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RH Wiki:Templates

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There are many templates in use in Rhythm Heaven Wiki; these are only a subset, representing some of the most important and commonly used ones. If you feel that a template belongs on this page, do not hesitate to add it.

  • Category:Templates should cover all templates in the wiki, categorized into the various subcategories.
  • The Template namespace (found from Special:Allpages) always has all templates in the wiki, sorted alphanumerically.

What are templates?

Wiki templates provide a means to insert the same content over and over in different (or the same) pages. This saves editors the hassle of duplicating the same text again and again, and also helps ensure consistency.

Templates are generally shown with the format required to use the template (e.g. {{stub}}). Clicking the template name takes you to the template's page, where you can see what it looks like and how it is used. Detailed instructions on the usage of each template should exist on:

  1. the template page itself (inside "noinclude" tags); or
  2. the template's talk page.

For more information on templates, see here.

Article management templates

Nominate an article for deletion



Disambiguation articles


  • If you have several articles that have similar or identical names, you may wish to create a "disambiguation" page at the main article name, with the articles taking an extra phrase in brackets afterwards. For example:
Karate Man <-- disambiguation page, with links to:
Karate Man (3DS)
Karate Man Returns!, etc.
  • Using {{disambig}} marks an article as a disambiguation page by adding a banner to the article and categorizing it under Category:Disambiguations. Add links to the various articles under the banner.
  • For more information, see here.



  • When a page has little or no useful information, then it is likely a stub. This template will include them in Category:Article stubs, and is used to list which articles need expanding.
  • For more information, see here.

Category templates

General category template


  • This can be added to categories to add general categorizing details. Use in cases where it may be useful to point out to users how to categorize, such as popular categories.

Template category template


  • This should be added to any template-related categories, to list template-specific categorizing details, which differ from those of normal pages.

General wiki templates



  • This template is used to reduce the amount of non-wikicode used on pages, replacing the code <br style="clear:both;" />. Its use should generally be avoided.



  • Use at the top of articles as a simple "this is about x, you might be looking for y" template.

Main article


  • Use at the start of a section to link to the main article on it.

Right-aligned Table of Contents


  • This template floats the table of contents (toc) on the right. It should only be used when absolutely necessary, to keep consistent design.

T is for template


  • This template allows you to show example template code (with a link to the templates) without using the template itself. It is used extensively on this page.


{{wikipedia}}, {{wikipedia-deleted}}

  • Wikipedia-related templates. Use {{wikipedia}} for articles taken directly from Wikipedia, and {{wikipedia-deleted}} for articles deleted from Wikipedia.

Where you may find more templates

  • Wikipedia; may be copied with the proper acknowledgment, but some need tweaking to work properly.