Honeybee Land

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Epilogue Wii Cheer Readers 2 OK.png
Epilogue Wii Remix 1 NG.png
Epilogue 3DS Rhythm Rally NG.png

Honeybee Land is the first land in Rhythm Heaven Megamix that Tibby encounters, it is guarded by Boondog. A tower of Honeybee Land is later unlocked called Honeybee Tower.


The games included in Honeybee Land are Karate Man (3DS), Fillbots, Air Rally, and Catchy Tune.



Tibby: Phew! We've been walking for, like, a skillion hours.

Tibby: This place is all weird. Do you really live here?

Tibby: Wait! I see someone!

Boondog: Bzzzark! Bzzzark!

Boondog: Sorry, you probably don't speak Beehound, huh?

Boondog: I'm sorry to bzzzother you, but can I ask a favor?

Boondog: You seem like someone who cant get things done.

Tibby: What? Did I fall into an RPG?

Boondog: Lately, I've been having a bzzzit of an identity crisis.

Boondog: I feel like I've fallen off my rhythm--lost my flow.

Tibby: That's terrible! But how can I help you...flow better?

Boondog: Well, you could clear these here rhythm games for me...

Tibby: ...Huh. Well, I guess I should have seen this coming.

Boondog: Yeah, if you could clear, oh, four games or so...

Boondog: I'd be totally inspired and my flow would return!

Boondog: ...And I could unlock the door that's in your way.

Boondog: So, will you do it? Please? You'd be the bee's knees!

Tibby: I feel like I don't have a choice here, but...

Tibby: It's good to help people, right? And bees, I guess!

Boondog: Oh, thank you! You've made this simple insect very happy!

Game 1

Boondog: That window is letting the light of hope shine in. Bzzark!

Boondog: Just keep flowing like fresh honey, friend!

Boondog: Oh, one more thing. As a reward for your hardwork...

Boondog: you got some coins!

Boondog: Hang on to them for something good later.

Boondog: You'll want to collect them like pollen!

Game 2

Boondog: Look at all the honey! It's flowing all over!

Boondog: This doesn't help MY flow, but I was out of honey, so this helps.

Boondog: Now, please excuse me while I dive into it!

Tibby: He's going to be... very sticky.

Game 3

Boondog: What a stylish ladder! I feel like I'm in heaven!

Tibby: What? C-can I use this to climb up to Heaven World?

Boondog: Oh, no. I just meant I'll be able to reach the high flowers now.

Game 4

Boondog: I've been wanting a little greenery around here!

Boondog: That's it! I got my flow back! The greens inspired me!

Tibby: Huh? What's so inspiring about some plants?

Boondog: Isn't it obvious? I live to pollinate. Bzzzark!

Boondog: Anyway, you got the All Clear, so I'll open the lock now!

Land Cleared

Boondog: That was amazing, like a flea comb made of honey!

Boondog: I've got my flow back and couldn't bee happier!

Boondog: Thank you, bzzzark!

Boondog: Anyway. I've unlocked the door.

Boondog: Just press (D-Pad up) to go on to the next stage.

Boondog: And don't forget to use (D-Pad down) to come back and visit!

Boondog: Good luck! May your pollen pouches ever be full

Tibby: Thank you! See you later!


Honeybee Land is an cardboard exhibit based after a Bee Hive, it starts off with only a single bee carrying honey, but as you beat and unlock more Rhythm Games the population grows, and adds more bee related decor.

In Other Languages

Epilogue 3DS Flock Step NG.png