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Unsurprisingly, the Barista loves coffee. He can tell the name of any kind of coffee just from the smell<ref>"I guess it's no surprise that I love coffee. For me, it's all about the aroma... I can always spot quality coffee in one or two good sniffs. Actually, if I might brag for a minute, I can tell you the name of a given coffee from the smell alone. Try me! Good coffee is one of life's great pleasures. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>. He used to drink it mild with milk and cream, but eventually started to prefer the bitter taste of black coffee<ref>"How do you like your coffee, bitter or mild? ...And did you always like it that way? When I was young, I didn't like anything bitter. I wonder why I prefer bitter coffee now...? Oh, the milk's over there. Help yourself to however much you want. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref><ref>"Hello there! Do you like your coffee black or with milk and sugar? I remember being shocked by how bitter it was when I first tried black coffee. I thought milk and sugar were necessary for my survival! But once I got used to it, I began to understand the flavor. Well-brewed coffee has many mysteries. It's important to explore them in turn. Anyway, room for cream for you today?" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. The Barista sees the world as getting "crazier and crazier", and invites the player to rest at the [[Café]]<ref>"You know, I work here in this cafe every day. And the world outside just seems to get crazier and crazier. But my cafe always stays exactly the same. So stop by every now and then when things get too crazy out there, OK? See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>. He enjoys listening to all kinds of music, live music whenever he gets the chance<ref>"Do you ever go out to hear live music? It's one of my favorite things to do, actually. I don't get out as often as I'd like, since I need to keep this place running... But, hey, if you go to any good live shows, let me know! See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>, slow music<ref>"Hello there! It's probably obvious, but I listen to a lot of music. And sometimes I like to listen to very slow music. And it usually makes me kind of sleepy. I get sleepy listening to music I love. Is that strange? Does it ever happen to you? Maybe it's just me..." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, and anything from classical to heavy metal on his own time<ref>"Hello there! My customers are always asking me what kind of music I listen to. They never seem to believe me that I listen to everything, from classical to heavy metal. Are you surprised? Obviously I don't play heavy metal in the Café. It's not conducive to conversation. But I don't live in this Café, you understand. I'd like to know what kinds of music you enjoy. Let's talk about that next time. See you soon!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He listens to music when he feels sad<ref>"それはそうと、悲しいときって どうしてますか? 私は もっぱら 音楽を ききますねぇ。けっこう古いレコードなんかを 出してきて 当時を 思い出したりすると、ホッとするんです。音楽って フシギですよね~。 どうして あんなにも 心を ゆさぶるんでしょうね。まぁ、私には 詳しい理屈なんて わからないですけどネ。ははは。" (So, what do you do when you are sad? I listen to music most of the time. When I get out my old records and remember those days, I feel relieved. Music is a strange thing, isn't it? I wonder why it moves my heart so much. Well, I don't know the detailed logic behind it. Hahaha.) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref><ref>"You know, music is a wonderful thing. I had a bad day here the other day, and I was feeling a little blue. And here I was, sitting and sulking, when a song I liked came on the radio. It picked me right up. That's the power of music! So next time you stop by, why don't you play me one of your favorite songs? Only if you want to, of course. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref> or sleepy<ref>"I had the worst time getting to sleep last night. So I did the same thing I always do. I sat around, organizing my CD collection. I found an old favorite, too! I thought I'd listen to it, but all the songs were really up-tempo, and it made me even more awake! I learned my lesson. From now on, I'm organizing my coffee beans instead. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>. He is also known to feel sleepy after playing all night<ref>"それはそうと、 なんだか 今 すごく ねむいのです… きのう おそくまで 遊んでたからなぁ… あ、いや、こっちの話です。ひとりごとですので… すみませんね。こんど ドライブでも 行きませんか? ま、よかったら ですけどネ。では また。" (By the way, I'm really sleepy right now... because I stayed up late last night playing... oh, no, I'm talking about me. I'm talking to myself... sorry. Would you like to go for a drive next time? Well, if you like. See you later.) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref> and reflexively start screaming when he gets excited, which has startled many customers over the years<ref>"大きい声をだして すみません。なんだか うれしかったものですから…" (I'm sorry for shouting so loudly. I got a bit excited...) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref><ref>"I should probably mention in advance that when I get excited, I tend to shout a lot. Even I have no idea why. I mention it in case you're ever around and hear my shouting. Don't worry-- there's probably nothing wrong. I apologize in advance if it ever disturbs you. I've startled a few customers over the years, let me tell you! But I don't mean anything by it." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref><ref>"Hello there! Oh, hey. This is awkward, but I should warn you... When I hear sirens, I, uh, reflexively start screaming. I don't know why. But I wail like an opera-singing humpback. It happened just the other day, too. A customer was so surprised... that he spat coffee everywhere. I felt bad. I didn't mean to do it, but it was already happening before I realized it. "So, um, if that ever happens while you're here...sorry." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Sometimes, he appears to mix up orders<ref>"それはそうと、コーヒー 入りましたヨ。え? たのんでないって? あぁ、これは おとなりから なんですが… ま、まぁ 無口な方ですが なかよくしたいんじゃないですか? 私は、コーヒーを 入れるだけしか できませんが… ははは…" (Oh, by the way, your coffee is ready. What? You didn't ask for it? Oh, this is for the customer next to you... well, he doesn't talk much, but you want to get to know him, don't you? I can only make coffee, but... haha..." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref>. When he was in his prime, customers used to bring all the latest games to the [[Café]], and the Barista would always be the first in line to play them. He remembers these days fondly while talking about [[Extra Games]]<ref>"That reminds me--have you checked out any of the Extra Games yet? When I was in my prime, I was always first in line to play the latest games. Ahh, it takes me back... Back then, this place was full of customers too. They all used to bring in the latest games for everyone to try out. Those were good days... See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>. The Barista sometimes thinks about the phylosophy behind music<ref>"You ever notice how good it feels to get on the rhythm and move in time to the beat? I wonder why that is... It feels so natural, but when you try to stop and think about why you feel that way, you just can't figure it out. If you ever figure it out, you come let me know. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>, outer space and atoms<ref>"Hello there! You ever really think about space? Like, how big is it? Does it go on forever? If it doesn't go on forever, what's on the other side? Is there someone else on the other side, looking back and wondering about us? And what about atoms? Are they like tiny star systems? Does anyone live inside my atoms? And how would I ever find out? ... Sorry, I kinda went off the rails there, didn't I? I'll talk to you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, the effects of music on plants<ref>"Hey, did you know that plants also like listening to music? Apparently, plants grow better when classical music is played for them. A customer was telling me about this the other day. Crazy, huh? How do you think that works when they don't have ears? Heh. I just pictured a hydrangea with big ol' jug-handle ears. Funny. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>, the origins of the names of musical notes<ref>"Hello there! So, you know the names of the musical notes, right? "Do re mi fa so la ti do"? Where do you suppose that came from originally? Why those sounds? Ooh! And I heard that they're different in other countries, too! Like, apparently "do" is "ut" in France. Even in another language, the sound is similar. Interesting, right? I don't know about you, but I could talk musical etymology all day! ...I'll, uh, understand if you want to move on, though. See you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, music as whole<ref>"Hello there! I've been wondering lately-- how do you think music started? I read a theory that it started with us imitating birds' songs. And the rhythm may have come from the sounds of walking or tools banging. But you know when you take a walk on a sunny day and you're feeling good... you sometimes just inadvertently start humming a random melody? I think that's how music started. Maybe that's a little "woo-woo" for you, but... I think music benefits from a little "woo-woo," you know?" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, and even how sound itself is produced<ref>"Hello there! Do you know how sound reaches your ear? I just watched a documentary about this--it's fascinating! Everything that makes noise-- footsteps, voices, whatever-- vibrates the air around it. Sounds travel through the air as waves and vibrate your eardrums, which is how you hear. Things sound different because they vibrate the air at various frequencies and amplitudes. Fascinating, right? It's fun to think about when you're listening carefully to something." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He likes to go to the movies whenever possible, and enjoys eating popcorn while waiting the most<ref>"Hello there! Say, do you like going to the movies? I sure do. Huge movie buff. I go pretty much every day I have off. But you know my favorite part? Eating popcorn while I wait for it to start! Silly, right? It's just a fun part of the ritual, I guess. You gotta find your bliss, though. Hey, maybe I'll see you there sometime!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He is known to go jogging to get in shape, and finds it to be more enjoyable while listening to music<ref>"I've taken up jogging again to get back in shape. At first, I just ran around until I got bored. But I found it's much easier to jog while listening to music. Now I'm really enjoying my runs, and I try to match my steps to the rhythm! It's amazing how rhythm pops up where you least expect it. Sorry--I should get back to work... See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref> alongside the ocean<ref>"Hello there! Did you know I'm a big jogger? My favorite is running alongside the ocean. ...Pardon me? That's how I keep so fit? Oh, you're quite a flatterer! Well, you make yourself at home and stay as long as you'd like." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He goes to the beach annually in the fall to listen to the relaxing sound of the waves<ref>"Hello there! I was just planning my annual fall trip to the ocean. Most people think it's too cold to visit the ocean in the fall... But I don't go there to swim. I go to listen to the sound of the waves. Whoosh...whoosh...whoosh... Wave after wave crashing into the shore... It's the most relaxing sound in the world, as far as I'm concerned. If you haven't been, you should try it sometime!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
Unsurprisingly, the Barista loves coffee. He can tell the name of any kind of coffee just from the smell<ref>"I guess it's no surprise that I love coffee. For me, it's all about the aroma... I can always spot quality coffee in one or two good sniffs. Actually, if I might brag for a minute, I can tell you the name of a given coffee from the smell alone. Try me! Good coffee is one of life's great pleasures. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>. He used to drink it mild with milk and cream, but eventually started to prefer the bitter taste of black coffee<ref>"How do you like your coffee, bitter or mild? ...And did you always like it that way? When I was young, I didn't like anything bitter. I wonder why I prefer bitter coffee now...? Oh, the milk's over there. Help yourself to however much you want. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref><ref>"Hello there! Do you like your coffee black or with milk and sugar? I remember being shocked by how bitter it was when I first tried black coffee. I thought milk and sugar were necessary for my survival! But once I got used to it, I began to understand the flavor. Well-brewed coffee has many mysteries. It's important to explore them in turn. Anyway, room for cream for you today?" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. The Barista sees the world as getting "crazier and crazier", and invites the player to rest at the [[Café]]<ref>"You know, I work here in this cafe every day. And the world outside just seems to get crazier and crazier. But my cafe always stays exactly the same. So stop by every now and then when things get too crazy out there, OK? See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>. He enjoys listening to all kinds of music, live music whenever he gets the chance<ref>"Do you ever go out to hear live music? It's one of my favorite things to do, actually. I don't get out as often as I'd like, since I need to keep this place running... But, hey, if you go to any good live shows, let me know! See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>, slow music<ref>"Hello there! It's probably obvious, but I listen to a lot of music. And sometimes I like to listen to very slow music. And it usually makes me kind of sleepy. I get sleepy listening to music I love. Is that strange? Does it ever happen to you? Maybe it's just me..." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, and anything from classical to heavy metal on his own time<ref>"Hello there! My customers are always asking me what kind of music I listen to. They never seem to believe me that I listen to everything, from classical to heavy metal. Are you surprised? Obviously I don't play heavy metal in the Café. It's not conducive to conversation. But I don't live in this Café, you understand. I'd like to know what kinds of music you enjoy. Let's talk about that next time. See you soon!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He listens to music when he feels sad<ref>"それはそうと、悲しいときって どうしてますか? 私は もっぱら 音楽を ききますねぇ。けっこう古いレコードなんかを 出してきて 当時を 思い出したりすると、ホッとするんです。音楽って フシギですよね~。 どうして あんなにも 心を ゆさぶるんでしょうね。まぁ、私には 詳しい理屈なんて わからないですけどネ。ははは。" (So, what do you do when you are sad? I listen to music most of the time. When I get out my old records and remember those days, I feel relieved. Music is a strange thing, isn't it? I wonder why it moves my heart so much. Well, I don't know the detailed logic behind it. Hahaha.) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref><ref>"You know, music is a wonderful thing. I had a bad day here the other day, and I was feeling a little blue. And here I was, sitting and sulking, when a song I liked came on the radio. It picked me right up. That's the power of music! So next time you stop by, why don't you play me one of your favorite songs? Only if you want to, of course. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref> or sleepy<ref>"I had the worst time getting to sleep last night. So I did the same thing I always do. I sat around, organizing my CD collection. I found an old favorite, too! I thought I'd listen to it, but all the songs were really up-tempo, and it made me even more awake! I learned my lesson. From now on, I'm organizing my coffee beans instead. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>. He is also known to feel sleepy after playing all night<ref>"それはそうと、 なんだか 今 すごく ねむいのです… きのう おそくまで 遊んでたからなぁ… あ、いや、こっちの話です。ひとりごとですので… すみませんね。こんど ドライブでも 行きませんか? ま、よかったら ですけどネ。では また。" (By the way, I'm really sleepy right now... because I stayed up late last night playing... oh, no, I'm talking about me. I'm talking to myself... sorry. Would you like to go for a drive next time? Well, if you like. See you later.) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref> and reflexively start screaming when he gets excited, which has startled many customers over the years<ref>"大きい声をだして すみません。なんだか うれしかったものですから…" (I'm sorry for shouting so loudly. I got a bit excited...) ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref><ref>"I should probably mention in advance that when I get excited, I tend to shout a lot. Even I have no idea why. I mention it in case you're ever around and hear my shouting. Don't worry-- there's probably nothing wrong. I apologize in advance if it ever disturbs you. I've startled a few customers over the years, let me tell you! But I don't mean anything by it." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref><ref>"Hello there! Oh, hey. This is awkward, but I should warn you... When I hear sirens, I, uh, reflexively start screaming. I don't know why. But I wail like an opera-singing humpback. It happened just the other day, too. A customer was so surprised... that he spat coffee everywhere. I felt bad. I didn't mean to do it, but it was already happening before I realized it. "So, um, if that ever happens while you're here...sorry." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Sometimes, he appears to mix up orders<ref>"それはそうと、コーヒー 入りましたヨ。え? たのんでないって? あぁ、これは おとなりから なんですが… ま、まぁ 無口な方ですが なかよくしたいんじゃないですか? 私は、コーヒーを 入れるだけしか できませんが… ははは…" (Oh, by the way, your coffee is ready. What? You didn't ask for it? Oh, this is for the customer next to you... well, he doesn't talk much, but you want to get to know him, don't you? I can only make coffee, but... haha..." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Tengoku]]''</ref>. When he was in his prime, customers used to bring all the latest games to the [[Café]], and the Barista would always be the first in line to play them. He remembers these days fondly while talking about [[Extra Games]]<ref>"That reminds me--have you checked out any of the Extra Games yet? When I was in my prime, I was always first in line to play the latest games. Ahh, it takes me back... Back then, this place was full of customers too. They all used to bring in the latest games for everyone to try out. Those were good days... See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>. The Barista sometimes thinks about the phylosophy behind music<ref>"You ever notice how good it feels to get on the rhythm and move in time to the beat? I wonder why that is... It feels so natural, but when you try to stop and think about why you feel that way, you just can't figure it out. If you ever figure it out, you come let me know. See you around." ~ Dog, ''[[Rhythm Heaven]]''</ref>, outer space and atoms<ref>"Hello there! You ever really think about space? Like, how big is it? Does it go on forever? If it doesn't go on forever, what's on the other side? Is there someone else on the other side, looking back and wondering about us? And what about atoms? Are they like tiny star systems? Does anyone live inside my atoms? And how would I ever find out? ... Sorry, I kinda went off the rails there, didn't I? I'll talk to you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, the effects of music on plants<ref>"Hey, did you know that plants also like listening to music? Apparently, plants grow better when classical music is played for them. A customer was telling me about this the other day. Crazy, huh? How do you think that works when they don't have ears? Heh. I just pictured a hydrangea with big ol' jug-handle ears. Funny. See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>, the origins of the names of musical notes<ref>"Hello there! So, you know the names of the musical notes, right? "Do re mi fa so la ti do"? Where do you suppose that came from originally? Why those sounds? Ooh! And I heard that they're different in other countries, too! Like, apparently "do" is "ut" in France. Even in another language, the sound is similar. Interesting, right? I don't know about you, but I could talk musical etymology all day! ...I'll, uh, understand if you want to move on, though. See you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, music as whole<ref>"Hello there! I've been wondering lately-- how do you think music started? I read a theory that it started with us imitating birds' songs. And the rhythm may have come from the sounds of walking or tools banging. But you know when you take a walk on a sunny day and you're feeling good... you sometimes just inadvertently start humming a random melody? I think that's how music started. Maybe that's a little "woo-woo" for you, but... I think music benefits from a little "woo-woo," you know?" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, and even how sound itself is produced<ref>"Hello there! Do you know how sound reaches your ear? I just watched a documentary about this--it's fascinating! Everything that makes noise-- footsteps, voices, whatever-- vibrates the air around it. Sounds travel through the air as waves and vibrate your eardrums, which is how you hear. Things sound different because they vibrate the air at various frequencies and amplitudes. Fascinating, right? It's fun to think about when you're listening carefully to something." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He likes to go to the movies whenever possible, and enjoys eating popcorn while waiting the most<ref>"Hello there! Say, do you like going to the movies? I sure do. Huge movie buff. I go pretty much every day I have off. But you know my favorite part? Eating popcorn while I wait for it to start! Silly, right? It's just a fun part of the ritual, I guess. You gotta find your bliss, though. Hey, maybe I'll see you there sometime!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He is known to go jogging to get in shape, and finds it to be more enjoyable while listening to music<ref>"I've taken up jogging again to get back in shape. At first, I just ran around until I got bored. But I found it's much easier to jog while listening to music. Now I'm really enjoying my runs, and I try to match my steps to the rhythm! It's amazing how rhythm pops up where you least expect it. Sorry--I should get back to work... See you around." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref> alongside the ocean<ref>"Hello there! Did you know I'm a big jogger? My favorite is running alongside the ocean. ...Pardon me? That's how I keep so fit? Oh, you're quite a flatterer! Well, you make yourself at home and stay as long as you'd like." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He goes to the beach annually in the fall to listen to the relaxing sound of the waves<ref>"Hello there! I was just planning my annual fall trip to the ocean. Most people think it's too cold to visit the ocean in the fall... But I don't go there to swim. I go to listen to the sound of the waves. Whoosh...whoosh...whoosh... Wave after wave crashing into the shore... It's the most relaxing sound in the world, as far as I'm concerned. If you haven't been, you should try it sometime!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.

In ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]'', the player may sometimes get to talk to other customers, who sometimes mention something about the Barista. [[Boondog]] supports the Barista's business, and mentions he always provides honey with the tea<ref>"Bzzzark--I mean hello! This Café is my favorite place to relax. I like to support dog-owned bzzznesses, and the owner provides honey for the tea. I hope you like it as much as I do. Make yourself at hive!" ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, but the Barista was hurt when he caught the beehound putting too much honey, and being unable to taste the tea<ref>"I have a confession to make. I put WAY too much honey in this tea. The barista caught me at it yesterday. He was hurt that I can't taste his tea. It's not that I don't like his tea! I just LOVE honey! Please don't tell him I did it, OK? I wouldn't want to spoil our friendship." ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. [[Boondog]] also suspects he and the Barista might be related<ref>"The other day, I was talking to the barista about families. And I got this suspicion that maybe he and I are related! So I asked him if there are any bees in his family. He just got this funny look and said, "Could be." But the way he said it? I heard TWO Es." ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. [[Shep]] mentions that the coffee beans used at the [[Café]] are harvested in [[Citrus Land]], which gives a hint of orange in the aroma<ref>"Do you know about the coffee beans they use here? They're harvested in Citrus Land. True story! That's why there's just a hint of orange in the aroma. I think that's why this place is so popular." ~ [[Shep]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
In ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]'', the player may sometimes get to talk to other customers, who sometimes mention something about the Barista. [[Boondog]] supports the Barista's business, and mentions he always provides honey with the tea<ref>"Bzzzark--I mean hello! This Café is my favorite place to relax. I like to support dog-owned bzzznesses, and the owner provides honey for the tea. I hope you like it as much as I do. Make yourself at hive!" ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, but the Barista was hurt when he caught the beehound putting too much honey, and being unable to taste the tea<ref>"I have a confession to make. I put WAY too much honey in this tea. The barista caught me at it yesterday. He was hurt that I can't taste his tea. It's not that I don't like his tea! I just LOVE honey! Please don't tell him I did it, OK? I wouldn't want to spoil our friendship." ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. [[Boondog]] also suspects he and the Barista might be related<ref>"The other day, I was talking to the barista about families. And I got this suspicion that maybe he and I are related! So I asked him if there are any bees in his family. He just got this funny look and said, "Could be." But the way he said it? I heard TWO Es." ~ [[Boondog]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
*[[File:Game GBA B-1.png|20px|link=Café|Kissa Councel]] [[Café|Kissa Councel]]
*[[File:Game GBA B-1.png|20px|link=Café|Kissa Councel]] [[Café|Kissa Councel]]
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