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A Boy, His Crush, and Weasel Couple

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A Boy, His Crush, and Weasel Couple
Artwork 3DS Double Date.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Appears in

A Boy (後輩?, Kōhai), His Crush (先輩?, Senpai), and Weasel Couple (イタチカップル?, Itachi Couple), known as Romeo, Julia, and Ferrets in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, are characters who appear in Double Date in Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix. The boy and girl sit on a bench, while the weasels watch them from a hole in the ground.


The boy and his crush go to the same school. She is one year above him, and is in a band which is popular in Japan. She had won several competitions, and was approached by a famous music producer. The boy has always wanted to learn the guitar, but never tried. When he finally worked up the courage, he found out his crush works part-time at the local music shop. He didn't have enough money to buy one, but she let him try one out. He kept going back to the shop over the next six months until he finally saved up enough to buy a guitar, and subsequently started a band, practiced a lot, and wrote a song for her.

The boy however couldn't bring himself to play it for her and opted to invite her to their first live show. He got her a ticket and asked to meet with her after school and waited on a bench. During this, a weasel appeared and asked him to kick away any balls which flew their way, as it would ruin his date later. When the time came, the girls arrived, and the boy tried to work up the courage to give her the ticket. Each time he tried, a ball would appear, ruining the moment. He found the weasels making a ruckus to be annoying as well. He would reflexively kick the balls away, calming him down as a result. This made the weasels calm down, too[1].

During this, several American Footballs are thrown in the mix, and each one the boy kicks away can be seen being caught by various characters in the background. The football team almost dissolved due to a lack of players, but after a lot of hard work, they managed to secure a spot in the tournament, and they started preparing for it[2]. Their coach thought they lacked discipline as they keep "accidentally" losing the balls. In truth, they were just jealous of the young couple and their better use of the day[3].

In the end, the boy managed to ask his crush to come to the show. Depending on the epilogue, she either turns him down (Try Again), tells him she had a lovely time (OK), or expresses her feelings to him (Superb). Later, the couples can be seen going to a tropical island in Remix 1 and on a farm in Double Date 2 on more romantic dates to bring them even closer together, where they suffer the same problems with more balls coming toward them. Some of the football players in the background can be seen in the former, while the farm's sheep catch the American Footballs in the latter.

The boy can be seen studying for an exam at the library while the School Library Pep Squad support him in the epilogue to Cheer Readers. The Weasel Couple, accompanied by Barista, can be seen watching the music video for Love Rap at the end of that game. Here they are shown to own a Quicknibble in a small fish tank, and two pictures of the RAPMEN on the wall. While a more saturated version of their home appears at the end of Love Rap 2, Marshal, Cam, and Miss Ribbon are watching it instead. The human couple appears in Rhythm Tengoku The Best Plus Comic 04 アニキとカメレオン その1 (Aniki and Chameleon Part 1), where they encounter Aniki, who yells at them to stop staring at him, scaring them off.




  • Footballers aren't the girl's type[4].
  • The Weasel Couple have a similar color palette to Tram and Poline in their fox forms, with the male being orange and the female being pink.
  • While most of the details in the Reading Material are consistent or at least not contradictory across languages, the English, French and Italian versions of Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise insist that the boy and his crush first met at the music shop, while all other languages imply they already knew each other at school beforehand[5][6][7].

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 後輩
Weasel Couple
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA A Boy
His Crush
Weasel Couple
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Romeo
The boy and the girl's names in all languages in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise are a reference to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
Ferrets and weasels are both mustelids but still separate animals.
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Roméo
Les belettes
The weasels
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Julio
Hurones amorosos
Loving ferrets
Flag of Germany.svg German Romeo
Weasels couple
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Romeo
I furetti
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 후배
족제비 커플
Weasel Couple


  1. My Feelings, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  2. "部員数が足りず、はいぶすんぜんだったが、血のにじむかんゆうのすえ、ついに大会に出場できるようになった。げんざいは大会に向けて、とっくん中。そう、かれらもまた校庭でデートする2人とはちがう青春を歩んでいるのだ。" (There were not enough members in the club and it was a complete disaster, but after a lot of hard work and bloody efforts, they were finally able to participate in the tournament. The club is now preparing for the tournament. Yes, they too are going through a different adolescence than the two dating in the schoolyard.) ~ ラグビーボール (Rugby Ball), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  3. "The coach thought his team lacked discipline. The truth was that the "accidental" lost balls were due to jealousy of the young couple and their better use of a beautiful day." ~ Football, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  4. "Footballers just aren't my type." ~ Try Again epilogue to Double Date, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)
  5. "I decided to take up the guitar and headed to the local music shop. That was when I first saw her." ~ My Feelings, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)
  6. "J'étais entré dans ce magasin pour acheter une nouvelle guitare. Elle y travaillait comme vendeuse. C'était notre première rencontre." (I had entered this store to buy a new guitar. She worked there as a saleswoman. It was our first meeting.) ~ Mes sentiments pour elle (My feelings for her), Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)
  7. "Volevo iniziare a suonare la chitarra e così mi recai al negozio di strumenti del mio quartiere. Fu allora che la incontrai per la prima volta..." (I wanted to start playing guitar so I went to my neighborhood instrument shop. It was then that I met her for the first time...) ~ I miei sentimenti (My feelings), Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Italian)