Statuses in videogames of series Rhythm Heaven
Status in Rhythm Tengoku
- I have 8 perfects.
- My first perfect - Karate Man Returns!.
- Have 36 SuperBs.
- My first superB - Sick Beats.
Status in Rhythm Heaven
Status in Rhythm Heaven Fever
- I have 7 perfects.
- My first perfect - Built to Scale.
- I have 49 superBs.
- My first superB - Hole in One.
I play Rhythm Heaven Megamix, but I don't want to tell my status
Favorite songs
- My favorite song in Rhythm Tengoku - Koi no Honey Sweet Angel.
- My favorite songs in Rhythm Heaven - That's Paradise and Struck by the Rain.
- My favorite songs in Rhythm Heaven Fever - Idk, all songs is great.
Favorite non-vocal music
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
- File:Space Soccer icon.pngSpace Soccer
- File:Lockstep 3DS icon.pngLockstep
- File:Remix 7 DS icon.pngRemix 7
- File:Remix 8 DS icon.pngRemix 8
Rhythm Heaven Fever
- File:Flock Step 3DS icon.pngFlock Step
- File:Bossa Nova 3DS icon.pngBossa Nova
- File:Tap Troupe icon.pngTap Troupe
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite Rhythm Games
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite Remixes
Rhythm Tengoku
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Favorite characters
- DJ Yellow DS.png
- Cheer Reader girl.png