves with each breath. “Oh god, Duo...” I bear down more, biting hard enough now to draw blood, tasting her life in my mouth. I know I’m breathing heavily now, too, shaking with desire. I’m losing control. She moans loudly, and I pull away. “What?” She pants. Her scent is strong with desire, and sweat has beaded on her forehead. “Duo?” I suck in a breath. I have to stay in control. “You... you’re enjoying this.” Panic flashes in her eyes. “I..” My breath returns. “This isn’t a punishment anymore, is it?” And it dawns on me— I remember her strange disappointment when I left last time. I didn’t understand it then, but now... I grin evilly. “But you know what might be a fitting punishment...” I hop back to my perch on the window. She sits up, reaching. “No, please...” She looks so helpless, and the bruises where I bit her call to me. I almost return to her, if it weren’t for the pleasure I get from knowing how much this disappoints her, her desperation. I smile. “Sweet dreams.” And with that, I jump off of the sill into the night.

Consummation Chapter Summary The reader finds Duo and begs to be finished. Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for notes I sit alone on a hill, the languages of the world working through my brain. I can see the whole city from here, the tiny mortals tucking in for the night. All is well. I smell her before I hear her trying to creep up behind me. She smells like fear, a mouse just before its skin is torn to shreds. But also-- I swallow-- she smells like lust. I turn to her. She’s standing 20 feet away, breathing hard. The wind has her hair, and it’s waving it in front of her face. Her thin dress is also floating in the breeze, and she shivers in the cold air. “Duo,” she says my name softly, but she knows I can hear it. Her voice drips with need, speaking a language that doesn’t need to be taught. I fly to her, enjoying the way she jumps when I land, tasting her fear. “What are you doing here?” She glances away. “I-- you never came back.” Her eyes flit to mine. “I missed you.” I scoff. “Okay.” “I did.” She puts hand on my wing, lightly, so lightly. “I’ve learned 2,406 words in Spanish. For you.” “I noticed.” I’ve been tracking her progress. I don’t usually watch so closely. I don’t know why she fascinates me so much. “But you haven’t rewarded me.” She tilts her face up in order to look directly at me, her full lips parted, her eyes wide. She’s so fucking human, so weak, and I wonder what it would be like to push her to her limits. “I didn’t realize I needed to reward you.” “Please,” she whispers, steeling her grip. “I need you. Don’t leave me hanging again.” I look down at her. So helpless, so willing to do anything I ask. I want to bend her, to scar her, make her scream. And I know she wants it too. But I hold back. “Do you know what I am?” She shakes her head. “I don’t care.” I fly up, catching the back of her dress with my talons, then soar through the night, landing on the highest tree I can find. I drop her onto a branch and perch next to her. “You really don’t care.” She smells almost entirely of fear now, and I know I could hear her heartbeat from a mile away. “I know what you are.”

I suck in a breath. “Say it.” She grips the tree. “You fly silently. You only come out at night. You smell like mouse bones.” I know. God, I know. “Say it.” “You’re an owl.” I huff a laugh. “And what could you know about that? You have no idea how powerful I am. The things I could do to you.” She puts a gentle hand on my talon. “I don’t care.” When I look at her, she’s blushing furiously. “I still want you. I still need you. Please.” I have lived for a million years and have yet to learn impulse control. “Is that the best you can do?” She looks up, tears welling in her eyes from need. “What?” I kick her hand off of me. “You can’t even beg properly?” It takes a second to hit her, then she looks into my eyes hopefully and throws herself at my feet. “Please. I need you. I would do anyth--” “Anything?” Fuck, I’ve lost it now. “Jump.” She looks down. The ground is at least 100 feet below us. “I--” “If you really want me. If you trust me. Jump.” My heartbeat picks up, feeding off of her fear. Slowly she stands. Looks down again. “You’ll catch me?” I nod, swallowing. She’s gonna do it. She does. She jumps. I swoop down after her, waiting until the last minute before catching her on my back. “Good job.” She’s panting, sweating, laughing. “Fuck.” She leans against me, her complete trust and need for me seeping from her pores. I let her down in a meadow. “So you’re sure.” She’s on her back, still breathless, and lets her legs fall open.”I’m sure.” I bend in, nipping her neck. “You have been very good.” Her head falls back. “Thank you. Thank you, master.” I rest a talon at her neckline. “Are you going to take this off or should I take it off of you?” She catches her breath. “You can take it off me.” I drag my talon down, hard, tearing through the fabric of the dress, letting it fall to the side, revealing her tiny body, quivering in excitement. “What a good student.” Her chest is rising and falling rapidly. “I do it for you, master.” I drag my talon along the length of her, and her back arches into my touch. I move my talon lower, gently feeling between her legs. She moans, moving them further apart.

I pull my talon away; it’s slick. I bite her again, this time enough to draw blood, and she moans loudly. I smile. “Do you want me?” “Please,” her voice is almost gone. I grip her hips with my talons, digging in, pinning her down with my weight. I grind against her, savoring the mix of pain and pleasure on her face, going as slowly as I can stand in order to make her squirm beneath me. “Harder,” she gasps. I pull away, just a bit. “Be patient.” She whimpers, and I know she wants to tell me that she has been patient, but she holds her tongue, holds back. She goes still. I nuzzle my beak into her neck. “Good girl.” I grind against her again, harder, and decide I’ve had enough of holding back. I keep going, harder, faster, and she grips my feathers and moans uncontrollably. “Ahh, Duo. . .” Her fingers squeeze tighter, and I feel her legs tense around me. “I’m gonna come. . .” I push harder, aching, breathless at the sensation of her flesh against mine. “éjaculation. . .” push. “ejakulation. . .” again, harder. “射精. . .” again, squeezing her harder with my talons. “эякуляция,” I can feel it, so close. . . and then it comes, and I feel myself release, “eyaculación. . .” She moans, thrusting against me one more time before falling back, out of breath. “Thank. . . you. . .” I let go, feeling a rush of pleasure at the marks where my talons dug into her skin. She’s damp all over, like a fresh chick, and her eyes are closed. “Are you alright?” Her eyes open and meet mine. “More than alright. Thank you.” She manages to get onto my back, and I fly to her window, letting her settle onto her bed, watching the way her body slowly arches, as if she has yet to come down. I guess I am still feeling it, too, because I can’t help but bite her one last time, just below the collarbone, before I disappear back into the night. Chapter End Notes


Karate Joe is a lonely martial artist who struggles with his training. He seems to be developing his own unique karate style which incorporates rhythm. He has a very emotional personality, which can be seen in his many facial expressions. At the martial arts competitions, the opponent reads all his tricks, and he can't get results. Sometimes he goes to his master for advice, whose usual response is "You needed to focus on the basics."[1]

Karate Joe has dreamed of being a soccer player even since he was a child, but his Father wanted him to master karate instead, and told him that he can't leave his house until he masters it. Even as an adult, Karate Joe still lives in the basement[2]. His Father also stole the ball that Joe had bought and used it as a punching bag[3].

Father is a master at karate, but not cooking. Occasionally he makes dinner anyway, such as one day when Karate Joe's mother was out of the house[4], and asks his son if he likes it. Joe has to lie and say that he likes it to make him feel good[5].

Father got his son bombs to make him face his fears. At first, Karate Joe thought they were fake, but then one exploded. He still vividly remembers his Father's face as he said "Are you surprised?"[6] Karate Joe has no idea where his father got them from[7].

Father keeps a bunch of barrels around, but Karate Joe has no idea why. He asked multiple times, but was told that he can only know when he is stronger than his father[8].

Karate Joe envies his Father's incredible vision that allows him to quickly tell the color of a light bulb and counter it[9]. He also sees this as an explanation for how his Father can easily counter his attacks[10].

Other Appearances

In Rhythm Tengoku, Karate Joe appears in the first Rhythm Game, Karateka. It involves the Flow gauge, which determines if he can punch hard objects such as rocks and bombs, which depends on how well the player is doing in the game. In Karateka 2, he also has to contend with the ever changing tempo. In Remix 8, the Flow gauge disappears, and Karate Joe is enveloped in shadow. He can now punch rocks no matter what. At the end, he returns to normal, making a weird face. Karate Joe reappears in the arcade version of the game, with the same appearances, in addition to Karateka TempoUpExtra1.png, which is a sped up version of the original. Here, he is wearing boxing gloves and black boxing shorts, and is training for a boxing match.

Karate Joe reappears in Rhythm Heaven, in the last Rhythm Game before the Staff Credits, Karate Man. In Remix 6, he can be seen with hair and kicking soccer balls in place of bombs. He later makes a cameo in Blue Birds 2, where he is seen in one of the memories, training while the birds spy on him from a bush. In Karate Man 2, he takes on another day of hard training. This time he's very pleased with himself, though he tries to hide it. He makes the weird face again when kicking away bombs. In the epilogues, one of The Dazzles is shown to admire him, calling him "hot stuff" and offering him a towel. In Battle of the Bands, he can be seen in the audience, watching the Rockers perform on stage.

In Rhythm Heaven Fever, he is once again in the last Rhythm Game before the Credits, Karate Man. In Remix 7, he wears black shades while punching stuff in space. At one point he lies down and watches TV, which coincidentally shows Karateka from Rhythm Tengoku itself. In Remix 9 he is accompanied by a cat[11]. In Karate Man 2, he reaches "the height of mastery" in karate, after which he is seemingly able to control fire as seen in the Superb epilogue. In the Two Player version, he wears a headband, and is accompanied by another Karate Joe in purple clothes.

In Rhythm Heaven Megamix, he appears in Honeybee Remix, where he wears a bee hat and a stinger. In the middle of the remix, several bees fly past him. At the end, the hat and stinger fly away, and he starts thinking about pancakes. He also watches in awe at his Father's mastery in Karate Man Senior. He gives commentary on his Father's performance, the same way the Master does on Joe's training. Additionally, Karate Man Returns!, Karate Man Kicks! and Karate Man Combos! all reappear, along with a short version of Karate Man.

Karate Joe appears in the Rhythm Tengoku Gold Comic, where he is seen training even on Christmas Eve. Humorously, despite the lack of snow in the general area, there's a snowstorm blowing solely on him. He also appears in Rhythm Tengoku The Best Plus Comic, where he is the first at the reunion.

It is unknown when these events occur in relation to the general story.



In Super Smash Bros.

Karate Joe appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS as a trophy in the "Other" category, and as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

His spirit battle takes place on the Suzaku Castle Ω stage playing the Rhythm Boxing track, where he is represented by Ryu. The battle has the "Item Tidal Wave" rule applied and the following conditions:

  • The enemy's punches and elbow strikes have increased power
  • The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
  • The enemy favors smash attacks
Karate Joe
Flag of the United States.svg
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg
Has there ever been a cry more manly than the "Uh!" that appears at the start of every Karate Joe stage? It's like he digs deep down inside himself, reveals his spirit with that "Uh!" of power...and then directs that energy into smashing flowerpots, bulbs, and exploding barrels. Karate Joe knows no fear!
Has there ever been a cry more manly than the "Uh!" that appears at the start of every Karate Man stage? Doesn't it sound like it comes from the very bottom of his soul? Or is that just us? ...Anyway! Karate Joe is a pretty cool guy. He punches flowerpots, bulbs, even exploding barrels without the slightest hesitation. Truly, he fears nothing.

No. 1192
Karate Joe Spirit.png
Karate Joe
★★★ ACE 2 Fist Attack ↑ World of Light (The Dark Realm)
Spirit Board
Shop (6000G)


In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese カラテ家 Karateka
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Karate Joe
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Karate Joe
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Le karatéka The Karateka
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Kárate Killo Pun on "Karatequillo" (the -illo suffix has diminutive or affective value)
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Karate Ka Karate Ka
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Karate Joe[16]
Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Karate Joe[17]
Flag of Russia.svg Russian Каратист[16] Karate Man
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChineseSI Karate Joe[16]
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 격투가 The Fighter


  1. キャラクターアルバム ステージ1 (Character Album Stage 1)
  2. "As a child, I dreamed of being a soccer player. My father wouldn't hear of it. "You must master karate before you leave my house!" I still live in the basement." ~ Soccer Ball, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  3. "せっかく買ったボールは、取り上げられて、今やサンドバッグ代わりになっている。" (The ball I bought was stolen, and is now being used as a punching bag.) ~ サッカーボール (Soccer Ball), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  4. "母さんが外出した日に、一度だけ食べた父さんのナベ。" (Father's curry, which I only ate once on the day my mother went out.) ~ ナベ (Pan), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  5. "My father is a master of karate, but not of cooking. Occasionally he makes dinner anyway, and he keeps asking if I like it. I always lie and tell him it's good." ~ Cooking Pot, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  6. "「おどろいただろ?」という父さんの顔、今でもおぼえてる。" ("Are you surprised?" I still remember my father's face.) ~ バクダン (Bomb), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  7. "My father got these bombs to help me face my fears. I thought he was joking at first, but then one exploded! Where did he even get these?" ~ Bomb, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  8. "My father keeps a bunch of these little barrels around, but I've never understood why. When I've asked, he says I can know when I am stronger than he is." ~ Barrel, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  9. "My father's most amazing trait is probably his vision. He can tell the color of a training light bulb in an instant and counter it. Will I ever be so quick?" ~ LED Light Bulbs, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  10. "だから、オレのこうげきだって、カンタンにふせぐのさ。" (That's why it's so easy for him to counter my attacks, too.) ~ LED電球 (LED Bulbs), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  11. "cat" ~ texture filename, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  12. "Karate Man Senior" ~ Title of the Rhythm Game, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  13. "Junior's Feedback" ~ Caption for the results in Karate Man Senior, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  14. "こないだ、こっそり父さんのお酒を飲もうとしたところ、父さんに見つかってしまった。「お前には早い。もしもオレより、強くなる時が来たら、ウマイ酒を飲ませてやる」だって。けっきょく、父さんとお酒を飲んだことは、まだない。" (The other day, I secretly tried drinking my father's alcohol, but he found out. "You're not ready for it," he said, "but if you ever get stronger than me, I'll give you a drink." I've never had a drink with my dad before, actually.) ~ タル (Barrel), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  15. "Résultat : à 55 ans, je vis toujours au sous-sol..." (The result: At 55, I still live in the basement...) ~ Ballon de football (Soccer Ball), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  17. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS