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Mandrill (マンドリコ?, Mandoriko), also sometimes refered to as Mando[1] by his friend Monkey in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, is a character in Hole in One.

Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Fever
Appears in

Physical Appearance

Mandrill is a large, black mandrill with a red nose. His belly is white and he has two strong arms and legs. His hair spikes up on top of his small white ears.


Mandrill helps out his friend, Monkey, who is a professional golf coach. At their first meeting with the Golfer, Mandrill gives tips about needing to focus on timing, rather than just power.

During the game, he takes a big golf ball out of his mouth, and swings it forward really quick. During the Practice, Mandrill greets the player with a "Hellooooo!" as he pounds his chest. He initially forgets to give any cues until Monkey reminds him.

Mandrill returns in Remix 1, where he wears a ring of flowers on his head. In Hole in One 2, his facial hair turns pink, his belly becomes a more yellow color, and his hair has grown considerably. In Remix 9, his colors return to the original appearance, although his hair has grown even more, reaching the top of the screen, and a Monkey can be seen clinging on to it. He appears in Lush Remix wearing an explorer's hat.


At the beginning of Rhythm Heaven Fever, Mandrill helps to teach the player to pay attention to the music and cues and not just focus on the visuals. Mandrill displays how hard it can be to play without important audio cues.




  • In Minna no Rhythm Tengoku, Mandrill refers to himself with "atashi"[2], a feminine first-person pronoun. This, alongside Monkey using "kun" when refering to Mandrill[3] (usually but not necessarily a male pronoun), leads Japanese players unsure of his actual gender[4]. Mandrill is clearly male in other versions.
  • Mandrill speaks in broken English in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise and also refers to himself in the third person[5], unlike most other animal characters.

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese マンドリコ Mandrico
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Mandrill
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Mandrill
Flag of France.svg French Mandrico
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Mandril Mandrill
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Mandrico
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 맨드릴군 Mandrill


  1. "What's up, Mando?" ~ Monkey, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise
  2. "アタシもまぜなさいよー!" (Atashi mo maze nasai yo-!?, Add me in too!) ~ Mandrill, Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
  3. "だめだよ、マンドリコくん。" (Dameda yo, Mandoriko-kun.?, No, Mandrico-kun.) ~ Monkey, Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
  4. Japanese walkthrough of Hole in One
  5. "Mandrill sorry he no give signal. Next time Mandrill give signal, OK?" ~ Mandrill, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise