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"Extremely sad and lonely, Blue Bear eats his sorrow by consuming lots of donuts and cake. Try not to cry during this song." |
Beary[1] (クマ太[2]?, Kumatta) and his girlfriend Bearbara (クマ美[3]?, Kumami) are characters who appear in Blue Bear in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
During gameplay of Blue Bear, the player is treated to the aftermath of Beary and Bearbara's relationship. Flashbacks show how the two would go out together, Beary would buy Bearbara gifts, or would feed her something. Eventually, she dumped him, prompting Beary to try to eat away his feelings. He went to the bakery, bought a lot of donuts and cake, and began eating as he reminisces on the events. At first, he appears happy, until he remembers the breakup, prompting him to cry. At the end, it is revealed that these events were all just a dream, and Bearbara never actually left him. It is implied Beary tends to fall sleep a lot[4].
In Left-Hand Remix, Beary at the start either talks to Bearbara about how he needs to go on a diet, or about how he can't eat so many donuts, but spent all of his allowance on them. He proceeds to eat them either way. It is revealed that this is Bearbara having the same bad dream, meanwhile Beary is seen stuffing his face with donuts.
Beary once bought 16 dozen donuts as he had a discount which would only work if he bought that many. He wonders if it was done on purpose[5]. It can be inferred that the breakup seen in the dreams was caused by Beary's eating habits, as he is seen to eat a lot of donuts, both in his dreams and out of them.
Beary and Bearbara appear in Rhythm Tengoku The Best Plus Comic. In 20クマ太の恋人 (Beary's Lover), Beary thinks about his love for donuts, but also his love for Bearbara. He gets them mixed up, and refers to Bearbara as a donut. In 21クマ美のおとめごころ (Bearbara's Maiden Heart), Bearbara is seen crying, asking Beary if the donuts are more important to him than she is. Beary has trouble saying either way, and offers her a donut, prompting her to cry even more. In 29発声練習 (Vocalization Practice), Beary and Bearbara, along with a Lumbercat, are seen startled when a Chorus Kid tries singing, but ends up singing too loud.
Artwork of Beary from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Blue Bear Bearbara Badge from Nintendo Badge Arcade
New year card by Ko Takeuchi shown in the February 2016 issue of Nintendo DREAM
- Bearbara's badge in Nintendo Badge Arcade is colored blue, much like Beary is during gameplay in Blue Bear. In Rhythm Heaven Megamix, her appearance in the dream is as a pink-outlined drawing, and both are otherwise colored normally outside of the dream.
- Usually, the information given in the Rhythm Items is consistent across languages, however some details are different. For example, in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ and Rhythm Sesang: The Best+, Beary talks about how he bought a lot of donuts using the coupon, which he likens to a dream. He thinks about how happy he would be if he could eat a lot of donuts even in his dreams, before remembering to include his girlfriend in the thought[6][7]. The French version of Rhythm Paradise Megamix states that the coupon requires one to buy 15 boxes of donuts to get a 16th one free[8], unlike other versions where the coupon is only good if they buy 16 dozen donuts[5][9]. In the German version, the number is bumped up slightly to 200 donuts, from the 192 donuts that would equal 16 dozen[10]. It is lowered to just 100 donuts in the Spanish version[11].
- Play Nintendo erroneously refers to Beary as Blue Bear.[12]
In Other Languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
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クマさん[13] クマ太[2] |
Mr. Bear Bear Fatty |
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Beary[1] | |
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Beary[14] | |
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Mon nounours[15] | My teddy bear |
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Oselito[16] | From "Oso" (Bear) + "-lito" (Spanish diminuitive suffix for male names) |
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Bärle[17] | From "Bär" (Bear) |
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Teodorso[18] | Pun on "Teodoro" + "Orso" (Bear) |
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가엾은 곰[19] | Poor Bear |
Language | Name | Meaning |
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クマ美ちゃん[20] クマ美[3] |
Ms. Bear Beauty Bear Beauty |
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Bearbara[21] | Pun on "Bear" + "Barbara" |
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Bearbara[22] | Pun on "Bear" + "Barbara" |
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Oursula[23] | Pun on "Ours" (Bear) + "Ursula" |
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Osalía[24] | Pun on "Osa" (Bear) + "Rosalía" |
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Bärbara[25] | Pun on "Bär" (Bear) + "Barbara" |
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Orsola[26] | Pun on "orso" (Bear) + "Ursula" |
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곰수나[27] | Ms. Beary |
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "Beary? Beary, wake up..." ~ Try Again epilogue to Blue Bear, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 ニンテンドーキッズスペース | 『リズム天国 ザ・ベスト+(3DS)』開発スタッフが描く!スペシャルコミック 20クマ太の恋人|任天堂 (Nintendo Kids Space | "Rhythm Heaven The Best+ (3DS)" Drawn by Development Staff! Special Comic 20 Kumatta no Koibito | Nintendo)
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 ニンテンドーキッズスペース | 『リズム天国 ザ・ベスト+(3DS)』開発スタッフが描く!スペシャルコミック 21クマ美のおとめごころ|任天堂 (Nintendo Kids Space | "Rhythm Heaven The Best+ (3DS)" Drawn by Development Staff! Special Comic 21 Kumami no Otomegokoro | Nintendo)
- ↑ "二度寝 しました。" (I fell asleep again.) ~ Try Again epilogue to 失恋ベアー (Heartbroken Bear), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 "I probably didn't need to buy 16 dozen donuts, but I had this coupon, and it was only good if you bought that many. I wonder if that's why they made the coupon...?" ~ Coupon, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
- ↑ "前にもらったわりびき券を使って、大好きなドーナッツをたくさん買ってきた。たくさんありすぎて、まるで夢のよう。夢の中でも、ドーナッツを食べれたら、すっごく幸せだろうなぁ。モチロン、カノジョのクマ美といっしょにね。" (I bought a lot of my favorite donuts with the discount ticket I got before. There are so many, it's like a dream. Even in my dreams, if I could eat donuts, I would be very happy. Together with my girlfriend Kumami, of course.) ~ わりびき券 (Discount Ticket), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ "전에 받은 쿠폰으로 내가 좋아하는 도넛을 잔뜩 사 왔다. 너무 많아서 꼭 꿈인 것 같다. 꿈속에서도 도넛을 먹을 수 있다면 정말 행복할 텐데. 물론 여자 친구도 같이." (I bought a bunch of my favorite donuts with the coupons I received before. There are so many that it seems like a dream. If I could eat donuts even in my dreams, I would be really happy. With my girlfriend, of course.) ~ 쿠폰 (Coupon), Rhythm Sesang: The Best+
- ↑ "Il fallait absolument que j'utilise ce coupon de réduction. Quinze boîtes achetées, la seizième gratuite ! Je ne pouvais pas passer à côté ! Ou alors... Je me serais fait avoir ? En attendant, que faire de tous ces donuts ?" (I absolutely had to use this discount coupon. Fifteen boxes bought, the sixteenth free! I couldn't miss it! Or else... I would have been fooled? In the meantime, what to do with all these donuts?) ~ Bon de réduction (Discount Voucher), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
- ↑ "Forse 16 dozzine di ciambelle sono un po' troppe, ma questo buono valeva solo se ne compravo così tante. Mmmh... e se lo facessero apposta?" (Maybe 16 dozen donuts is a little too much, but this coupon was only worth buying so many. Mmmh... what if they did it on purpose?) ~ Buono (Coupon), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Italian)
- ↑ "Ich hätte keine zweihundert Donuts kaufen müssen, aber ich hatte einen Gutschein, da gab es eben Rabatt auf diese Menge. Ob sie den Gutschein deshalb wohl gemacht haben...?" (I didn't have to buy two hundred donuts, but I had a coupon, so there was a discount on that amount. I wonder if that's why they give the coupon...?) ~ Rabattgutschein (Discount Coupon), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (German)
- ↑ "Quizá no debería haber comprado cien rosquillas, pero es que tenía un cupón con el que me hacían un uno por ciento de descuento. ¡No podía dejar pasar la oportunidad!" (Maybe I shouldn't have bought a hundred donuts, but I had a coupon that gave me a one percent discount. I couldn't pass up the opportunity!) ~ Cupón (Coupon), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Spanish)
- ↑ "Extremely sad and lonely, Blue Bear eats his sorrow by consuming lots of donuts and cake. Try not to cry during this song." ~ Play Nintendo
- ↑ "あらあら、クマさん。フラれたからって そんなに食べすぎちゃ ダメですヨー。" (Oh, dear, Mr. Bear. Don't eat so much just because you were rejected.) ~ 失恋ベアー (Heartbroken Bear) description, Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ "Beary? Beary, wake up..." ~ Try Again epilogue to Blue Bear, Rhythm Paradise Megamix (English)
- ↑ "Mon nounours... Réveille-toi..." (My teddy... Wake up...) ~ Try Again epilogue to L'ours bleu (Blue bear), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
- ↑ "Oselito, ¡despierta!" (Oselito, wake up!) ~ Try Again epilogue to El oso lloroso (The weeping bear), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Spanish)
- ↑ "Bärle? Bärle, wach schon auf..." (Bearle? Bearle, wake up...) ~ Try Again epilogue to Bärenkummer (Beargrief), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (German)
- ↑ "Teodorso? Teodorso, svegliati..." (Teodorso? Teodorso, wake up...) ~ Try Again epilogue to Lacrimorso (Tearful bear), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Italian)
- ↑ "오, 가엾은 곰~! 여자에게 차였다고 그렇게 많이 먹으면 안 돼~!" (Oh, poor bear! You shouldn't eat that much just because you were rejected!) ~ 블루 베어 (Blue Bear) description, Rhythm Sesang: The Best+
- ↑ "…クマ美ちゃん。ボク、ダイエットする。" (...Kumami-chan. I'm going on a diet.) ~ Dialogue in レフト リミックス (Left Remix), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
- ↑ "...Bearbara, my love. I think I need to go on a diet." ~ Dialogue in Left-Hand Remix, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
- ↑ "...Bearbara, my love. I think I need to go on a diet." ~ Dialogue in Left-Hand Remix, Rhythm Paradise Megamix (English)
- ↑ "Oursula, ma douce... Je crois que j'ai besoin d'un régime..." (Oursula, my sweet... I think I need a diet...) ~ Dialogue in Remix tour gauche (Left tower remix), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
- ↑ "Osalía, amor mío. Creo que debo ponerme a dieta." (Osalia, my love. I think I should go on a diet.) ~ Dialogue in Remix Izquierdo (Left remix), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Spanish)
- ↑ "Bärbara, mein Schatz... Ich glaube, ich muss eine Diät machen." (Bärbara, honey... I think I have to go on a diet.) ~ Dialogue in Linker-Hand-Remix (Left-Hand-Remix), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (German)
- ↑ "Orsola, amore mio. Devo proprio mettermi a dieta." (Orsola, my love. I really have to go on a diet.) ~ Dialogue in Remix torre sinistra (Left tower remix), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Italian)
- ↑ "…마이 러브, 곰수나! 나 결심했어! 다이어트하기로!" (...My love, Gomsuna! I'm determined! To go on a diet!) ~ Dialogue in 왼쪽 리믹스 (Left Remix), Rhythm Sesang: The Best+