Monkey Watch: Difference between revisions

(Removed the following from Trivia, as it was false information: "When the camera is zoomed out, missing even one monkey causes the watch to shake and result in a "Just OK".")
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* In the Megamix version, the particles that come out when the monkeys high-five are stars instead of smack symbols. Due to this, the offbeat monkey’s particles no longer fall off-screen. The hot air balloon no longer covers up the offbeat monkeys either.
* In the Megamix version, the particles that come out when the monkeys high-five are stars instead of smack symbols. Due to this, the offbeat monkey’s particles no longer fall off-screen. The hot air balloon no longer covers up the offbeat monkeys either.
* There’s an unused sprite of a pink version of the player’s monkey. However, it only has a single recolored sprite of the normal yellow monkey’s head.
* There’s an unused sprite of a pink version of the player’s monkey. However, it only has a single recolored sprite of the normal yellow monkey’s head.
* The hardest level in the game
