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Sick Beats Doctor
"たたかって、 |
The Sick Beats Doctor (バイキンはかせ?, Baikin Hakase) is a character who kills Viruses (バイキン?, Baikin) with forks to protect a yellow organism in Sick Beats in Rhythm Tengoku and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
The Sick Beats Doctor is known to everyone in the lab and is at the top of his field of virus extermination. He believes that "the side effects of medicine can be scary, too."[1]. His radio is indispensable as the groovy tunes help with curing diseases[2]. He is a devoted listener and submits messages to his favorite radio programs, despite that they've never been read by the DJ[3][4]. One time, his message did get read, in which the doctor ironically caught a cold, and asks the DJ to recommend a cure[5][6].
One day, he discovered bacteria that get into the groove when listening to music, for which he placed a radio on his desk[7]. He received a message from his assistant calling for help with a massive virus outbreak. These viruses interfered with the research, so he used a machine to stab them with tiny forks to get rid of them[8], which led to the production of a fantastic medicine.
On August 3, 2006, about five years after the doctor announced his new method for bacterial research in "Microbe Today", he and his students continued working day and night to catalog their newest data. While looking at a vial received from the mysterious Rhythm League, they discovered the Microbes[9][10].
Artwork from Rhythm Tengoku
Artwork from Rhythm Tengoku
Artwork from Rhythm Tengoku
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
In Super Smash Bros.
Sick Beats Doctor and the viruses appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a spirit. His spirit battle takes place on the Wrecking Crew stage playing Chill (Brawl) as the music. He is represented by Dr. Mario in the blue costume, while the Viruses are represented with the Assist Trophy Ghosts from PAC-MAN. The conditions are:
- The stage is covered in a poisonous cloud
- Hostile assist trophies will appear
No. 1195 | Sick Beats Doctor | ★ NOVICE | 1 | Critical Health Defense ↑ | Spirit Board Shop (500G) |
- The color of the virus determines how many hits it takes to kill completely. In Rhythm Tengoku, the normal Rhythm Game only features blue ones, which take one stab. The Endless Game introduces pink and black variants, requiring 2 and 3 hits respectively, which gradually add to the challenge. A single black virus appears in Remix 7, being the only time the non-blue viruses appear in a Remix in Rhythm Tengoku.
- In the Endless Game version of Sick Beats, the yellow blob produces random objects (increasing in variety and amount as time goes on) every single time a virus is stabbed. It does not do this anywhere else.
- In Mahō Tsukai, whenever the Wizard makes a mistake, he summons a monster which eats the flower instead of it blooming. This monster has a face which is eerily similar to that of a virus.
- In Wake-Up Caller, the moon may occasionally have the monster's face on it[11], which in turn makes it resemble a virus as well.
- The date mentioned in 小さないきもの報告書 (Microbe Report), August 3, 2006, is the release date for Rhythm Tengoku. While this text explicitly mentions the doctor in Minna no Rhythm Tengoku, his name was removed in all other languages, as Rhythm Tengoku was only released in Japan, and Sick Beats would not be localized until Rhythm Heaven Megamix, and as such, the reference would be lost.
- There is an unused description for the Rhythm Game in Rhythm Heaven Megamix, intended to be used in the Museum. This description gives the character a name in each language (listed below), however, his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gives him a more generic name instead, except for the French and German versions where the unused name is used.
In Other Languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
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バイキンはかせ | Dr. Virus |
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Dr. Cutlery[12] Sick Beats Doctor[13] |
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Dr. Cutlery[14] Sick Beats Doctor[13] |
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Dr Fourchette[13] | Dr. Fork |
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Dr Fourchette[15][13] | Dr. Fork |
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Doctor de "Ritmo contagioso"[13] | Doctor from "Contageous Rhythm" |
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Señor Tenedorcio[16] Doctor de "Ritmo contagioso"[13] |
Mr. Forkcio [from "Tenedor" (Fork) and the suffix "-cio"] Doctor from "Contageous Rhythm" |
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Doktor Gabelsberg[17][13] | Doctor Forksberg [from "Gabeln" (fork) and the suffix "-berg" (mountain)] |
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Dottor Forchetta[18] Dottore di Ritmo virale[13] |
Dr. Fork Doctor from Viral rhythm |
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Sick Beats Doctor[13] | |
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Доктор из Sick Beats[13] | Doctor from Sick Beats |
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Sick Beats Doctor[13] | |
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Sick Beats Doctor[13] | |
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세균 박사[13] | Dr. Virus |
Language | Name | Meaning |
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バイキン | Virus |
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Virus | |
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Virus | |
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Virus | |
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Virus | |
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Virus | |
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Virus | |
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세균 | Virus |
- ↑ キャラクターアルバム ステージ2 (Character Album Stage 2)
- ↑ "This item is surprisingly important to the doctor's work. You just can't cure diseases as well without some groovy tunes." ~ Radio, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
- ↑ "はかせのけんきゅうに、かかせないアイテム。お気に入りのラジオ番組に、メッセージのとうこうまでしている、ねっ心なリスナーだ。はかせのとうこうが読まれたことは、まだない。それでも、はかせはメッセージを送りつづけるみたい。" (An indispensable item for the doctor's research. He is an avid listener who even sends messages to his favorite radio stations. The doctor's message has never been read. Still, the doctor seems to be sending messages.) ~ ラジオ (Radio), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ "박사님의 연구에 빼놓을 수 없는 아이템. 좋아하는 라디오 방송에 메시지까지 보내는 열혈 청취자다. 박사님의 메시지를 DJ가 소개한 적은 아직 없다. 그래도 박사님은 계속 메시지를 보낼 모양." (An indispensable item for the doctor's research. He is an avid listener who even sends messages to his favorite radio stations. The doctor's message has never been introduced by a DJ. Still, the doctor seems to be sending messages.) ~ 라디오 (Radio), Rhythm Sesang: The Best+
- ↑ "続いては、R.Nばいきんぐ★さんからのメッセージ!「バイキンけんきゅうをしているわたし、先日カゼをひいてしまいました。ミイラ取りがミイラになるとはまさにコレ。D.Jオススメのカゼよぼう法はありますか?教えてください。」" (Next, a message from R.N Baiking★! "I am a bacteria researcher, and I caught a cold the other day. It's like a mummy grave robber became a mummy. Do you have any recommendations on how to cure colds? Please let me know.") ~ ラジカセ (Radio Cassette Player), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ "다음은 R.N박테리아킹★님께서 보내 주신 사연입니다! 「세균 연구를 하고 있는 제가 얼마 전에 감기에 걸렸어요. 미라 도굴꾼이 미라가 된 격이죠. DJ님이 추천하는 감기 예방법은 뭔가요? 가르쳐 주세요.」 (Next, a message from R.N Bacteria King★! "I was doing bacterial research and recently caught a cold. It's like a mummy grave robber became a mummy. What is the cold prevention method the DJ recommends? Please let me know.") ~ 한정판 라디오 (Limited Edition Radio), Rhythm Sesang: The Best+
- ↑ "そんなストーリーがあったとは!(笑)だから音楽を聴くためのラジオが、机の上に置かれてたりするんですね。" (I didn't know there was such a story! (Laughs) That's why there's a radio for listening to music on the desk.) ~ Hideki Oguro, Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu STAFF'S VOICE
- ↑ "とある研究者が、音楽を聴くとノリノリになる諸玉菌を発見したというストーリーなんです。その菌の効果もあって、研究者はノリノりなんですが、そんなところに悪玉菌が現れて、研究のジャマをしようとするので、研究者は顕微鏡をのぞきながら退治しようとするのが、このゲームの目的なんですね。" (The story is that a certain researcher discovered bacteria that get into the flow when they listen to music. The researcher is in the groove, partly due to the effects of the bacteria, but bad bacteria appear and try to interfere with the research, so the purpose of this game is for the researcher to look through the microscope and try to get rid of them.) ~ Masami Yone, Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu STAFF'S VOICE
- ↑ "2006年8月3日、バイキン退治の分野で第一線であった「バイキンはかせ」のしょうげきのけんきゅうはっぴょうから約5年。 彼の教え子たちでもある、いきもの大学けんきゅうチームでは日夜、新しいいきものけんきゅうに明けくれていた。 ある日、なぞのリズム組織から、持ち込まれた液体をけんび鏡でのぞいたところ見たことのない形状のぶったいを発見した。" (August 3, 2006, it's been about five years since the shocking research findings of Dr. Virus, who was at the top of his field of virus extermination. His students, the Bacteria University research team, spent their days and nights working on new bacterial research. One day, when he looked through a research mirror at a vial brought in from the mysterious Rhythm League, he discovered a body in a shape he had never seen before.) ~ 小さないきもの報告書 (Microbe Report), Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
- ↑ "Day 1: It's been five years since I announced my new method for bacterial research in "Microbe Today." My students and I have been working day and night to catalog our newest data. Then today I received a vial from the mysterious Rhythm League, and its contents astounded me! The microbes in the vial moved in sync with each other. And not just one or two, but countless microbes all moving in time!" ~ Journal of Tiny Science, Rhythm Heaven Fever
- ↑ "alarm_03_magic_moon" ~ Animation filename for the face on the moon in Wake-Up Caller, Rhythm Heaven Fever
- ↑ "We've got an outbreak of an unknown virus! Help us, Dr. Cutlery!" ~ Unused description for Sick Beats meant for the Museum, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
- ↑ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- ↑ "We've got an outbreak of an unknown virus! Help us, Dr. Cutlery!" ~ Unused description for Sick Beats meant for the Museum, Rhythm Paradise Megamix (English)
- ↑ "Alerte maximale ! Des virus inconnus tentent de dévorer notre culture de cellules. À l'aide, Dr Fourchette !" (High alert! Unknown viruses are trying to devour our cell culture. Help, Dr. Fork!) ~ Unused description for Tempo labo (Lab tempo) meant for the Musée (Museum), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
- ↑ "¡Alerta de contagio por virus desconocido! ¡Ayúdenos, señor Tenedorcio!" (Unknown virus infection alert! Help us, Mr. Forkcio!) ~ Unused description for Ritmo contagioso (Contagious rhythm) meant for the Museo (Museum), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Spanish)
- ↑ "Ein unbekanntes Virus wütet in unserem Spiel! Finden Sie ein Gegenmittel, Doktor Gabelsberg!" (An unknown virus is raging in our game! Find an antidote, Doctor Forksberg!) ~ Unused description for Kranke Beats (Sick Beats) meant for the Museum (Museum), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (German)
- ↑ "Allarme rosso! Un virus sconosciuto tenta di divorare la nostra coltura di cellule! Aiuto, dottor Forchetta!" (Red Alert! An unknown virus tries to devour our cell culture! Help, Doctor Fork!) ~ Unused description for Ritmo virale (Viral rhythm) meant for the Museo (Museum), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Italian)