Weasel Couple

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Weasel Couple (イタチカップル Itachi Kappuru) is a pair of two weasels who appeared in the minigame Double Date in Rhythm Heaven Fever. They often appear in a hole and watch the boy and his crush after the school.

Weasel Couple
Item holder.png

Physical Apperances

Male Weasel is an orange weasel who gives the boy some beats of how to get rid of any kind of sports balls like soccer ball, football and basketball being thrown from nowhere. He will then appears in a hole with his love female weasel to watch the boy taking care of the balls while watching his crush seeing them them without noticing him kicking out the balls. If the boy missed one of them, the weasel and his love will hide into a hole when a soccer or a basket ball will go on their way or when a football ball ariives, it will hit the male weasel's chin very hard.

Female Weasel is a pink weasel with three eyeslashes on each eyes who appears along with her love male weasel in a hole watching a boy and his crush on a lench. If the boy missed one of them, the weasel and her love will hide into a hole when a soccer or a basket ball will go on their way or when a football ariives, she will get shock seeing her love being hit by a football ball.



  • In the European version, the weasels are named "Ferrets".