Robots (Screwbot Factory)

Robots are characters in Screwbot Factory and Sweaty Fat Fucks.

They appear as very generic robots, with huge screws as heads.

They only have two names, Lucky and Riku. Riku has a shorter head, while Lucky has a longer one.


Lucky and Riku made an appearance in Street Fighter X Tekken as playable fighters. Lucky's Normal Moves are Slam, Screw Smash and Flying Kick. His Super Combo is Factory Fling and his Ultra Combos are Screw Hadoken and Screw Shoryuken. Riku's Normal Moves are Screw Shot, Screw Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Dash Punch. Her Super Combo is Screw Shinryuken and her Ultra Combos are Screw Raging Smash and Screw Raging Punch.