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Sprite from Rhythm Heaven
Appears in

The Octo-Pops (ポンタコズ?, Pontakozu) are octopuses that appear in the Rhythm Toy Octopus Machine in Rhythm Heaven.


Octo-Pops are red octopuses that have a cork attached to a string in their mouths. Despite being octopuses, they only have four legs. The Octo-Pops perform a routine which includes swelling and deflating themselves, and occasionally popping the cork, all in rhythm one after the other.

An Octo-Pop makes an appearance in the OK epilogue to Remix 9 in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where it's described as "probably edible"[1].



In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ポンタコズ Pon Octopuses
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Octo-Pops
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Octo-Pops
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Poulpops
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Pulpicorchos Pulpo (Octopus) + corchos (corks)
Flag of Germany.svg German Oktokork! Octocork!
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Piovritmi Piovra (Octopus) + ritmi (rhythms)
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 문어 풍풍 Octopus Pungpung


  1. "Today's catch... is probably edible!" ~ OK epilogue to Remix 9, Rhythm Heaven Fever