Honeybee Remix

Revision as of 19:45, 14 July 2015 by Matthew.sibley.3388 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 14845 by Matthew.sibley.3388 (talk))

Template:Minigame infobox

The Bee Remix (Also known as Remix 4) is the fourth remix to appear in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+. It has a Bee theme, basing the minigames off of Bees.

List of Games/Changes

This minigame themes all of the minigames based on the Bees. For Karate Man, Karate Joe wears a bee hat and a bee tail. For Fillbots, the robots are designed to look like bees, and are filled with honey. Air Rally has the Baxter and Forthington dressed up as bees, inside of bee planes. Stair Catch has the two characters wearing bee hats, catching jars of honey (although they do catch oranges as normal.)


  • Note that "Return of" implies the original variations of the minigames. Return of Fillbots is identical to Fillbots on DS. The version just referred to as "Fillbots" in Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ is a new variation on the song.
  • At the end of the song, Karate Joe begins to think about pancakes. The player can actually punch the thought away if A is pressed while Karate Joe thinks.