Epilogue 3DS Demo.png

Blue Birds 2: Difference between revisions

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No change in size ,  18 November 2022
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|fr=Les trois bleus 2
|fr=Les trois bleus 2
|mnfr=The three blues 2
|mnfr=The three blues 2
|du=Blaukäppchen 2
|es=Aves Marciales 2
|mndu=Blue cap 2
|mnes=Martial Birds 2
|de=Blaukäppchen 2
|mnde=Blue cap 2
|it=Becchi Blu 2
|it=Becchi Blu 2
|mnit=Blue Beaks 2
|mnit=Blue Beaks 2
|es=Aves Marciales 2
|mnes=Martial Birds 2
|kr=블루버드특공대 2
|kr=블루버드특공대 2
|rokr=Beullu Beodeu Teuggongdae 2
|rokr=Beullu Beodeu Teuggongdae 2
|mnkr=Blue Bird Commandos 2}}
|mnkr=Blue Bird Commandos 2}}
{{Game Navigation}}
{{Game Navigation}}
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