Love Posse feat. MC Adore

The Love Posse feat. Dee Dee (MDS feat.So'RA?, MDS feat.So'RA) is a rap group, consisting of Dee Dee and two other rappers. They combine rap and love in their hit single Love Rap from Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.


The Love Posse feat. Dee Dee are known to perform live. One of their performances was held in Live House OGU, where the RAPMEN served as the opening act before the Love Posse performed their eagerly anticipated single, "Love Rap". Advance tickets cost $60 and come with an exclusive Dee Dee sticker, while tickets on the day of the concert cost $60 but not come with a sticker.

Their performance in the Rhythm Game Love Rap is a music video of the song. Here they perform on a street as a plane flies overhead, preparing for landing. Dee Dee can be seen sitting on her pink car, rapping to the music while the boys respond to her raps. The Love Posse feat. Dee Dee have also been seen perfoming in Remix 6, where Dee Dee herself is seen on a bear-shaped ride at a carnival, while the boys wear silly hats. They come back with an arranged version of their single in Love Rap 2, this time taking place in a pink room as Dee Dee sits on a couch, with everyone wearing yellow afros. They return again in Remix 9, performing on a red stage.

The Weasel Couple appear to be fans of the Love Posse, as they can be seen watching their music video at the end of Love Rap. Marshal, Cam, and Miss Ribbon can be seen watching the music video at the end of Love Rap 2, as well.

Dee Dee seems to be hard to please, as seen in the epilogues to Love Rap and Love Rap 2.

Dee Dee bought her car based on someone's selection. She doesn't have a driver's license however, so she let's them drive her everywhere[1]. People mistake her car for a vicious animal when they first see it despite it's pink color, much to her annoyance[2].




  • The boys wear yellow and red hats, matching the skin colors of the RAPMEN. They all also wear blue pants.
  • The official artwork for MC Adore from Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix has a few differences from the in-game design:
    • In the in-game design, the Dee Dee pants are dark grey, but in the artworks they are black.
    • Dee Dee's hair in the artworks has a ponytail, in the in-game design it are dissolved
    • The Dee Dee jersey has neckline and strapless in the artworks, in the in-game design this is not.

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese MDS feat.So'RA
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Love Posse feat. Dee Dee
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Love Posse feat. Dee Dee
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Romance feat. Râ+Peur Romance feat. Ra and Peur (pun on "Rapper")
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish La solista y los Raperos románticos The soloist and the Romantic rappers
Flag of Italy.svg Italian MDS feat. So'RA
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean MDS feat. 소라 MDS feat. So'RA


  1. "カレの車えらびについてって、アタイも買っちゃったのサ。このボディーとか、チョーいかしてるじゃん?でもアタイ、めんきょ持ってないから、一回も運転していないんだ。いつも、あのふたりに運ばせてる。マジ、ウケるっしょ?" (With regards to his selection of car, I also bought it. The body is really cool, isn't it? But I don't have a driver's license, so I've never driven it. I always let them drive me. It's really funny, isn't it?) ~ So'RAの車 (So'RA's Car), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  2. "Funny story about my car: everyone who sees it for the first time thinks it's a vicious animal of some kind, like a shark or a crocodile. I want to say, "Guys, it's PINK."" ~ MC Adore's Car, Rhythm Heaven Megamix