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{{Template:Character infobox
{{About|the [[characters]] named Bossa and Nova|[[Bossa Nova|the game they appear in]]}}
|name = Bossa and Nova
{{Character infobox
|jname = ボッサとノヴァ
|image=Artwork 3DS Bossa Nova.png
|rname = Bossa to Nova  
|caption=Artwork from ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''
(Bossa and Nova)
|image = [[File:Bossa and Nova in 3DS.png|170px]]
{{Nihongo|Bossa|ボッサ|Bossa}} and {{Nihongo|Nova|ノヴァ|Nova}} are two primitive people who appear in [[Bossa Nova]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]'' and ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''.
|caption = Artwork from ''Rhythm Heaven Megamix''
|gender = Bossa male;<br> Nova female
|appearance = [[Rhythm Heaven Fever]],<br>[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]}}'''Bossa and Nova''' are two primitive people that appear in [[Bossa Nova]] in ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]] ''and'' [[Rhythm Heaven Megamix|Rhythm&nbsp;Heaven Megamix]]''.
==Physical Appearances==
Bossa, the male, has a green stem on top of his head. He wears brown pants, his pink cheeks, and a big nose.
Nova, the female, has an orange dress and a pink flower on top of her head. She is depicted to be happy, with an open mouth and pink cheeks too.
[[Bossa Nova]] doesn't have a letter as a perfect reward, but it does have an endless game with a built-in story.  The full story can be read on the article for [[Bossa Nova]], but it can be summarized as follows:
Bossa and Nova lived in a split-level cave in a trendy part of Big Field with Fruit Trees. They are a charming, witty, urbane couple who are adored by their neighbors. Bossa's work, which involves promoting conch-shell performances, takes him all over Big Field, and he is loved by all the animals, especially the elderly ones who appreciate his old-world manners. Nova meanwhile does housework, like cleaning the rooms, doing the laundry, and tending to flowers<ref>"Nova travaille dur elle aussi. Tous les matins, elle se lève de bonne heure pour préparer le casse-croûte de Bossa. Lorsqu'il est parti aux champs, Nova fait le ménage dans les chambres et s'occupe de la lessive. Ensuite, elle s'accorde une courte pause, puis va arroser le parterre de fleurs situé devant l'entrée." (Nova works hard too. Every morning, she gets up early to prepare Bossa's snack. When he left for the fields, Nova cleaned the rooms and took care of the laundry. Then she gives herself a short break, then goes to water the flower bed located in front of the entrance.) ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (French)</ref>. They seem to pass their time by playing volleyball, although the ceiling in their cave was too low<ref>"C'est notre petit nid d'amour et d'altitude. Dire qu'avant, on vivait dans une cave... bien trop basse de plafond pour jouer au volley-ball ! Là, on a un terrain rien que pour nous dans la cour. C'est le rêve !" (It's our little nest of love and altitude. To think that before, we lived in a cave... much too low of ceiling to play volleyball! There, we have a ground just for us in the yard. It's the dream!) ~ [[Dream Home|Doux foyer]] (Sweet home), ''[[Rhythm Paradise Megamix]]'' (French)</ref>. If the player performs poorly in [[Bossa Nova]], the two are seen splitting apart.

Bossa and Nova are a charming couple that lives in a cave. Bossa works in the field outside, and all the animals love him. Nova is a well known local artist. 
Nova is a well-known artist, and her paintings can be seen in all the best nearby caves. One day, Bossa took a day off to help Nova move the largest painting she's ever done to a cave near Big Hole with Mastodon Skeleton in It. She was paid with a lot of shiny stones and flint tools by an art collector. Bossa and Nova worked together to move the painting and hang it on the wall. The art collector was afraid that it would clash with the other pieces in the room, so they commissioned Nova to make more paintings to replaces them. They considered having Bossa quit his job to become Nova's full-time agent<ref>"Bossa and Nova are one of those wonderful, charming, witty, urbane couples that their neighbors adore. They live in a split-level cave in the trendy part of Big Field with Fruit Trees. Bossa's work takes him all over Big Field, and the animals love him. He is especially popular among elderly animals, who appreciate his old-world manners. Nova is a well-known local artist whose paintings adorn all the best nearby caves. On this particular day, Bossa is taking a day off to help Nova move the largest painting she has ever done. It's going to a cave near Big Hole with Mastodon Skeleton in It. An art collector has already paid Nova quite a few shiny stones and flint tools for it. Working together, the two of them move the large painting into the cave and hang it on the wall. Then they step back and admire Nova's work in its new home. "It definitely makes the cave come alive," says the art collector, "but I'm afraid it just won't do. It clashes with the other pieces. Unless... I can commission some more of your work to replace them?" Bossa and Nova grin. It may be time for Bossa to quit his job promoting conch-shell performances and become Nova's full-time agent...  THE END" ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Fever]]''</ref>.

Bossa has to take the day off to help Nova move the largest painting she's ever made to the cave of an art collector. Once they hang it on the wall, the art collector states that it brings the cave to life, but it clashes with the other paintings. The art collector asks if they can commission more of their work to replace the paintings.
Bossa is known to get up early to tend to his garden, and his vegetables are said to be the best in the land. They are also full of vitamins, which is ideal for the elders' withered bodies<ref>"Los ancianos dicen que las verduras que cultiva Bossa con gran amor y dedicación en su huerto son una verdadera delicia. Además, están repletas de vitaminas, que son ideales para sus ajados cuerpos." (The elders say that the vegetables that Bossa grows with great love and dedication in his garden are a real delicacy. Plus, they're packed with vitamins, which are great for their withered bodies.) ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (Spanish)</ref>. Nova makes his lunch every day before he sets off to work. On one particular day, as Bossa took a break by a big tree to eat his lunch, the smell attracted some young bears. He shared his lunch with them, and then took an afternoon nap in the sun. He then visited the old animals in the forest to check on them, and gave them his delicious vegetables and Nova's bread. He called out to the old owl {{Nihongo|Nonna Gufo|Nonna Gufo|Granny Owl}}<ref>"Bossa ringrazia Nonna Gufo, che gli ha consegnato una scatola con un regalo speciale fatto apposta per lui e torna a casa." (Bossa thanks Nonna Gufo, who gave him a box with a special gift made especially for him and returns home.) ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (Italian)</ref> who had a special box set aside for him. He thanked her and went home. Nova meanwhile was doing her chores and had gone out shopping after lunch. She first went to the watchmaker as her [[Monkey Watch]] was worn out, and the [[Small Monkeys]] had to be changed. Due to this, they were late to one of [[The Clappy Trio (characters)|the Clappy Trio]]'s shows the other day<ref name="spanish">"Como hoy hace un día estupendo, coge una fina rebeca y un cuco sombrero de paja para salir. Primero se pasa por el relojero para que le eche un vistazo a su Monorreloj que últimamente no hace más que atrasar. Por su culpa, el otro día Bossa y Nova llegaron tarde al espectáculo del Trío saleroso." (As today is a wonderful day, she takes a fine cardigan and a cuckoo straw hat to go out. She first goes to the watchmaker to have him take a look at her Monkey watch, which lately has been running late. Because of that, the other day Bossa and Nova were late for the Clappy Trio show.) ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (Spanish)</ref>. She bought a rainbow-colored candle that Bossa asked for, then returned home and made pizza for dinner, which is Bossa's favorite. She of course used Bossa's vegetables. When Bossa returned home, he was greeted with the romantic atmosphere and Nova giving him a kiss. Bossa then opened the special box revealing a cake. It turned out it was Nova's birthday<ref>"Bossa and Nova lived in a house in a giant tree. Bossa got up early to tend to his garden. Bossa's vegetables were the best in all the land. Nova made Bossa's lunch every day before he set off. When Bossa had left, she did her chores and put some flowers in a vase. Bossa took a break by a big tree. He ate lunch and tried to decide what shapes the clouds made in the sky. He shared his food with some young bears that were drawn by the smell of Nova's delicious food. After lunch, Bossa took a nap in the afternoon sun. Nova went out shopping after lunch. Recently, her Monkey Watch had worn out so she went to get the monkeys changed. Then she bought a rainbow-coloured candle that Bossa wanted. Bossa visited the forest's old animals to make sure they were ok. He gave them his delicious veg and Nova's bread. Bossa's visits always made them happy. Nova returned from the shops and made dinner. She made Bossa's favourite food, pizza. Of course, she used Bossa's vegetables. Bossa finally called in to see the old owl who had a special box for him. He thanked her and went home. Nova set the table, dimmed the lights and finished the pizza. Bossa returned to this wonderful sight. Nova gave him a kiss. Bossa put the box on the table and took out a cake. He then took the special candle and placed it on the top. As they gazed into each other's eyes, Bossa said, Happy Birthday!" ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (English)</ref>.

A different story was told in the European version.
At some point, Bossa and Nova moved out to a new house in a giant tree. They like it better because it is warmer than their old cave, has a beautiful night view, and it has a volleyball court in the yard. They have expressed a desire to have children<ref>"カノジョが「やけいが、きれいなところに住みたい」っていうから、とってもみはらしのいい、太くて大きな木のいっとうちに、マイホームを作ったよ。ここに2人でいっしょにくらすんだ。こどももほしいな。君も今度、あそびにおいで。" (My girlfriend said she wanted to live in a place with a beautiful night view, so made our home in a big, thick tree with a beautiful view. We're living here together. We also want to have children. You should come visit us sometime.) ~ [[Dream Home|マイホーム]] (My Home), ''[[Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+]]''</ref>. Their only complaint is that the neighborhood has a few loud mastodons<ref>"I'm glad we moved here from the cave. It's warmer, and there's a volleyball court in the yard. The neighborhood has a few loud mastodons, but no place is perfect." ~ [[Dream Home]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
Bossa and Nova begin considering having Bossa work as a full-time agent for Nova.
[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]'s [[Rhythm Item|rhythm item]] for [[Bossa Nova]] reveals that they eventually moved into their dream home from their cave. Although it's warmer and it has a volleyball field, the neighbor apparently has a few loud mastodons.
Bossa and Nova train the player to switch quickly to different rhythms.
*[[File:Bossa Nova icon.png|30px]] [[Bossa Nova]]
*[[File:Game 3DS rvlReceive L.png|44px|link=Bossa Nova]] [[Bossa Nova]]
*[[File:Remix 6 Wii icon.png|30px]] [[Remix 6 (Wii)|Remix 6]]
*[[File:Game Wii 6-5.png|44px|link=Remix 6 (Wii)|Remix 6]] [[Remix 6 (Wii)|Remix 6]]
*[[File:Remix 10 wii icon.png|30px]] [[Remix 10 (Wii)|Remix 10]]
*[[File:Game Wii 10-5.png|44px|link=Remix 10 (Wii)|Remix 10]] [[Remix 10 (Wii)|Remix 10]]
*[[File:Bossa Nova 3DS icon.png|30px]] [[Bossa Nova|Bossa Nova (Megamix)]]
*[[File:Game Wii PE-5.gif|44px|link=Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]] [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]]
Bossa volley.png
Artwork 3DS Bossa Nova.png|Artwork from ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''
*While Bossa and Nova are seen wearing very little clothing during the game, it is stated Bossa wears a coat and shoes while working in the garden<ref>"À ce moment précis, la porte s'ouvre doucement. C'est Bossa qui rentre des champs. Nova se lance sur lui et l'accueille en l'embrassant tendrement sur la joue. Bossa enlève son manteau et l'accroche à côté de la porte d'entrée. Il se déchausse, puis dirige ensuite ses pas vers la table pour y déposer un gâteau appétissant." (At this precise moment, the door opens slowly. It is Bossa who returns from the fields. Nova throws herself at him and welcomes him by kissing him tenderly on the cheek. Bossa takes off his coat and hangs it next to the front door. He takes off his shoes, then directs his steps towards the table to place an appetizing cake on it.) ~ Dialogue in [[Bossa Nova#Endless Game|Bossa Nova]], ''[[Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise]]'' (French)</ref>, and that Nova wears a cardigan and cuckoo straw hat when going out<ref name="spanish"/>.
==In Other Languages==
==In Other Languages==
{| style="border-collapse:collapse" width="55%" border="1"
|- bgcolor="#fff7f7"
|mnjp=Bossa<br>Nova<br>Pun on [[wikipedia:Bossa nova|Bossa nova]], brazilian musical genre
|- align="center"
|{{FR}} French
|Bossa et Nova
[[Category:Rhythm Heaven Fever Characters]]
[[Category:Rhythm Heaven Megamix Characters]]
[[Category:Rhythm Heaven Fever]]
[[Category:Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]

Latest revision as of 00:25, 1 August 2023

This page is about the characters named Bossa and Nova. "I suppose" you may be looking for the game they appear in?
Bossa and Nova
Artwork 3DS Bossa Nova.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Appears in

Bossa (ボッサ?, Bossa) and Nova (ノヴァ?, Nova) are two primitive people who appear in Bossa Nova in Rhythm Heaven Fever and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.


Bossa and Nova lived in a split-level cave in a trendy part of Big Field with Fruit Trees. They are a charming, witty, urbane couple who are adored by their neighbors. Bossa's work, which involves promoting conch-shell performances, takes him all over Big Field, and he is loved by all the animals, especially the elderly ones who appreciate his old-world manners. Nova meanwhile does housework, like cleaning the rooms, doing the laundry, and tending to flowers[1]. They seem to pass their time by playing volleyball, although the ceiling in their cave was too low[2]. If the player performs poorly in Bossa Nova, the two are seen splitting apart.

Nova is a well-known artist, and her paintings can be seen in all the best nearby caves. One day, Bossa took a day off to help Nova move the largest painting she's ever done to a cave near Big Hole with Mastodon Skeleton in It. She was paid with a lot of shiny stones and flint tools by an art collector. Bossa and Nova worked together to move the painting and hang it on the wall. The art collector was afraid that it would clash with the other pieces in the room, so they commissioned Nova to make more paintings to replaces them. They considered having Bossa quit his job to become Nova's full-time agent[3].

Bossa is known to get up early to tend to his garden, and his vegetables are said to be the best in the land. They are also full of vitamins, which is ideal for the elders' withered bodies[4]. Nova makes his lunch every day before he sets off to work. On one particular day, as Bossa took a break by a big tree to eat his lunch, the smell attracted some young bears. He shared his lunch with them, and then took an afternoon nap in the sun. He then visited the old animals in the forest to check on them, and gave them his delicious vegetables and Nova's bread. He called out to the old owl Nonna Gufo (Nonna Gufo?, Granny Owl)[5] who had a special box set aside for him. He thanked her and went home. Nova meanwhile was doing her chores and had gone out shopping after lunch. She first went to the watchmaker as her Monkey Watch was worn out, and the Small Monkeys had to be changed. Due to this, they were late to one of the Clappy Trio's shows the other day[6]. She bought a rainbow-colored candle that Bossa asked for, then returned home and made pizza for dinner, which is Bossa's favorite. She of course used Bossa's vegetables. When Bossa returned home, he was greeted with the romantic atmosphere and Nova giving him a kiss. Bossa then opened the special box revealing a cake. It turned out it was Nova's birthday[7].

At some point, Bossa and Nova moved out to a new house in a giant tree. They like it better because it is warmer than their old cave, has a beautiful night view, and it has a volleyball court in the yard. They have expressed a desire to have children[8]. Their only complaint is that the neighborhood has a few loud mastodons[9].




  • While Bossa and Nova are seen wearing very little clothing during the game, it is stated Bossa wears a coat and shoes while working in the garden[10], and that Nova wears a cardigan and cuckoo straw hat when going out[6].

In Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ボッサ
Pun on Bossa nova, brazilian musical genre
Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA Bossa
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE Bossa
Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Bossa
Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Bossa
Flag of Germany.svg German Bossa
Flag of Italy.svg Italian Bossa
Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 보사


  1. "Nova travaille dur elle aussi. Tous les matins, elle se lève de bonne heure pour préparer le casse-croûte de Bossa. Lorsqu'il est parti aux champs, Nova fait le ménage dans les chambres et s'occupe de la lessive. Ensuite, elle s'accorde une courte pause, puis va arroser le parterre de fleurs situé devant l'entrée." (Nova works hard too. Every morning, she gets up early to prepare Bossa's snack. When he left for the fields, Nova cleaned the rooms and took care of the laundry. Then she gives herself a short break, then goes to water the flower bed located in front of the entrance.) ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)
  2. "C'est notre petit nid d'amour et d'altitude. Dire qu'avant, on vivait dans une cave... bien trop basse de plafond pour jouer au volley-ball ! Là, on a un terrain rien que pour nous dans la cour. C'est le rêve !" (It's our little nest of love and altitude. To think that before, we lived in a cave... much too low of ceiling to play volleyball! There, we have a ground just for us in the yard. It's the dream!) ~ Doux foyer (Sweet home), Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
  3. "Bossa and Nova are one of those wonderful, charming, witty, urbane couples that their neighbors adore. They live in a split-level cave in the trendy part of Big Field with Fruit Trees. Bossa's work takes him all over Big Field, and the animals love him. He is especially popular among elderly animals, who appreciate his old-world manners. Nova is a well-known local artist whose paintings adorn all the best nearby caves. On this particular day, Bossa is taking a day off to help Nova move the largest painting she has ever done. It's going to a cave near Big Hole with Mastodon Skeleton in It. An art collector has already paid Nova quite a few shiny stones and flint tools for it. Working together, the two of them move the large painting into the cave and hang it on the wall. Then they step back and admire Nova's work in its new home. "It definitely makes the cave come alive," says the art collector, "but I'm afraid it just won't do. It clashes with the other pieces. Unless... I can commission some more of your work to replace them?" Bossa and Nova grin. It may be time for Bossa to quit his job promoting conch-shell performances and become Nova's full-time agent... THE END" ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  4. "Los ancianos dicen que las verduras que cultiva Bossa con gran amor y dedicación en su huerto son una verdadera delicia. Además, están repletas de vitaminas, que son ideales para sus ajados cuerpos." (The elders say that the vegetables that Bossa grows with great love and dedication in his garden are a real delicacy. Plus, they're packed with vitamins, which are great for their withered bodies.) ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Spanish)
  5. "Bossa ringrazia Nonna Gufo, che gli ha consegnato una scatola con un regalo speciale fatto apposta per lui e torna a casa." (Bossa thanks Nonna Gufo, who gave him a box with a special gift made especially for him and returns home.) ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Italian)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Como hoy hace un día estupendo, coge una fina rebeca y un cuco sombrero de paja para salir. Primero se pasa por el relojero para que le eche un vistazo a su Monorreloj que últimamente no hace más que atrasar. Por su culpa, el otro día Bossa y Nova llegaron tarde al espectáculo del Trío saleroso." (As today is a wonderful day, she takes a fine cardigan and a cuckoo straw hat to go out. She first goes to the watchmaker to have him take a look at her Monkey watch, which lately has been running late. Because of that, the other day Bossa and Nova were late for the Clappy Trio show.) ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Spanish)
  7. "Bossa and Nova lived in a house in a giant tree. Bossa got up early to tend to his garden. Bossa's vegetables were the best in all the land. Nova made Bossa's lunch every day before he set off. When Bossa had left, she did her chores and put some flowers in a vase. Bossa took a break by a big tree. He ate lunch and tried to decide what shapes the clouds made in the sky. He shared his food with some young bears that were drawn by the smell of Nova's delicious food. After lunch, Bossa took a nap in the afternoon sun. Nova went out shopping after lunch. Recently, her Monkey Watch had worn out so she went to get the monkeys changed. Then she bought a rainbow-coloured candle that Bossa wanted. Bossa visited the forest's old animals to make sure they were ok. He gave them his delicious veg and Nova's bread. Bossa's visits always made them happy. Nova returned from the shops and made dinner. She made Bossa's favourite food, pizza. Of course, she used Bossa's vegetables. Bossa finally called in to see the old owl who had a special box for him. He thanked her and went home. Nova set the table, dimmed the lights and finished the pizza. Bossa returned to this wonderful sight. Nova gave him a kiss. Bossa put the box on the table and took out a cake. He then took the special candle and placed it on the top. As they gazed into each other's eyes, Bossa said, Happy Birthday!" ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)
  8. "カノジョが「やけいが、きれいなところに住みたい」っていうから、とってもみはらしのいい、太くて大きな木のいっとうちに、マイホームを作ったよ。ここに2人でいっしょにくらすんだ。こどももほしいな。君も今度、あそびにおいで。" (My girlfriend said she wanted to live in a place with a beautiful night view, so made our home in a big, thick tree with a beautiful view. We're living here together. We also want to have children. You should come visit us sometime.) ~ マイホーム (My Home), Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+
  9. "I'm glad we moved here from the cave. It's warmer, and there's a volleyball court in the yard. The neighborhood has a few loud mastodons, but no place is perfect." ~ Dream Home, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
  10. "À ce moment précis, la porte s'ouvre doucement. C'est Bossa qui rentre des champs. Nova se lance sur lui et l'accueille en l'embrassant tendrement sur la joue. Bossa enlève son manteau et l'accroche à côté de la porte d'entrée. Il se déchausse, puis dirige ensuite ses pas vers la table pour y déposer un gâteau appétissant." (At this precise moment, the door opens slowly. It is Bossa who returns from the fields. Nova throws herself at him and welcomes him by kissing him tenderly on the cheek. Bossa takes off his coat and hangs it next to the front door. He takes off his shoes, then directs his steps towards the table to place an appetizing cake on it.) ~ Dialogue in Bossa Nova, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)