The Frogettes

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The Frogettes (ケロケロ合唱団?, Kerokero Gasshō-dan) are a dance group of frogs, led by The Bandleader (ボーカル?, Vocal), also known as The Sax Player (サクソフォン?, Saxophone), in Frog Hop and Jumpin' Jazz in Rhythm Heaven and Rhythm Heaven Megamix. Their signature song is Young Love Rock 'n' Roll.

The Frogettes
Artwork DS Frog Hop.png
Artwork from Rhythm Heaven
Appears in
  • Flag of Japan.svg Voice: Ochama (The Bandleader)[1]
    Masami Yone (The Frogettes)[2]
  • English language.svg Voice: Brad Holmes, Ochama* (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg Voice: Dominique Chagnon (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Flag of Germany.svg Voice: Benjamin Franklin (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Flag of Italy.svg Voice: Luca Ceccatelli (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Flag of Spain.svg Voice: Iker Alvarez (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Flag of South Korea.svg Voice: Unknown (The Bandleader)
    Unknown (The Frogettes)
  • Story

    The Frogettes all shake their hips to dance. The Bandleader can sing and play the saxophone. Dancing, singing, and playing instruments is how the frog family makes its money[3]. As the Bandleader sings, the lady Dancer next to him gives instructions to the Backup Dancers who are the real focus of the performance.

    The Bandleader's saxophone was lent to him by someone[4], and he accidentally dropped it into a pond[5].

    The Bandleader introduces the player to Rhythm Heaven, telling the player about flicking (using a Frogette-esque doll to practice on) and congratulating them for clearing Remix 6. The Frogettes are known to have participated in the Battle of the Bands. In Remix 7 in Rhythm Heaven Fever, a Frogette image can be seen in Cheer Readers. The Frogettes also appear in Munchy Monk in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where they can occasionally be seen out the window. A single Frogette can be seen in Rhythm Tengoku Gold Comic in 01 リズムにのってはじくの巻き (Flicking to the Rhythm by Maki), playing the game alongside a girl and Note. He is having trouble with flicking, prompting the girl to give him some advice. After trying it out, he flicks successfully and is happy about it. In 09 にぎやかでおだやかな夜の巻き (A lively and peaceful night by Maki), a Frogette can be seen dancing at a club.




    • The voice clips for The Frogettes are shared across all five frogs at different pitches, with the female frog being pitched up significantly higher.

    In Other Languages

    Language Name Meaning
    Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ケロケロ合唱団 Ribbit Ribbit Chorus
    Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA The Frogettes
    Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE The Frogettes
    Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Les rainettes The tree frogs
    Flag of Spain.svg Spanish Las Ranettes The Frogettes
    Flag of Germany.svg German Cabaret „Qua Qua“ Cabaret "Ribbit Ribbit"
    Flag of Italy.svg Italian Ranockiette Frockettes [pun on "ranocchiette" (little frogs) + "rock"]
    Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 개굴개굴 합창단 Ribbit Ribbit Choir
    Language Name Meaning
    Flag of Japan.svg Japanese ボーカル
    Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA The Bandleader
    The Sax Player
    Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE The Bandleader
    The Sax Player
    Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Chef
    Flag of Spain.svg Spanish La coreógrafa
    El saxofonista
    The choreographer
    The saxophonist
    Flag of Germany.svg German Der Blaufrosch
    Die Vortänzerin
    Der Saxophonist
    The Blue Frog
    The Lead Dancer
    The Saxophonist
    Flag of Italy.svg Italian Il cantante
    Il sassofonista
    The singer
    The saxophonist
    Flag of South Korea.svg Korean 보컬


    1. "「明るいロケンロー」を歌ってるのは、実はつんく♂です。" (The person singing "Young Love Rock 'n' Roll" is actually Tsunku♂-san.) ~ Oguro, Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu STAFF'S VOICE
    2. "メスガエルが「ハッハアーイ」と言ってますけど、実は僕の声です(笑)。音程を変えただけで、メスガエルの声になるんですね。" (The female frog says "Hah haaai", but it's actually my voice (laughs). Just by changing the pitch, it becomes the voice of a female frog.) ~ Masami Yone, Rhythm Tengoku Zen Kyoku-shu STAFF'S VOICE
    3. "When we grow up, we'll put on the colorful tights and practice singing, dancing, and playing instruments." "What? For real? Why?" "Because that's how our family makes its money." "Seriously?" ~ Microphone, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
    4. "Dis... Euh... Je voulais savoir... Le saxophone que tu m'as prêté, là... Il est étanche ? Genre... S'il tombe dans un étang plein de vase par exemple... Il est fichu ou pas ? Pourquoi je demande ça ? Oh... Pour rien, juste comme ça..." ("Say... Uh... I wanted to know... The saxophone you lent me, well... Is it waterproof? Like... If it falls into a pond full of silt for example... Is it ruined or not? Why am I asking? Oh... no reason, just asking...") ~ Saxophone, Rhythm Paradise Megamix (French)
    5. "Hey, do you happen to know, just, hypothetically, if a sax is ruined by being dropped in a pond? No reason." ~ Saxophone, Rhythm Heaven Megamix