Epilogue Wii Built to Scale 2 NG.png


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This template provides basic information for Rhythm Games, Rhythm Toys and Endless Games, used at the top of their pages. The parameters for this template include:

  • Title: The name of the Rhythm Game. By default uses the page's name, but can be changed. If a game has a discriminator, it should be omitted (example: Built to Scale (DS) should overwrite this with "Built to Scale"). If the name is Japanese-only, the Japanese text should be used here, even if the name can be directly rendered in English (example, Toss Boys should overwrite this with "トスボーイズ"). For cases where the name across multiple entries may be in conflict, this should use the name from the latest entry released.
  • Image: An image representing the Rhythm Game. By default uses the {{RhythmGame/image}} subtemplate, which automatically creates a tabber to show the prologue for the game from every entry it was included in. This relies on the page name being included in the file's name, with the pattern being "File:Prologue [Console] [Page Name].png". If for whatever reason this does not work directly, this parameter should be set manually. For Rhythm Toys and Endless Games from prior to Rhythm Heaven Megamix, this uses the preview on the left of the respective menus, as they do not have prologues. If the game somehow does not have either of these, a screenshot of gameplay is acceptable.
  • Number: The number of the Rhythm Game, counting from the first game played. For Endless Games, Rhythm Toys and Extra Games, the menu icon for their respective menus should preceed the number. For Rhythm Heaven Megamix, where the order of games is non-linear at some points of the story, and a selection of games is playable only through the Museum, the number is based on the order seen in the Museum. Gate trials are counted as the same as the respective Endless Game. For games that appear in multiple entries, use the template {{Console}} to show the respective icon before each number. ConsoleArcade Icon.png should only be used for games exclusive to the arcade version of Rhythm Tengoku, while using ConsoleGBA Icon.png for games that appear in both.
  • Medeals Needed: How many Medals are required to unlock this game. Typically only relevant to content in the Medal Corner.
  • Perfects Needed: How many Perfects are required to unlock this game. Currently only relevant to Endless Remix.
  • Duo Medals Needed: How many Duo Medals are required to unlock this game. Typically only relevant to Two-Player Endless Games.
  • Flow Balls Needed: How many Flow Balls are required to purchase this game from the Shop.
  • Version: What "version" this game is set to internally. Contains a tooltip to this page with an explanation.
  • MedalPerfectWii.pngGift: What Gift the player receives through the Perfect Campaign for this game.
  • Song: For games that have a song, formatted with a ♪ symbol followed by a link to the song's page (example: "♪ Struck by the Rain").
  • High Score: The pre-existing high score for Endless Games. Rhythm Tengoku and Rhythm Heaven provided such high scores for the player to beat, while Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix do not. As such, the latter should be set to 0.
  • Stage: Uses the {{Stage}} template to provide a list of icons for the full stage this Rhythm Game belongs to. This is useful for quick navigation between games and stages.

If a parameter is left blank, it will not be shown. This template, and some of the templates used with it, also automatically place the game in all relevant categories, as such it is discouraged to manually put categories in the pages themselves. For information on why BPM is not included, see here.