Perfect Campaign

Revision as of 06:10, 26 April 2014 by Cure Alumi (talk | contribs) (Grammar fix)

Getting a perfect on any Rhythm Heaven mini game gives a gold seal around it with the letters "perfect" as proof of completing it, along with another gift such as a soundtrack from the game to listen to or notes to read in the Cafe. To get a perfect on any mini game in the Rhythm Heaven series, the player must first superb that specific game and only then they can go for a perfect. Once superbed, the chance for a perfect will still not be triggered right away but will be triggered randomly during gameplay between mini games. If the player has gotten all superbs, there will always be a chance for a perfect. The Barista can also tell you when a specific game is coming up for the chance of getting a perfect for further preparation.

File:Monkey watch.png
Every attempt for achieving a perfect will have a 'P' marked in the upper left corner of the screen , as we see here in Monkey Watch.

The player has three chances to go for a perfect. If a player makes just one mistake on the game, they will have to try again from the beginning. One chance will also count if the player chooses to pause and press quit.