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"That's all from us. Be sure to join us ringside for another world exclusive interview!"
"That's all from us. Be sure to join us ringside for another world exclusive interview!"
==Journal of Tiny Science==
Day 1:
It's been five years since I announced my new method for bacterial research in "Microbe Today." My students and I have been working day and night to catalog our newest data. Then today I received a vial from the mysterious Rhythm League, and its contents astounded me! The microbes in the vial moved in sync with each other. And not just one or two, but countless microbes all movng in time! I am sure they represent an important discovery. We must keep studying them.
Day X:
The microbes appear to have lost their initial vigor. They move sluggishly, unhappily bumping into each other. If they continue like this, I will have to abandon my research. What could be wrong with them?
Day Y:
The microbes still seems sad and listless. The team and I are exhausted, and nothing we have tried has improved their condition. We must do something-- if not for them, then for our own morale. Some music might lift our spirits...
Day Z:
Astonishing! As soon as I put the music on, the microbes brightened, moving in time and colorful again! I'm not sure how, but the microbes feed on the music in a process I shall call "rhythmesis". The music's effect is undeniable. The microbes have resumed their tiny, dancing march. Where could they be headed? We still have so much to learn about them... We have already gained from our research though. I find myself walking with a spring in my step now!
[UK, article is named 'Diary of Micro-Discoveries']
Entry 1:
It has been five years since I first announced my new method for bacterial research. The students and I have worked tirelessly day and night to find new bacteria. Today, I discovered a group of bacteria with a puzzling organised movement. They swam right past my microscope's feild of view and I knew instantly that I had found something completely new. The bacteria moved with great coordination. There were not just one or two, but countless bacteria all moving in time. I am sure they represent an important discovery so we must study them further.
Entry 2:
The bacteria appear to have lost their initial vigour. They are moving sluggishly and bumping into each other which appears to make them unhappy. If they continue like this, I will have to abandon my research. What on earth could be wrong with them?
Entry 3:
The bacteria still appear to lack their initial vitality. The team and I are exhausted from failing to improve their condition. We must do something! Perhaps some music would help liven our mood. I'm sure one of the students left a CD somewhere... As soon as I put the CD on, the bacteria lost their drab appearence. They began to move in time and glowed colourfully again! I'm not sure how, but they feed on the music (I may call the process "Rhythmesis"). However, the music's effect is undeniable. They bacteria have begun moving in a nimble jerking motion. I wonder where they could be headed? I must study them further to understand more about this truly mysterious organism. We still have a lot of learn from them. We should all learn to live with a spring in our step too!
==Picky Eaters' Song==
[US] I am called the Wandering Samurai, due to my devotion to the samurai code of Bushido and my generally poor sense of direction.
~As the sun dips below the horizon, the Wandering Samurai rests his weary body on the grounds of an old temple.~
"I'm so very tired from all the wandering I did today..." ~Before he is even aware of it, the samurai is asleep and dreaming...~
♪ One onion. Can't eat it! Two tubers. Mmm! Love it ! Three three-bean salads. Can't eat it!♪
♪Five fortune cookies. Mmm! Love it! Five flying fish. People eat those? ♪
♪Six sticks of butter. Mmm! Love it! Seven celery sticks. Can't eat it! ♪
♪Eight egg rolls. Mmm! Love it! Nine nice noodle dishes. Can't eat it! ♪
♪And ten tennis balls. Not food. ♪
"Son, if you are so picky about food, you'll never grow up to be a proper samurai!"
"Yes, Mother!"
When I wake, the sun is high in the sky. Standing nearby are two childre. The boy holds a pinwheel, the girl a rice ball.
"Mama said this was for you."
My stomach growls as my eye meets the rice ball.
"I am indebted to you." I gratefully accept the rice ball.
It is delicious. Just like Mother used to make.
[UK, article is named 'The Picky Eaters Song']
The lone samurai continues his endless journey onwards. Eventually the samurai came across a temple and decided to take shelter from the heat of the morning sun. His eyelids began to feel heavy and it did not take long before he fell fast asleep under a large tree. As he lay snoring in the shade, a counting song from his childhood came back to him...
One- I like buns
Two - I don't like stew
Three - I like peas
Four - I don't like rice balls
Five - I live chives
Six - I don't like figs
Seven - I like cinnamon
Eight - I dont like skate
Nine - I like brine
Ten - I don't like ramen...
"An honourable samurai never lets food go to waste," his mother scolded.
"Yes, mother," the young samurai dutifully replied...
The lone samurai awoke from his dream to find the sun had risen high in the sky. He soon noticed two young kids approaching with a toy windmill and a rice ball.
"Our mummy told us to give you this."
The samurai's stomach let out a loud growl at the sight of the expertly-made rice ball.
"Thank you," the samurai said as he took the rice ball. He bit into it and was filled with more memories of his mother's cooking. He wondered how he would be able to repay their kindness to him.
To be continued...
==Angling Profiles==
Master Fishingperson Ann Glerr presents: Fishing Tips with Master Fishingperson Ann Glerr
Ann Glerr here with some fishing tips! Let's start with the small fry: The Quicknibble is an adorable little orange fish with no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. It'll usually taste your bait twice then just bite onto it , at which point you can simply yank it out of the water.
The Pausegill, on the other hand, is a cautious fish. It generally invests in mutual funds and treasury bills. Also, it waits a beat after tasting the bait before biting. I don't know why it bothers-- it's not like it ever checks the bait and goes "Nah."
Finally, there's the creepy Threefish. This indimidating guy likes to check the bait thoroughly with his tongue. After the check, he likes to give the worm a count of three to let the fear set in... then he strikes!
I hope these tips will help you land a big one next time you're out! Ann Glerr signing off!
[UK, article is named 'Fishing Monthly']
Expert's Corner
This month's Expert's Corner features tips from Ann Glerr.
Hi everyone! I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce three fish species to you today.
First, let's start with the cute Gulper. You have to watch out for this small orange fish because they don't wait around after nibbling your bait.
The Little Waiter may have a vacant stare but don't let that fool you. The key to hooking one is waiting briefly for it to bite.
Finally, the king of fish is the Big Teaser. They use their long tongues to tease their prey. When you see the float move, try counting to three before striking. However, if they get away you'll find their deep laugh sounds quite suave and sophisticated!
One final tip, fishing is all about rhythm. So try to stick to the beat whenever you see a fish bite!
Good luck fishing, everybody!
Ann Glerr


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