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[[File:Manzai.jpg|thumb|Manzai Birds]]
'''Manzai Birds''' is an [[Endless Games|Endless Game]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''. It was removed from copies released outside of Japan due to the nature of the focused dialogue around the game and replaced with [[Mr. Upbeat]]. It is unlocked after you obtain 32 medals.
|image={{TabStart|style=text-align:center}}{{TabHeader|{{Console|Wii|32px}}}}[[File:Game Wii E-4 JP.gif|270px]]{{TabEnd}}
|number=[[File:Game Wii B-3.png|24px|link=]] 4 ({{JP}})
|medals={{Console|Wii}} 32 ({{JP}})
|hiscore={{Console|Wii}} 0
{{Nihongo|Manzai<ref name="us">[ Iwata Asks - Rhythm Heaven Fever - Page 4]</ref>|まんざい|Manzai}} is the 4th [[Endless Game]] in ''[[Minna no Rhythm Tengoku]]'', unlocked with 32 [[Medal]]s.
The player controls a crow, and has to press A twice when the vulture stops talking. Sometimes the vulture winds up thrashing its head back, and then you have to press A+B to slap it. You get one point for every successful action, but one mistake and it's game over!
[[File:Screenshot Wii Manzai.png|thumb]]
The game revolves around two comedian birds who form the group {{Nihongo|Ottorizu|おっとりーず|Ottorizu}}.
== Controls ==
* A - Talk
* A+B - Slap the vulture.
== Hit or Miss ==
* '''Hit: '''If the player times it correctly, the crowd will cheer. If the vulture is slapped, the crowd will be surpised.
* '''Barely: '''If the player is a little late, the crowd will look at the birds with an annoyed look. '''A Barely counts as a hit.'''
* '''Miss: '''If nothing is pressed, or off-beat, the crowd will lose intrest, and the birds will fall through the floor. '''A Miss ends the game.'''
== Dialog ==
All of the puns are based off of the object that they are talking about, weither it be sound or same readings of two words, such as "ame" being "rain" and "candy. "  The jokes where the vulture is slapped is just a previous joke but he instead winds up.  The crow speaks in the kansai (関西)dialect. Some jokes are repeated once or twice. after the last joke, He will repeat one randomly.                                                                                              
* The futon was blown off  (布団が吹っ飛んだ)                                 
* I can't find the orange  (ミカンがみっかんない)                                         
* Money is scary (お金はおっかねい)                    
* Rain is candy  (雨ってあめえ)                     
* Camels are fun (ラクダは楽だ)                                         
* Plums are delicious (梅ってうめい)          
* To freeze black tea (紅茶を凍っちゃう)
* The frog turns over (カエルが振り返る)
* Curry is spicy (カレーが辛れい)
* Beyond thought is heavy (思いのほか重い)
* I come without being late (遅れず来ておくれ)
* To go to the toilet (トイレに行っといれ
* I'm meeting a friend (相手に逢いて)
* How much is the salted salmon roe? (イクラはいくら?)
* Grass smells bad (草がクサイ)
* Shall we discuss the hall? (廊下で語ろうか?)
* The pudding is enough (プリンがたっぷりん)   
* To go to China (チャイナに行っちゃいな)
* Is watermelon cheap? (スイカは安いか?)
* The squid was angry (イカが怒った)
* I want to go to Thailand (タイに行きたい!)
* Are the rein deers adults? ( トナカイは大人かい?)
* Will the monkey leave? (サルが去る?)
* Look at the rhino! (サイを見なさい!)
* I want to eat a sea bream (鯛が食べたい!)
* It seems like I want to look at the sun (太陽が見たいよう)
* There's no "eye" in "eyeglasses" (メガネには目がねい)                               

'''''The Crow's Lines'''''
The player controls the tsukkomi crow {{Nihongo|Kasuke|カースケ|Kasuke}}, who responds to the boke vulture {{Nihongo|Kosuke|コースケ|Kosuke}} who says puns. Sometimes Kosuke ends up thrashing its head back before finishing the pun, in which case the Kasuke slaps him.
* Yes! (はい!)
* What's wrong?! (どないやねん!)

== Trivia ==
Every so often, the duo leap back and the doors in the background open up to reveal the words "SPEED UP!", and appropriately enough, the game speeds up.
* The game speeds up after 4, 8, or 16 points.
{{Controls|A=Talk|A+B=Slap Kosuke}}
==[[Timing Display]]==
|just=The player correctly responds to the pun with {{Nihongo|"Hai. Hai."|はい。はい。|Yeah. Yeah.}}, and the crowd cheers. When Kosuke rears his head back, Kasuke slaps him while saying {{Nihongo|"Donaiyanen!"|どないやねん!|What the heck's with you?!}}, and the crowd laughs. One point is added.
|miss=The player correctly responds to the pun out of sync. When Kosuke rears his head back, Kasuke slaps him, but mistimes it. The crowd looks annoyed.
|through=The player doesn't respond to the pun or Kosuke rearing back, the crowd loses interest, and the birds fall through the floor and the game is over. If the player tries doing any actions when they're not supposed to, Kasuke says "Hai!" or attempts to slap Kosuke (missing him in the process), causing the audience to look annoyed. This does not cause a Game Over, however.}}
All of the puns are based off of the object that they are talking about, whether it be sound or same readings of two words, such as "ame" being "rain" and "candy". The jokes where Kosuke is slapped is a previous joke that isn't finished. Kasuke speaks in the kansai (関西) dialect. At around 47 points, some jokes are repeated in full, and after 60 points, the game is completely randomized.
===Kosuke's Lines===
*{{Nihongo|布団が吹っ飛んだ|''futon'' ga ''futton''da|The futon was blown away}}
*{{Nihongo|ミカンがみっかんない|''mikan'' ga ''mikkan'''nai|There are no oranges}}
*{{Nihongo|お金はおっかねぇ~|''okane'' wa ''okka nē~''|I don't have money~}}
*{{Nihongo|雨ってあめ~な~|''ame'' tte ''ame~'' na~|Rain is candy}}
*{{Nihongo|ラクダは楽だな~|''rakuda'' wa ''rakuda'' na~|Camels are easy~}}
*{{Nihongo|梅ってうめ~な~|''ume'' tte ''ume~'' na~|Plums are delicious~}}
*{{Nihongo|紅茶が凍っちゃう|''kōcha'' ga ''kōtchau''|My tea freezes}}
*{{Nihongo|カエルが振り返る|''kaeru'' ga furi''kaeru''|The frog looks back}}
*{{Nihongo|カレーは辛れ~|''karē'' wa ''kara'' re~|The curry is spicy~}}
*{{Nihongo|思いのほか重い|''omoi'' no hoka ''omoi''|It's heavier than expected}}
*{{Nihongo|遅れず来ておくれ|''okure''zu kite ''okure''|Please come without delay}}
*{{Nihongo|トイレに行っといれ|''toire'' ni it''to ire''|Go to the toilet}}
*{{Nihongo|相手に逢いて~な~|''aite'' ni ''aite~'' na~|Meet another person~}}
*{{Nihongo|ヒラメがひらめいた|''hirame'' ga ''hirame''ita|Flounder flashed}}
*{{Nihongo|メガネには目がねぇ~|''megane'' ni wa ''me ga nē~''|I can't see the glasses}}
*{{Nihongo|お餅の気持ち|o ''mochi'' no ki''mochi''|Mochi feeling}}
*{{Nihongo|鶏肉が取りにくい|''toriniku'' ga ''tori niku''i|It's hard to get chicken}}
*{{Nihongo|電話に出んわ|''denwa'' ni ''den wa''|I'll answer the phone}}
*{{Nihongo|サカナかな?まさかな|''sakana'' ka na? ma''saka na''|Is it a fish? No way!}}
*{{Nihongo|ネコが寝ころんだ|''neko'' ga ''neko''ronda|The cat fell asleep}}
*{{Nihongo|イクラはいくら?|''ikura'' wa ''ikura''?|How much is the salted salmon roe?}}
*{{Nihongo|草がクサい!|''kusa'' ga ''kusa'' i!|The grass is bad!}}
*{{Nihongo|廊下で語ろうか|''rōka'' de kata''rou ka''|Shall we talk in the hallway?}}
*{{Nihongo|プリンがたっぷりん|''purin'' ga tap''puri n''|There's plenty of pudding}}  
*{{Nihongo|チャイナに行っちゃいな|''chaina'' ni it''chai na''|Let's go to China}}
*{{Nihongo|スイカは安いか?|''suika'' wa ya''sui ka''?|Are watermelons cheap?}}
*{{Nihongo|イカが怒った|''ika'' ga ''ika''tta|The squid got angry}}
*{{Nihongo|タイに行きたい!|''tai'' ni iki''tai''!|I want go to Thailand!}}
*{{Nihongo|トナカイは大人かい?|''tonakai'' wa o''tona kai''?|Are the reindeer adults?}}
*{{Nihongo|サルが去る!|''saru'' ga ''saru''!|The monkey is leaving!}}
*{{Nihongo|サイを見なさい|''sai'' o mi na''sai''|Look at the rhino}}
*{{Nihongo|鯛が食べたいな~|''tai'' ga tabe''tai'' na~|I want to eat sea bream}}
*{{Nihongo|太陽が見たいよう|''taiyō'' ga mi ''taiyō''|I want to see the sun}}
===Kasuke's Lines===
*{{Nihongo|はい。はい。|Hai. Hai.|Yeah. Yeah.}}
*{{Nihongo|どないやねん!|Donaiyanen!|What the heck's with you?!}}
Screenshot Wii Manzai Practice.png|[[Manzai]] ([[Practice]])
Screenshot Wii Manzai.png|[[Manzai]]
Screenshot Wii Manzai Endless Remix.png|[[Endless Remix]]
*[[wikipedia:Manzai|Manzai]] is a Japanese comedy routine which involves two comedians. It involves a tsukkomi, or straight man (in this case Kasuke), who reacts to the boke, or funny man (Kosuke)'s jokes and gags, often with slapstick.
**The idea of a manzai routine was used before in [[Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu#リズム漫才 (Rhythm Manzai)|Rhythm Manzai]] in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''.
*Many of the voices in the game were recorded in-house<ref name="us"/>.
**Interestingly, there is a Voice Version of the song in ''[[Minna no Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu]]'' which uses different takes for the voice clips, while also lacking the sound effects. The order of the puns is also different from the 29th one onward.
*Inputting the code word {{Nihongo|まさにべつもの}} in [[Police Call]] gives the player a tip about there being a code word in this game (the word is {{Nihongo|しあいみせて}}: after a few speed ups, the sliding doors show the code word instead). The code word can be put into [[Police Call]] for an easter egg.
**Inputting the code word {{Nihongo|ねたばらし}}, found in [[Wake-Up Caller]], in [[Police Call]] will play a version of Manzai with voice clips, though it is different to the Voice Version mentioned above.
*As the game was replaced with [[Mr. Upbeat]] overseas, which in turn was made to be the 1st [[Endless Game]] rather than the 4th, the rest of the games between them were moved up, and their medal requirements were adjusted. It also inherited the code words for [[Police Call]] originally associated with Manzai.
**For the same reason, the [[Reading Material]] "[[A Musical Term|おっとりーず]]" ''(Ottorizu)'', received as the [[Gift]] in [[Karate Man 2 (Wii)|Karate Man 2]], which originally contained a more traditional manzai routine between the two birds, was replaced with one related to [[Mr. Upbeat (character)|Mr. Upbeat]] himself. The code word that provided the lyrical version of Manzai, now replaced with {{Nihongo|BOUTS}}, plays a version of [[Rhythm Fighter]] instead.
==Development History==
==In Other Languages==
|us=Manzai<ref name="us"/>
|uk=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata Asks | 4. Music Spinning in Your Head | Iwata Asks: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|fr=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata demande | 4. Un air dans la tête | Iwata demande : Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|es=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata pregunta | 4. Música pegadiza | Iwata pregunta: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|de=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata fragt | 4. Musik, die einem im Kopf bleibt | Iwata fragt: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|it=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata Chiede | 4. Una musica che ti ronza in testa | Iwata Chiede: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|nl=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata vraagt | 4. Muziek die in je hoofd blijft hangen | Iwata vraagt: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>
|pt=Manzai<ref>[ Iwata Pergunta | 4. Música na cabeça | Iwata Pergunta: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise | Nintendo]</ref>}}
{{Endless Game Navigation}}
{{Endless Game Navigation}}
[[Category:Endless Games]]

Latest revision as of 00:50, 1 September 2024

Manzai[1] (まんざい?, Manzai) is the 4th Endless Game in Minna no Rhythm Tengoku, unlocked with 32 Medals.

ConsoleWii Icon.png
Game Wii E-4 JP.gif
Game Wii B-3.png 4 (Flag of Japan.svg)
Medeals Needed
ConsoleWii Icon.png 32 (Flag of Japan.svg)
High Score
ConsoleWii Icon.png 0


Screenshot Wii Manzai.png

The game revolves around two comedian birds who form the group Ottorizu (おっとりーず?, Ottorizu).

The player controls the tsukkomi crow Kasuke (カースケ?, Kasuke), who responds to the boke vulture Kosuke (コースケ?, Kosuke) who says puns. Sometimes Kosuke ends up thrashing its head back before finishing the pun, in which case the Kasuke slaps him.

Every so often, the duo leap back and the doors in the background open up to reveal the words "SPEED UP!", and appropriately enough, the game speeds up.


  • Ⓐ: Talk
  • Ⓐ+Ⓑ: Slap Kosuke

Timing Display

  • Perfect!/Ace!?: The player correctly responds to the pun with "Hai. Hai." (はい。はい。?, Yeah. Yeah.), and the crowd cheers. When Kosuke rears his head back, Kasuke slaps him while saying "Donaiyanen!" (どないやねん!?, What the heck's with you?!), and the crowd laughs. One point is added.
  • Early!/Late!?: The player correctly responds to the pun out of sync. When Kosuke rears his head back, Kasuke slaps him, but mistimes it. The crowd looks annoyed.
  • Miss...?: The player doesn't respond to the pun or Kosuke rearing back, the crowd loses interest, and the birds fall through the floor and the game is over. If the player tries doing any actions when they're not supposed to, Kasuke says "Hai!" or attempts to slap Kosuke (missing him in the process), causing the audience to look annoyed. This does not cause a Game Over, however.


All of the puns are based off of the object that they are talking about, whether it be sound or same readings of two words, such as "ame" being "rain" and "candy". The jokes where Kosuke is slapped is a previous joke that isn't finished. Kasuke speaks in the kansai (関西) dialect. At around 47 points, some jokes are repeated in full, and after 60 points, the game is completely randomized.

Kosuke's Lines

  • 布団が吹っ飛んだ (futon ga futtonda?, The futon was blown away)
  • ミカンがみっかんない (mikan ga mikkan'nai?, There are no oranges)
  • お金はおっかねぇ~ (okane wa okka nē~?, I don't have money~)
  • 雨ってあめ~な~ (ame tte ame~ na~?, Rain is candy)
  • ラクダは楽だな~ (rakuda wa rakuda na~?, Camels are easy~)
  • 梅ってうめ~な~ (ume tte ume~ na~?, Plums are delicious~)
  • 紅茶が凍っちゃう (kōcha ga kōtchau?, My tea freezes)
  • カエルが振り返る (kaeru ga furikaeru?, The frog looks back)
  • カレーは辛れ~ (karē wa kara re~?, The curry is spicy~)
  • 思いのほか重い (omoi no hoka omoi?, It's heavier than expected)
  • 遅れず来ておくれ (okurezu kite okure?, Please come without delay)
  • トイレに行っといれ (toire ni itto ire?, Go to the toilet)
  • 相手に逢いて~な~ (aite ni aite~ na~?, Meet another person~)
  • ヒラメがひらめいた (hirame ga hirameita?, Flounder flashed)
  • メガネには目がねぇ~ (megane ni wa me ga nē~?, I can't see the glasses)
  • お餅の気持ち (o mochi no kimochi?, Mochi feeling)
  • 鶏肉が取りにくい (toriniku ga tori nikui?, It's hard to get chicken)
  • 電話に出んわ (denwa ni den wa?, I'll answer the phone)
  • サカナかな?まさかな (sakana ka na? masaka na?, Is it a fish? No way!)
  • ネコが寝ころんだ (neko ga nekoronda?, The cat fell asleep)
  • イクラはいくら? (ikura wa ikura??, How much is the salted salmon roe?)
  • 草がクサい! (kusa ga kusa i!?, The grass is bad!)
  • 廊下で語ろうか (rōka de katarou ka?, Shall we talk in the hallway?)
  • プリンがたっぷりん (purin ga tappuri n?, There's plenty of pudding)  
  • チャイナに行っちゃいな (chaina ni itchai na?, Let's go to China)
  • スイカは安いか? (suika wa yasui ka??, Are watermelons cheap?)
  • イカが怒った (ika ga ikatta?, The squid got angry)
  • タイに行きたい! (tai ni ikitai!?, I want go to Thailand!)
  • トナカイは大人かい? (tonakai wa otona kai??, Are the reindeer adults?)
  • サルが去る! (saru ga saru!?, The monkey is leaving!)
  • サイを見なさい (sai o mi nasai?, Look at the rhino)
  • 鯛が食べたいな~ (tai ga tabetai na~?, I want to eat sea bream)
  • 太陽が見たいよう (taiyō ga mi taiyō?, I want to see the sun)

Kasuke's Lines

  • はい。はい。 (Hai. Hai.?, Yeah. Yeah.)
  • どないやねん! (Donaiyanen!?, What the heck's with you?!)




  • Manzai is a Japanese comedy routine which involves two comedians. It involves a tsukkomi, or straight man (in this case Kasuke), who reacts to the boke, or funny man (Kosuke)'s jokes and gags, often with slapstick.
  • Many of the voices in the game were recorded in-house[1].
    • Interestingly, there is a Voice Version of the song in Minna no Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu which uses different takes for the voice clips, while also lacking the sound effects. The order of the puns is also different from the 29th one onward.
  • Inputting the code word まさにべつもの in Police Call gives the player a tip about there being a code word in this game (the word is しあいみせて: after a few speed ups, the sliding doors show the code word instead). The code word can be put into Police Call for an easter egg.
    • Inputting the code word ねたばらし, found in Wake-Up Caller, in Police Call will play a version of Manzai with voice clips, though it is different to the Voice Version mentioned above.
  • As the game was replaced with Mr. Upbeat overseas, which in turn was made to be the 1st Endless Game rather than the 4th, the rest of the games between them were moved up, and their medal requirements were adjusted. It also inherited the code words for Police Call originally associated with Manzai.
    • For the same reason, the Reading Material "おっとりーず" (Ottorizu), received as the Gift in Karate Man 2, which originally contained a more traditional manzai routine between the two birds, was replaced with one related to Mr. Upbeat himself. The code word that provided the lyrical version of Manzai, now replaced with BOUTS, plays a version of Rhythm Fighter instead.

Development History

Main article: Manzai/Development

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese まんざい Manzai
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Manzai[1]
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Manzai[2]
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Manzai[3]
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Manzai[4]
Flag of Germany.svg German Manzai[5]
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Manzai[6]
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Dutch Manzai[7]
Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Manzai[8]


Logo GBA Rhythm Tengoku.svg Ura Otoko Game GBA E-2.png Game GBA E-3.png Game GBA E-4.png
Logo DS Rhythm Heaven.svg Game DS E-1.gif Shoot-'Em-Up Game DS E-3.gif Samurai Slice Game DS E-5.gif Game DS E-6.gif
Logo Wii Rhythm Heaven Fever.svg
One Player
Game Wii E-4.gif Game Wii E-1.gif Munchy Monk Game Wii E-3.gif Game Wii E-4 JP.gif Game Wii E-5.gif
Logo Wii Rhythm Heaven Fever.svg
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1.gif Game Wii PE-2.gif Game Wii PE-3.gif Game Wii PE-4.gif Bossa Nova
Logo 3DS Rhythm Heaven Megamix.svg Artwork 3DS Coin Toss Alt.png Sick Beats Artwork 3DS Charging Chicken.png Artwork 3DS Clap Trap Alt.png