School Library Pep Squad

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School Library Pep Squad
Artwork 3DS Cheer Readers.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Appears in
  • Flag of Japan.svgFlag of South Korea.svg Voice: Unknown
  • English language.svgFlag of Europe.svg Voice: Heather Gautschi[1]
  • The School Library Pep Squad (図書ガールズ?, Tosho Girls), also known as the Cheer Readers, is a group of twelve teenage[1] girls who cheer people on with their books in the game Cheer Readers.


    The School Library Pep Squad can be found practicing their cheering act at the school library. Their goal is to support people who are studying hard. They are later found supporting museum patrons as well. They use a total of five cheers, being "One! Two! Three!", "It's up to you!", "Rah-rah sis boom bah-BOOM!", "Let's go read a buncha books!", each with their own patterns of book flipping, and "OK, it's on!", during which they open their books in unison to form a single image.

    The School Library Pep Squad has a total of 8 rules regarding their cheering act:
    ○ Energy is key!
    ○ Everybody pitches in to clean the practice room.
    ○ Practice your finger work! Don't get the wrong page.
    ○ When everyone's pages are synchronized, we all win. When it happens, give a cheer for your squadmates.
    ○ To prevent your books getting mixed up, write your name on the back cover.
    ○ If you will miss practice for any reason, clear it with the captain at least a day in advance.
    ○ If you read a good book, post it on the team's blog and share it with everyone!
    ○ The "BOOM" part of "Rah-rah sis boom ba-BOOM" is key. Say it with pep, and let 'em know you mean it!

    Since the squad started their routine, more and more people are studying at the library. Those who need a quiet place to read instead go to the playground[2].

    The girls appear in a Nintendo Badge Arcade set, whose names in the Japanese version assign each girl a different job.

    A special set was released on Rhythm Tengoku's 10th anniversary depicting the squad in various outfits, "10 years later". Their Japanese names follow the same ones as the original set, followed by what "future" jobs they would take on.




    • Oddly, the artwork for the squad member used in Rhythm Heaven Megamix gives her paler skin and non-white sclera, details which are not reflected during gameplay, where all the girls look the same as they were in Rhythm Heaven Fever. However, her left hand still has the same skin tone as in Rhythm Heaven Fever.
    • The information given in the Rhythm Items is generally consistent across languages, but some alter certain details. For example, people who want a quiet place to read go to the gymnasium in the French version[3] or the stadium in the Italian version[4] rather than the playground, while the Spanish version simply says no one can concentrate on reading[5].

    In Other Languages

    Language Name Meaning
    Flag of Japan.svg Japanese 図書ガールズ Book Girls
    Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA School Library Pep Squad
    Cheer Readers[2]
    Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE The Cheer Readers
    School Library Pep Squad[6]
    Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Les Biblio-girls The Library-girls
    Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Biblioanimadoras Library Cheerleaders
    Flag of Germany.svg German Die Fangirls The Fangirls
    Flag of Italy.svg Italian Le Cheer Readers The Cheer Readers
    Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 도서걸즈 Book Girls


    1. 1.0 1.1 "I also played a very perky, upbeat teenage cheerleader who encourages people to read books." ~ Heather Gautschi, Voice123 | World's 1st voice over marketplace
    2. 2.0 2.1 "Since the Cheer Readers started, the library has become quite the popular hangout. Apparently when people need a quiet place to read, they're going to the playground." ~ Study Materials, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
    3. "Avec le succès des Biblio-girls, la bibliothèque est devenue « the place to be ». Du coup, les étudiants studieux qui veulent lire au calme s'exilent dans le gymnase." (With the success of the Library-girls, the library has become "the place to be". As a result, studious students who want to read quietly go into exile in the gymnasium.) ~ Set d'étudiant (Student Set), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
    4. "Da quando sono comparse le Cheer Readers, la biblioteca è diventata un luogo talmente famoso e frequentato che per leggere in pace e tranquillità bisogna andare allo stadio!" (Since the Cheer Readers appeared, the library has become such a popular place that you have to go to the stadium to read in peace and quiet!) ~ Materiale da studio (Study Material), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Italian)
    5. "Desde que las biblioanimadoras andan por aquí, la biblioteca se ha convertido en un sitio tan popular y concurrido ¡que no hay quien se concentre para leer!" (Ever since the library cheerleaders have been around here, the library has become such a popular and crowded place that no one concentrates to read!) ~ Material de estudio (Study Material), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (Spanish)
    6. "We're the School Library Pep Squad!" ~ Dialogue in Cheer Readers, Rhythm Paradise Megamix (English)