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The '''Meow Mixer''' (ネコマシーン neko mashin: Cat Machine) is a [[Rhythm Toys|Rhythm]][[Rhythm Toys| toy]] in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku|Rhythm]] ''[[Rhythm Tengoku|''Tengoku'']] and is unlocked by obtaining one medal.
The '''Meow Mixer''' (ネコマシーン neko mashin: Cat Machine) is a [[Rhythm Toys|Rhythm]][[Rhythm Toys| toy]] in ''[[Rhythm Tengoku|Rhythm]] ''''[[Rhythm Tengoku|Tengoku]].'' It is the first obtainable [[Rhythm Toys|Rhythm Toy]], unlocked by obtaining only one medal.
== Appearance ==
This Meow Mixer is a cat with buttons on its face. It has speakers for ears, closed eyes, and a standard cat mouth. The background is yellow, with darker yellow text that says "Neko Mashi-n." 

The buttons resemble the button configuration of the Gameboy Advance. The buttons that represent the D-Pad are labeled with Japanese text that translates to "Breaks" below them, and the A and B buttons are labeled with text that translates to "Phrases."

== Machine ==
== Controls ==
This machine is a blue cat with ears for speakers, and has a grin with closed eyes.
===Phrases (A and B) ===
All phrases are played at a random pitch each time you play them.
A: Begins playing a beat with a high-pitched meow.
B:  Begins playing a beat with a lower pitched meow.
===Breaks (D-Pad)===
Similarly to the phrases, all breaks at played at varying pitches. All breaks stop the currently playing phrase with a different noise.

== Controls ==
Left: Plays a "Hoo-Huh" noise with a meow in the background.
You use the following buttons to make different noises.
* D-pad - breaks
Right: Plays an "Ooo-Aaa" noise with a very quiet meow in the background.
Up: Plays an "Aaa" sound effect.
Down: Plays a similar "Aaa" sound effect, but it's lower pitched.
Start: Plays a demo where it automatically presses buttons to a rhythm.

* A&B - phrases
Select: Leaves the Meow Mixer.

== Gallery==
== Gallery==


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