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{{Quote|どんどん生えてくる うっとうしい「毛」!<br>速いテンポにまどわされずに<br>ぬいちゃえ、ぬいちゃえ!"<br>"(These annoying hairs keep growing! Don't get misled by the fast tempo, pluck'em, pluck'em!)|Rhythm Tweezers Tempo Up! Description}}
#REDIRECT [[Rhythm Tweezers 2#Rhythm Tweezers Tempo Up!]]
|Minigame_infobox/Data = Karate Man Tempo Up!
|Minigame_infobox/Data2 = Marching Orders Tempo Up!}}
{{Minigame infobox
|Name = {{PAGENAME}}
|jname = リズム脱毛 TEMPO UP!
|rname = Rizumu datsumo Tempo Up!
|image = [[File:Vegeta-Pull_Tempo_Up_title.png|240px]]
|BPM = 146
|Debut = Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade)
|Number = 50
|Reward = None
{{Nihongo|'''Rhythm Tweezers Tempo Up!'''|リズム脱毛 TEMPO UP!|Rizumu datsumo Tempo Up!|}} is identical to [[Rhythm Tweezers 2|Rhythm Tweezers]] from ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]'' and it's the second [[Extra]] stage game in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade)]]''. In this variant, all the onions and beets are replaced with pumpkins and radishes, and the final one is a watermelon.
The gameplay is the same as the original. The only differences are the aesthetic and tempo change.
*A or D-Pad: Pluck hairs
*Hold A or D-Pad: Pull curly hairs
== Timing Notes ==
*Hit: The hair strand gets fully plucked out. If all of the hairs are plucked, The vegetable will smile at the end of the circle.
*Barely: Part of the hair gets plucked out, but some is left. A laughing sound can be heard. The vegetable won't smile at the end of the circle either. '''A barely counts as a miss.'''
*Miss: The hair is not plucked.
==Rating Notes==
*"ムダ毛 チェック" (Useless Hairs Check)
===Try Again===
*"しっかり ぬいてください。" (Please pluck them properly.)
*"ながい毛が 処理できてません。" (The long hairs weren't taken care of.)
*"多いところが ぬきのこしすぎです。" (You left too many hairs where there's a lot of them.)
*"う~ん..." (Yeah...)
*"まぁまぁ、 かな。" (OK, I guess?)
*"とりあえず..." (Anyway...)
*"よしと します。" (You did your best.)
*"ながい毛が すっきりです!" (The long hairs are neatly cut!)
*"多かったところ、ツルツルです!" (The parts with a lot of hairs are smooth!)
Rhythm Epilation Tempo Up Try Again.png|"毛が速すぎるんだよなあ・・・" (The hairs are too fast...)
Rhythm Epilation Tempo Up OK.png|"なかなか手ごわい毛だなあ" (The hairs were quite formidable.)
Rhythm Epilation Tempo Up Superb.png|"うーん、スッキリ!花でも見るか!" (How refreshing! Look at all the flowers!)
Rhythmtweezers.png|[[Rhythm Tweezers 2|Rhythm Tweezers]]<br>[[Remix 1 (GBA)|Remix 1]]<br>[[Remix 6 (GBA)|Remix 6]]<br>[[Remix 7 (GBA)|Remix 7]]<br>[[Remix 8 (GBA)|Remix 8]]
Vegetas 2.PNG|[[Rhythm Tweezers 2 (GBA)|Rhythm Tweezers 2]]
Vegeta-Pull Tempo gameplay.png|Rhythm Tweezers Tempo Up!<br>[[Remix 1 Tempo Up!]]
Story rhythm epilation gameplay.png|[[Rhythm Tweezers]]
Veggie_pluck_gameplay.png|[[Rhythm Tweezers 2]]<br>[[Left-Hand Remix]]
Rhythm Tweezers 2 Machine.png|[[Machine Remix]]
==Rhythm Tweezers 2P Tempo Up!==
{{Template:Quote|どんどん生えてくる うっとうしい「毛」!<br>速いテンポにまどわされずに<br>ぬいちゃえ、ぬいちゃえ!"<br>"(These annoying hairs keep growing! Don't get misled by the fast tempo, pluck'em, pluck'em!)|Rhythm Tweezers 2P Tempo Up! Description}}
{{Game-Nav|Minigame_infobox/Data = Karate Man Tempo Up!|Minigame_infobox/Data2 = Marching Orders Tempo Up!}}
{{Minigame infobox|Name = Rhythm Tweezers 2P Tempo Up!|BPM = 95|Debut = Rhythm Tengoku Arcade|Number = 22|Reward = None|rname = Rizumu Datsumu 2P Tempo Up!|jname = リズム脱毛 2P TEMPO UP!|image = [[File:Vegeta-Pull_Tempo_Up_title.png|240px]]}}
Rhythm Tweezers Tempo Up! also appears in the 2P mode of ''[[Rhythm Tengoku (Arcade)]]'' where it is referred to as {{Nihongo|'''Rhythm Tweezers 2P Tempo Up!'''|リズム脱毛 2P TEMPO UP!|Rhythm Epilation 2P Tempo Up!}}. Each vegetable is done in turns, first by P1 and then by P2. As a result, the game is twice as long as the 1P version.
== Video ==
[[File:Rhythm Tengoku Arcade- Rhythm Epilation (Rhythm Tweezers) Tempo Up! (Perfect)|thumb|330x330px]]
{{Game Navigation}}
{{Two Player Game Navigation}}
[[Category:Rhythm Games]]
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