I suppose I should add something here.
Rhythm Heaven
- Games I own: Fever (NTSC, actual copy); Tengoku, Heaven (emulator)
- Medals: 50 in Fever (33 Perfect); 1 in Tengoku, 0 in Heaven (It's very hard to flick on a phone, with input lag)
- Favorite minigame: I can't decide between Karate Man (Returns or Combos), Bossa Nova or Spaceball.
- Least favorite minigame: Working Dough 2.
I'm already having the flashbacks.
- Favorite Remix: 6, 7 or 9 (Wii).
- Least favorite remix: Well I did get a superb on Remix 10, but I still have trouble with it.
- Favorite character? I like all of 'em! But if I had to pick one, I'd have to say
Fork. Student (DJ School), the Tall Tappers, or the mascots of Rhythm Heaven Fever. (Camisanunderratedcharacterthatneedsmorelove)
Other things
- I enjoy drawing in my spare time. I post most of my art on Google+.
- I also have a Tumblr.
And too many other social media accounts.
- I'm okay at CSS. I spent a lot of time on other wikis and picked it up.
That giraffe...it's staring into my soul!