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Research Scientists of Love Lab

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Research Scientists of Love Lab
Artwork DS Love Lab.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven
Appears in

The Research Scientists of Love Lab (恋の研究員達?, Koi no Kenkyū-in-tachi) are a group of researchers who appear in Love Lab in Rhythm Heaven. In their lab, they try to learn more about the mysterious concept of love. The first two members, a boy and a girl, perform the experiment by catching and throwing flasks in rhythm, with the third, known as the Mysterious Lab Tech (実験室のあやしい人?, Jikken-shitsu no Ayashī Hito), being there to catch the flasks upon completion, as well as always wearing a costume for fun[1].


The girl keeps a Lab Journal detailing the events of when she joins the lab.

On October 1, after graduating, she begins working at the Love Lab. She is very excited to be working on something so important.

On October 2, she summarizes the day as "totally uneventful", aside from meeting her senior lab partner, who is her type.

On October 3, she notices there was another person next to them who wears a weird costume, and she is unsure if it's a guy or a girl. She notes the costume isn't creepy, just weird.

On October 7, the person in the costume (who she confirmed is a guy) asks her to help him with an experiment on the next day. While she accepts, she is a little freaked out by the costume.

On October 8, she goes to a special lab with the costumed person and realizes she is going to be experimenting together with her senior lab partner. As she is busy with the experiment, this is the last journal entry. She is happy however that she gets to spend time with her senior lab partner.

The research scientists appear in Remix 4, where they seem to be conducting their experiments at a park. They can also be seen in the audience in Battle of the Bands and in Munchy Monk in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where they can be seen out the window. They appear in Rhythm Tengoku Gold Comic in 03 実験室の放課後の巻き (After school at the Laboratory by Maki), where the girl is planning on asking her crush to walk home with her. She hears footsteps. Thinking her crush is coming, she jumps out, asking her question, only to see the Mysterious Lab Tech standing in front of her. After this embarrassing attempt, she tries again the next day, this time confessing her love. This time, she accidentally asks DJ Yellow's student, while her crush is standing behind him, looking very confused. The boy and the girl later appear in 09 にぎやかでおだやかな夜の巻き (A lively and peaceful night by Maki), where they are seen on a date on a park bench.




  • While the translation of the Lab Journal is mostly consistent across languages, for some reason the events on October 3 are noted as October 6 in the German version of Rhythm Paradise[2].

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 恋の研究員達 Researchers of love
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Research Scientists of Love Lab
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Research Scientists of Love Lab
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French L'équipe des chercheurs de l'amour The team of love researchers
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Los investigadores de la química del amor The researchers in the chemistry of love
Flag of Germany.svg German Forscher am Amore-Institut Researcher at the Love Institute
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Scienziati pazzi (d'amore) Mad scientists (of love)
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 두근두근 연구실의 연구인들 Researchers in the Love Lab
Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 実験室のあやしい人 Suspicious Person at the Laboratory
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Mysterious Lab Tech
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Mysterious Lab Tech
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Chercheur mystérieux Mysterious researcher
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Extraño ayudante de laboratorio Strange lab assistant
Flag of Germany.svg German Mysteriöser Forscher Mysterious researcher
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Lo scienziato misterioso The mysterious scientist
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 실험실의 수상한 연구원 Suspicious Lab Researcher


  1. "Chercheur mystérieux - Au labo de l'amour, l'un des chercheurs est toujours déguisé. Il a peut-être l'air louche, mais il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter. Il fait juste ça pour s'amuser." (Mysterious researcher - At the Love Lab, one of the researchers is in disguise. He might look suspicious, but there is nothing to worry about. He's only doing it for fun.) ~ Rôles secondaires 2 (Secondary roles 2), Rhythm Paradise (French)
  2. "6. Oktober - Ich habe meinen Forschungsleiter heute so angestarrt, dass ich gar nicht den (die?) Kollegen(-in?) neben mir bemerkte. Er (Sie? Es?) trug so ein komisches Kostüm. Seltsam." (October 6 - Today I stared at my senior partner so much that I didn't even notice the (fe-?)male colleague next to me. He (She? It?) was wearing such a funny costume. Strange.) ~ Laboraufzeichnungen (Laboratory records), Rhythm Paradise (German)